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DHARAMSHALA, February 27: The International Campaign for Tibet has urged China to release all Tibetan prisoners who have been detained for religious beliefs or practices, or peaceful expression of views in a report it published on it website.
The new report by the Washington D. C based pioneer Tibet organization documents a pattern of torture and mistreatment by Chinese prison officials of Tibetans, including 14 of them who have died, as a consequence, between 2009 and 2014.
This report, “Torture and Impunity – 29 Cases of Tibetan Political Prisoners” details specific cases of the 14 Tibetans, from an educated Tibetan in his early forties to a Buddhist teacher, who died as a result of torture in custody as well as the 15 others who survived but are still suffering.
It also details the impact of imprisonment – whether extra-judicial, interrogation or a formal sentence – on the lives of Tibetan political prisoners released over the past two years whose ordeals have become known to the outside world, despite rigorous controls on information flow.
documentos editados en febrero 2015: 106
documentos editados durante 2015: 207
documentos editados desde 2008 a la fecha: 3.704
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