sábado, 30 de abril de 2022

Boosting Food Security and Education in Schools in Brazil | Inter Press Service

Boosting Food Security and Education in Schools in Brazil | Inter Press Service

‘This is not about Russia, this is about Multilateralism’ | Inter Press Service

‘This is not about Russia, this is about Multilateralism’ | Inter Press Service

Europe Sweeps Away More Refugees, Asylum Seekers – Part II: Hungary, Poland | Inter Press Service

Europe Sweeps Away More Refugees, Asylum Seekers – Part II: Hungary, Poland | Inter Press Service

Earth Day to Earth Disaster | Inter Press Service

Earth Day to Earth Disaster | Inter Press Service

The World Can Stop Capital Flight Now | Inter Press Service

The World Can Stop Capital Flight Now | Inter Press Service

Big Business Depletes Nature, Big Business Supplants Nature with Synthetic Food | Inter Press Service

Big Business Depletes Nature, Big Business Supplants Nature with Synthetic Food | Inter Press Service

Landmark UN Report Issues Stark call for Sustainable Land Management to Save Human Health | Inter Press Service

Landmark UN Report Issues Stark call for Sustainable Land Management to Save Human Health | Inter Press Service

Breaking Vicious Cycle of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation | Inter Press Service

Breaking Vicious Cycle of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation | Inter Press Service

World Press Freedom Faces a Perfect Storm | Inter Press Service

World Press Freedom Faces a Perfect Storm | Inter Press Service

Vladimir Putin y el Parkinson: ¿qué dicen los expertos médicos? | ACTUALIDAD | DW | 29.04.2022

Vladimir Putin y el Parkinson: ¿qué dicen los expertos médicos? | ACTUALIDAD | DW | 29.04.2022

Putin y su respuesta ″relámpago″: ¿peligro real o reacción a Ramstein? | Europa | DW | 29.04.2022

Putin y su respuesta ″relámpago″: ¿peligro real o reacción a Ramstein? | Europa | DW | 29.04.2022

Alemania demanda a Italia ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia por las indemnizaciones del nazismo | Europa | DW | 30.04.2022

Alemania demanda a Italia ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia por las indemnizaciones del nazismo | Europa | DW | 30.04.2022

Lavrov exhorta a la OTAN a dejar de armar a Ucrania | El Mundo | DW | 30.04.2022

Lavrov exhorta a la OTAN a dejar de armar a Ucrania | El Mundo | DW | 30.04.2022

EE.UU. comienza a entrenar a militares ucranianos en Alemania | El Mundo | DW | 30.04.2022

EE.UU. comienza a entrenar a militares ucranianos en Alemania | El Mundo | DW | 30.04.2022

¿Estamos preparados para la oleada de crisis de la deuda que se aproxima?

¿Estamos preparados para la oleada de crisis de la deuda que se aproxima?

La inflación, una amenaza creciente para los pobres y vulnerables de América Latina y el Caribe

La inflación, una amenaza creciente para los pobres y vulnerables de América Latina y el Caribe

La vía rápida hacia nuevas competencias

La vía rápida hacia nuevas competencias

Rápido, fácil de usar, pero eficaz: el nuevo sitio del Banco Mundial de datos sobre pobreza y desigualdad

Rápido, fácil de usar, pero eficaz: el nuevo sitio del Banco Mundial de datos sobre pobreza y desigualdad

Perspectivas de los mercados de productos básicos, edición de Abril 2022

Perspectivas de los mercados de productos básicos, edición de Abril 2022

viernes, 29 de abril de 2022

Asiático-estadounidenses crean grupos de defensa ante creciente xenofobia

Asiático-estadounidenses crean grupos de defensa ante creciente xenofobia

The history of extreme right-wing politics in France | Research News,The Indian Express

The history of extreme right-wing politics in France | Research News,The Indian Express

After two years, China permits stranded Indian students to return for studies | Education News,The Indian Express

After two years, China permits stranded Indian students to return for studies | Education News,The Indian Express

V N Rai writes: Instant justice is not the way of a civilised society

V N Rai writes: Instant justice is not the way of a civilised society

Madan Sabnavis writes: Managing the fiscal shock of the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Madan Sabnavis writes: Managing the fiscal shock of the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Shalu Agrawal and Karthik Ganesan write: How to shock-proof India’s power sector

Shalu Agrawal and Karthik Ganesan write: How to shock-proof India’s power sector

Upma Gautam and Priya Das write: Making room for the victim in the criminal justice system

Upma Gautam and Priya Das write: Making room for the victim in the criminal justice system

Why Cuban migration to the US is soaring

Why Cuban migration to the US is soaring

Explained: States vs Centre on fuel taxes | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: States vs Centre on fuel taxes | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why are foes Turkey and Saudi Arabia fixing ties? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why are foes Turkey and Saudi Arabia fixing ties? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why US needs a law to sell off oligarchs’ assets | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why US needs a law to sell off oligarchs’ assets | Explained News,The Indian Express

La economía de la eurozona se estanca en el primer trimestre | Economía | DW | 29.04.2022

La economía de la eurozona se estanca en el primer trimestre | Economía | DW | 29.04.2022

jueves, 28 de abril de 2022

Two Months after the Start of the War, Food Insecurity Continues to Grow | Inter Press Service

Two Months after the Start of the War, Food Insecurity Continues to Grow | Inter Press Service

Landmark UN Report Issues Stark call for Sustainable Land Management to Save Human Health | Inter Press Service

Landmark UN Report Issues Stark call for Sustainable Land Management to Save Human Health | Inter Press Service

With Violence on the Rise, Asian Americans Establish Support Groups for Help | Inter Press Service

With Violence on the Rise, Asian Americans Establish Support Groups for Help | Inter Press Service

Explained: Why China’s security pact with Solomon Islands has the US and others worried | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why China’s security pact with Solomon Islands has the US and others worried | Explained News,The Indian Express

Hitesh Jain writes: Atmanirbhar internet is about self-sufficiency, not protectionism

Hitesh Jain writes: Atmanirbhar internet is about self-sufficiency, not protectionism

Chapal Mehra writes: Work of Faiz shouldn’t be erased from syllabus

Chapal Mehra writes: Work of Faiz shouldn’t be erased from syllabus

Dharmakirti Joshi, Pankhuri Tandon write: Tackling the inflation hydra

Dharmakirti Joshi, Pankhuri Tandon write: Tackling the inflation hydra

Anju Gupta writes: How the Pakistan army lost the plot

Anju Gupta writes: How the Pakistan army lost the plot

Ameeta Mulla Wattal writes: The post-pandemic world needs better public schools

Ameeta Mulla Wattal writes: The post-pandemic world needs better public schools

Unemployed Indians: For a country in the midst of a demographic transition, this is the biggest challenge | The Indian Express

Unemployed Indians: For a country in the midst of a demographic transition, this is the biggest challenge | The Indian Express

Elon Musk’s Twitter: His buyout gives him outsize influence over public conversation | The Indian Express

Elon Musk’s Twitter: His buyout gives him outsize influence over public conversation | The Indian Express

Alemania cambia de estrategia militar pese al temor a lo que pueda hacer Putin | Alemania | DW | 28.04.2022

Alemania cambia de estrategia militar pese al temor a lo que pueda hacer Putin | Alemania | DW | 28.04.2022

″Campos de filtración″ rusos para habitantes del Donbás: más humillación en medio de la guerra | Europa | DW | 28.04.2022

″Campos de filtración″ rusos para habitantes del Donbás: más humillación en medio de la guerra | Europa | DW | 28.04.2022

Los drones están cambiando la guerra | Europa | DW | 27.04.2022

Los drones están cambiando la guerra | Europa | DW | 27.04.2022

Varsovia y Bupadest, separados por sus vínculos energéticos con Rusia | Economía | DW | 27.04.2022

Varsovia y Bupadest, separados por sus vínculos energéticos con Rusia | Economía | DW | 27.04.2022

El círculo vicioso de la inmigración centroamericana a EE. UU. | Las noticias y análisis más importantes en América Latina | DW | 28.04.2022

El círculo vicioso de la inmigración centroamericana a EE. UU. | Las noticias y análisis más importantes en América Latina | DW | 28.04.2022

La ONU advierte que la humanidad está atrapada en una ″espiral de autodestrucción″ | El Mundo | DW | 28.04.2022

La ONU advierte que la humanidad está atrapada en una ″espiral de autodestrucción″ | El Mundo | DW | 28.04.2022

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2022

C. Raja Mohan writes: India, Europe and the Russian complication

C. Raja Mohan writes: India, Europe and the Russian complication

Ayoade Alakija writes: Inequity has marred the fight against Covid-19. This must stop

Ayoade Alakija writes: Inequity has marred the fight against Covid-19. This must stop

Brijesh Singh writes: Common values, shared threats in India-Australia cyber security ties

Brijesh Singh writes: Common values, shared threats in India-Australia cyber security ties

PDS has had a spectacular run. That may not last | Harish Damodaran, Samridhi Agarwal write

PDS has had a spectacular run. That may not last | Harish Damodaran, Samridhi Agarwal write

Rajni Bakshi writes: In the midst of hate, let’s not be defeatist

Rajni Bakshi writes: In the midst of hate, let’s not be defeatist

Ishan Bakshi writes: On inflation, RBI has been behind the curve

Ishan Bakshi writes: On inflation, RBI has been behind the curve

Explained: What’s behind Russia’s natural gas cutoff? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What’s behind Russia’s natural gas cutoff? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Jaishankar ticks off Europe: Ukraine a wake-up call to look at problems in Asia | India News,The Indian Express

Jaishankar ticks off Europe: Ukraine a wake-up call to look at problems in Asia | India News,The Indian Express

Explained: What is the iRAD and what is the status of accidents in Chandigarh? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What is the iRAD and what is the status of accidents in Chandigarh? | Explained News,The Indian Express

domingo, 24 de abril de 2022


Durante varios días el blog LOS MARGINADOS no se actualizará... gracias por vuestra comprensión...

Coomi Kapoor writes: Congress Useful Fall Guy Prashant Kishor

Coomi Kapoor writes: Congress Useful Fall Guy Prashant Kishor

Tavleen Singh writes: Bulldozing to instill terror

Tavleen Singh writes: Bulldozing to instill terror

Kingshuk Chatterjee writes: Of traitors and Mir Jafars — and some uneasy truths

Kingshuk Chatterjee writes: Of traitors and Mir Jafars — and some uneasy truths

Explained: Can climate change be solved by pricing carbon? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Can climate change be solved by pricing carbon? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Counting death, poverty and taxes | The Indian Express

Counting death, poverty and taxes | The Indian Express

Al menos 21 periodistas han muerto en la guerra de Ucrania, según PEC | El Mundo | DW | 23.04.2022

Al menos 21 periodistas han muerto en la guerra de Ucrania, según PEC | El Mundo | DW | 23.04.2022

49 millones de franceses deciden entre Macron y Le Pen | Europa | DW | 24.04.2022

49 millones de franceses deciden entre Macron y Le Pen | Europa | DW | 24.04.2022

Africanos por Macron, africanos por Le Pen | Europa | DW | 23.04.2022

Africanos por Macron, africanos por Le Pen | Europa | DW | 23.04.2022

Zelenski denuncia campos de concentración rusos y deportaciones a Siberia | Europa | DW | 24.04.2022

Zelenski denuncia campos de concentración rusos y deportaciones a Siberia | Europa | DW | 24.04.2022

Drogas en América Latina: de la criminalización a un modelo de salud más humano | Inter Press Service

Drogas en América Latina: de la criminalización a un modelo de salud más humano

La FAO busca sostener a los agricultores de Ucrania | Inter Press Service

La FAO busca sostener a los agricultores de Ucrania

La economía mundial paga el precio de la guerra en Ucrania | Inter Press Service

La economía mundial paga el precio de la guerra en Ucrania

Iniciativa para socavar anacrónico poder de veto gana fuerza en la ONU | Inter Press Service

Iniciativa para socavar anacrónico poder de veto gana fuerza en la ONU

Tierras indígenas, cruciales pero invisibles para las metas climáticas | Inter Press Service

Tierras indígenas, cruciales pero invisibles para las metas climáticas

¿Podrían las biorregiones ser la respuesta a la destrucción de los Estados nación? | Inter Press Service

¿Podrían las biorregiones ser la respuesta a la destrucción de los Estados nación?

El camino al sueño europeo está inundado de extorsión y explotación | Inter Press Service

El camino al sueño europeo está inundado de extorsión y explotación

Convocatoria a proyectos de investigación ¿Qué Desafíos Enfrentan los Jóvenes en el Cono Sur?


Evento | El capital humano en una encrucijada: revertir las perdidas, recuperar nuestro futuro | Banco Mundial En Vivo

Evento | El capital humano en una encrucijada: revertir las perdidas, recuperar nuestro futuro | Banco Mundial En Vivo

Mantener un sistema de comercio abierto: Subsidios, geopolítica y cooperación internacional

Mantener un sistema de comercio abierto: Subsidios, geopolítica y cooperación internacional

Evento | En la primera línea para abordar la creciente fragilidad: Colaborar e innovar para tener impacto | Banco Mundial En Vivo

Evento | En la primera línea para abordar la creciente fragilidad: Colaborar e innovar para tener impacto | Banco Mundial En Vivo

Debate de mesa redonda ministerial sobre el apoyo a Ucrania

Debate de mesa redonda ministerial sobre el apoyo a Ucrania

Evento | Economías en transición, clima en transformación: financiamiento para la acción climática para lograr un futuro verde e inclusivo | Banco Mundial En Vivo

Evento | Economías en transición, clima en transformación: financiamiento para la acción climática para lograr un futuro verde e inclusivo | Banco Mundial En Vivo

Evento | La revolución digital: Promoción de un desarrollo inclusivo y resiliente | Banco Mundial En Vivo

Evento | La revolución digital: Promoción de un desarrollo inclusivo y resiliente | Banco Mundial En Vivo

Ayudar a los países a hacer frente a múltiples crisis

Ayudar a los países a hacer frente a múltiples crisis

Evento | Responder a las crisis mundiales

Evento | Responder a las crisis mundiales

sábado, 23 de abril de 2022

‘This is not about Russia, this is about Multilateralism’ | Inter Press Service

‘This is not about Russia, this is about Multilateralism’ | Inter Press Service

Sri Lankan Economic Crisis Inflicted by Self-Serving Elite | Inter Press Service

Sri Lankan Economic Crisis Inflicted by Self-Serving Elite | Inter Press Service

The Arrogance of Ignorance: War in Ukraine, Religion and Abiding Ethnocentrism | Inter Press Service

The Arrogance of Ignorance: War in Ukraine, Religion and Abiding Ethnocentrism | Inter Press Service

Migrants and Health Workers Play Complex ‘Game’ on Europe’s Fringes | Inter Press Service

Migrants and Health Workers Play Complex ‘Game’ on Europe’s Fringes | Inter Press Service

Europe Sweeps Away More Refugees, Asylum Seekers - Part I: UK, Greece | Inter Press Service

Europe Sweeps Away More Refugees, Asylum Seekers - Part I: UK, Greece | Inter Press Service

Experto militar: Rusia puede ejercer gran presión con un puente terrestre hacia Crimea | El Mundo | DW | 22.04.2022

Experto militar: Rusia puede ejercer gran presión con un puente terrestre hacia Crimea | El Mundo | DW | 22.04.2022

Israel cierra el cruce con Gaza tras disparos de cohetes | El Mundo | DW | 23.04.2022

Israel cierra el cruce con Gaza tras disparos de cohetes | El Mundo | DW | 23.04.2022

Ucrania intentará nuevamente evacuar a civiles de Mariúpol | Europa | DW | 23.04.2022

Ucrania intentará nuevamente evacuar a civiles de Mariúpol | Europa | DW | 23.04.2022

EE.UU. fija reunión en Alemania sobre seguridad de Ucrania | El Mundo | DW | 23.04.2022

EE.UU. fija reunión en Alemania sobre seguridad de Ucrania | El Mundo | DW | 23.04.2022

Ashutosh Varshney writes: Communal violence is not new to India. But something is different now

Ashutosh Varshney writes: Communal violence is not new to India. But something is different now

A South Korean researcher has gleaned insights from what other people throw away | The Indian Express

A South Korean researcher has gleaned insights from what other people throw away | The Indian Express

In unfolding era of strategic convergence, India and Britain are exploring shared possibilities, deepening engagement | The Indian Express

In unfolding era of strategic convergence, India and Britain are exploring shared possibilities, deepening engagement | The Indian Express

KP Shankaran writes: Why we should embrace Gandhian modernity

KP Shankaran writes: Why we should embrace Gandhian modernity

Suanmuanlian Tonsing and Sangmuan Hangsing write: Democratic space is slowly growing in Manipur

Suanmuanlian Tonsing and Sangmuan Hangsing write: Democratic space is slowly growing in Manipur

Tahir Mahmood writes: Fervour over Allahabad HC verdict on divorced Muslim women's rights is misplaced

Tahir Mahmood writes: Fervour over Allahabad HC verdict on divorced Muslim women's rights is misplaced

Letters to the Editor: Hindus against hate | The Indian Express

Letters to the Editor: Hindus against hate | The Indian Express

Presidential election in France: Marine Le Pen and the stakes for Europe | Explained News,The Indian Express

Presidential election in France: Marine Le Pen and the stakes for Europe | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why does the battle for Mariupol’s steel mill matter? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why does the battle for Mariupol’s steel mill matter? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Two Brits in Ukraine, one pro-Russia, the other pro-Ukraine, and a controversy | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Two Brits in Ukraine, one pro-Russia, the other pro-Ukraine, and a controversy | Explained News,The Indian Express

Modi has asked Putin several times what on earth he thinks he is doing: Boris Johnson | India News,The Indian Express

Modi has asked Putin several times what on earth he thinks he is doing: Boris Johnson | India News,The Indian Express

viernes, 22 de abril de 2022

¿Por qué el Donbás es tan importante para Rusia? | Europa | DW | 21.04.2022

¿Por qué el Donbás es tan importante para Rusia? | Europa | DW | 21.04.2022

″La guerra en Ucrania está entrando en una fase decisiva″ | Europa | DW | 21.04.2022

″La guerra en Ucrania está entrando en una fase decisiva″ | Europa | DW | 21.04.2022

Ucrania registra 7,7 millones de desplazados internos debido a la invasión rusa | Europa | DW | 21.04.2022

Ucrania registra 7,7 millones de desplazados internos debido a la invasión rusa | Europa | DW | 21.04.2022

Macron aboga porque Europa hable con Putin y avizore un alto el fuego | El Mundo | DW | 22.04.2022

Macron aboga porque Europa hable con Putin y avizore un alto el fuego | El Mundo | DW | 22.04.2022

Naciones Unidas ve “crecientes evidencias” de crímenes de guerra en Ucrania | El Mundo | DW | 22.04.2022

Naciones Unidas ve “crecientes evidencias” de crímenes de guerra en Ucrania | El Mundo | DW | 22.04.2022

Chronicle of a Tragedy Unfolded | Inter Press Service

Chronicle of a Tragedy Unfolded | Inter Press Service

A Move to Undermine the Anachronistic Veto Powers in the Security Council Gains Traction | Inter Press Service

A Move to Undermine the Anachronistic Veto Powers in the Security Council Gains Traction | Inter Press Service

Bhaskar Chakravorti writes: Why we should care about Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover bid

Bhaskar Chakravorti writes: Why we should care about Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover bid

Shashwat Alok, Aditya Kuvalekar, Rajeev Mantri and Prasanna Tantri write: Effective and Efficient: The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code

Shashwat Alok, Aditya Kuvalekar, Rajeev Mantri and Prasanna Tantri write: Effective and Efficient: The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code

Valson Thampu writes: St Stephen’s must not insist on admissions interviews

Valson Thampu writes: St Stephen’s must not insist on admissions interviews

Shahrukh Alam writes: There is a growing intolerance to difference

Shahrukh Alam writes: There is a growing intolerance to difference

The Urdu press must do more for liberal values | The Indian Express

The Urdu press must do more for liberal values | The Indian Express

Putin’s war on Ukraine hasn’t affected populism. These leaders and their tactics show why | Research News,The Indian Express

Putin’s war on Ukraine hasn’t affected populism. These leaders and their tactics show why | Research News,The Indian Express

Earth Day 2022 History, Significance and Theme: What is Earth Day?

Earth Day 2022 History, Significance and Theme: What is Earth Day?

jueves, 21 de abril de 2022

Alemania: el largo camino parar vivir sin el gas de Rusia | Europa | DW | 21.04.2022

Alemania: el largo camino parar vivir sin el gas de Rusia | Europa | DW | 21.04.2022

Criminality in Politics Does Not Bode Well for Democracy’s Future | Inter Press Service

Criminality in Politics Does Not Bode Well for Democracy’s Future | Inter Press Service

The Myth of Development by Privatisation | Inter Press Service

The Myth of Development by Privatisation | Inter Press Service

Migrants and Health Workers Play Complex ‘Game’ on Europe’s Fringes | Inter Press Service

Migrants and Health Workers Play Complex ‘Game’ on Europe’s Fringes | Inter Press Service

Road to European Dream Paved by Extortion and Exploitation | Inter Press Service

Road to European Dream Paved by Extortion and Exploitation | Inter Press Service

Putin claims victory in Mariupol, leaving Ukrainian defenders holed up | World News,The Indian Express

Putin claims victory in Mariupol, leaving Ukrainian defenders holed up | World News,The Indian Express

PB Mehta writes: With eyes wide open, we’re hurtling into an abyss

PB Mehta writes: With eyes wide open, we’re hurtling into an abyss

Devesh Roy and Neelkanth Mishra write: India's wheat opportunity

Devesh Roy and Neelkanth Mishra write: India's wheat opportunity

NK Singh writes: Freebies are a passport to fiscal disaster

NK Singh writes: Freebies are a passport to fiscal disaster

Balbir Punj writes: Face the facts on communal violence in India

Balbir Punj writes: Face the facts on communal violence in India

Explained: Who is buying Russian crude oil and who has stopped | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Who is buying Russian crude oil and who has stopped | Explained News,The Indian Express

Putin adds ‘Guards’ to title of military unit responsible for Bucha massacre: what this means  | Explained News,The Indian Express

Putin adds ‘Guards’ to title of military unit responsible for Bucha massacre: what this means  | Explained News,The Indian Express

What is Satan II, Sarmat?

What is Satan II, Sarmat?

Rusia anuncia que tomó el control de la ciudad ucraniana de Mariúpol | El Mundo | DW | 21.04.2022

Rusia anuncia que tomó el control de la ciudad ucraniana de Mariúpol | El Mundo | DW | 21.04.2022

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2022

Guru Prakash Paswan writes: Rejecting the 'behalfism' of the elites

Guru Prakash Paswan writes: Rejecting the 'behalfism' of the elites

Feroze Varun Gandhi writes: Why is there no debate in Parliament?

Feroze Varun Gandhi writes: Why is there no debate in Parliament?

Aditi Nayar writes: Making the most of greater fiscal space

Aditi Nayar writes: Making the most of greater fiscal space

Subimal Bhattacharjee writes: Towards a peaceful, stable Northeast

Subimal Bhattacharjee writes: Towards a peaceful, stable Northeast

Due process lies at heart of citizens’ rights, freedoms. A bulldozer ran over it in Delhi | The Indian Express

Due process lies at heart of citizens’ rights, freedoms. A bulldozer ran over it in Delhi | The Indian Express

Explained: Why Haryana farmers are unlikely to reap benefit of hike in wheat prices amid Ukraine crisis | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why Haryana farmers are unlikely to reap benefit of hike in wheat prices amid Ukraine crisis | Explained News,The Indian Express

How central and state governments procure wheat: the process, scale & share | Explained News,The Indian Express

How central and state governments procure wheat: the process, scale & share | Explained News,The Indian Express

Venezuela, una caja negra | Las noticias y análisis más importantes en América Latina | DW | 19.04.2022

Venezuela, una caja negra | Las noticias y análisis más importantes en América Latina | DW | 19.04.2022

Activistas son perseguidos en Rusia por oponerse a la guerra en Ucrania | Europa | DW | 19.04.2022

Activistas son perseguidos en Rusia por oponerse a la guerra en Ucrania | Europa | DW | 19.04.2022

Lituania ante la guerra en Ucrania: ″Podemos ser los siguientes″ | Europa | DW | 19.04.2022

Lituania ante la guerra en Ucrania: ″Podemos ser los siguientes″ | Europa | DW | 19.04.2022

Francia: la victoria de Marine Le Pen ″provocaría una crisis financiera internacional″ | Europa | DW | 20.04.2022

Francia: la victoria de Marine Le Pen ″provocaría una crisis financiera internacional″ | Europa | DW | 20.04.2022

Líder de la UE: “La historia no olvidará los crímenes de guerra” en Ucrania | El Mundo | DW | 20.04.2022

Líder de la UE: “La historia no olvidará los crímenes de guerra” en Ucrania | El Mundo | DW | 20.04.2022

martes, 19 de abril de 2022

Otros 263 millones de personas pueden caer en la miseria este año

Otros 263 millones de personas pueden caer en la miseria este año

In Jaffna waters, India sinks China bid, but an old net problem rises | World News,The Indian Express

In Jaffna waters, India sinks China bid, but an old net problem rises | World News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque has been a site of frequent clashes | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque has been a site of frequent clashes | Explained News,The Indian Express

Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates Today 19 Apr 2022: Ukraine Live News, Russia- Ukraine Today News, Russia Ukraine War News, Ukraine Crisis News, World War 3 News

Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates Today 19 Apr 2022: Ukraine Live News, Russia- Ukraine Today News, Russia Ukraine War News, Ukraine Crisis News, World War 3 News

A nonconformist Prime Minister | The Indian Express

A nonconformist Prime Minister | The Indian Express

C. Raja Mohan writes: A new shine to old ties

C. Raja Mohan writes: A new shine to old ties

Shashi Tharoor, E D Mathew write: UN failed to prevent Russia’s aggression. Yet, it can’t be written off

Shashi Tharoor, E D Mathew write: UN failed to prevent Russia’s aggression. Yet, it can’t be written off

C. Uday Bhaskar writes: Lessons from the sinking of the Moskva

C. Uday Bhaskar writes: Lessons from the sinking of the Moskva

Elon Musk’s attempt to control Twitter foregrounds questions of where threats to free speech come from, how to protect it | The Indian Express

Elon Musk’s attempt to control Twitter foregrounds questions of where threats to free speech come from, how to protect it | The Indian Express

Farzana Shaikh writes: What the Imran Khan episode has revealed

Farzana Shaikh writes: What the Imran Khan episode has revealed

Upholding the right to repair | G S Bajpai, Vershika Sharma, Mehak Bajpai write

Upholding the right to repair | G S Bajpai, Vershika Sharma, Mehak Bajpai write

Growing concern as wholesale inflation up to 14.55%, pressure on retail prices | Business News,The Indian Express

Growing concern as wholesale inflation up to 14.55%, pressure on retail prices | Business News,The Indian Express

lunes, 18 de abril de 2022

Mujeres negras, las más oprimidas y explotadas en Brasil

Mujeres negras, las más oprimidas y explotadas en Brasil

El hambre asedia a millones de desplazados en África oriental

El hambre asedia a millones de desplazados en África oriental

El ocaso de la Convención de Refugiados de 1951

El ocaso de la Convención de Refugiados de 1951

Las trampas de la deuda china como parte de la nueva guerra fría

Las trampas de la deuda china como parte de la nueva guerra fría

Guerra en Ucrania reduce el crecimiento del comercio mundial

Guerra en Ucrania reduce el crecimiento del comercio mundial

El PNUD alista un programa de auxilio para Ucrania

El PNUD alista un programa de auxilio para Ucrania

Macron y Le Pen vuelven a verse las caras ante un electorado cada vez más escorado a la derecha

Macron y Le Pen vuelven a verse las caras ante un electorado cada vez más escorado a la derecha

Crisis petrolera ofrece otra ventana al Sur y a la energía verde

Crisis petrolera ofrece otra ventana al Sur y a la energía verde

Las economías en desarrollo de Asia avanzan con viento a favor

Las economías en desarrollo de Asia avanzan con viento a favor

ONG: ejército ruso sacó por la fuerza a 150 niños de Mariúpol | El Mundo | DW | 18.04.2022

ONG: ejército ruso sacó por la fuerza a 150 niños de Mariúpol | El Mundo | DW | 18.04.2022

Cinco ″potentes″ misiles golpean Leópolis, en el oeste de Ucrania, dice alcalde | El Mundo | DW | 18.04.2022

Cinco ″potentes″ misiles golpean Leópolis, en el oeste de Ucrania, dice alcalde | El Mundo | DW | 18.04.2022

Prisioneros de guerra británicos piden ser intercambiados por amigo de Putin | El Mundo | DW | 18.04.2022

Prisioneros de guerra británicos piden ser intercambiados por amigo de Putin | El Mundo | DW | 18.04.2022

Turquía lanza nueva ofensiva contra rebeldes kurdos en Irak | El Mundo | DW | 18.04.2022

Turquía lanza nueva ofensiva contra rebeldes kurdos en Irak | El Mundo | DW | 18.04.2022

Irán advierte a Israel que atacará ante “el mínimo movimiento” | El Mundo | DW | 18.04.2022

Irán advierte a Israel que atacará ante “el mínimo movimiento” | El Mundo | DW | 18.04.2022

Confidentiality ring amendment could make antitrust disputes more opaque

Confidentiality ring amendment could make antitrust disputes more opaque

Raja Menon writes: A fatal friendship with Beijing

Raja Menon writes: A fatal friendship with Beijing

Peter Ronald deSouza writes: A win for constitutional values in Pakistan and Kenya

Peter Ronald deSouza writes: A win for constitutional values in Pakistan and Kenya

Faizan Mustafa, Utkarsh Leo write: It won’t be easy to bring Moscow to book over the Ukraine invasion

Faizan Mustafa, Utkarsh Leo write: It won’t be easy to bring Moscow to book over the Ukraine invasion

Explained: Inflation heats up but why it hasn’t singed political economy yet | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Inflation heats up but why it hasn’t singed political economy yet | Explained News,The Indian Express

domingo, 17 de abril de 2022

Human Capital at the Crossroads | 2022 Spring Meetings Live Event

Human Capital at the Crossroads | 2022 Spring Meetings Live Event

Preserving Open Trade: Subsidies, Geopolitics, and International Cooperation | 2022 Spring Meetings Live Event

Preserving Open Trade: Subsidies, Geopolitics, and International Cooperation | 2022 Spring Meetings Live Event

On the Frontlines of Rising Fragility | 2022 Spring Meetings Live Event

On the Frontlines of Rising Fragility | 2022 Spring Meetings Live Event

Financing Climate Action | 2022 Spring Meetings Live Event

Financing Climate Action | 2022 Spring Meetings Live Event

The Digital Revolution | 2022 Spring Meetings Live Event

The Digital Revolution | 2022 Spring Meetings Live Event

The Way Forward: Responding to Global Shocks and Managing Uncertainty | 2022 Spring Meetings Live Event

The Way Forward: Responding to Global Shocks and Managing Uncertainty | 2022 Spring Meetings Live Event

How is the war in Ukraine affecting food security?

How is the war in Ukraine affecting food security?

Russian Invasion to Shrink Ukraine Economy by 45 Percent This Year

Russian Invasion to Shrink Ukraine Economy by 45 Percent This Year

Addressing Challenges to Growth, Security and Stability - Scene-Setter Speech by World Bank Group President David Malpass

Addressing Challenges to Growth, Security and Stability - Scene-Setter Speech by World Bank Group President David Malpass

Joint Statement: The Heads of the World Bank Group, IMF, WFP, and WTO Call for Urgent Coordinated Action on Food Security

Joint Statement: The Heads of the World Bank Group, IMF, WFP, and WTO Call for Urgent Coordinated Action on Food Security

The 2022 World Bank Group Spring Meetings: Strengthening the case for globalism

The 2022 World Bank Group Spring Meetings: Strengthening the case for globalism

Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates Today 17 Apr 2022: Ukraine Live News, Russia- Ukraine Today News, Russia Ukraine War News, Ukraine Crisis News, World War 3 News

Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates Today 17 Apr 2022: Ukraine Live News, Russia- Ukraine Today News, Russia Ukraine War News, Ukraine Crisis News, World War 3 News

Explained: How France’s presidential election could impact Ukraine war | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: How France’s presidential election could impact Ukraine war | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What does designation as a ‘state sponsor of terrorism’ by the US mean? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What does designation as a ‘state sponsor of terrorism’ by the US mean? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Tavleen Singh writes: Bulldozing justice in Khargone

Tavleen Singh writes: Bulldozing justice in Khargone

P Chidambaram writes: Hate speech thrives and divides

P Chidambaram writes: Hate speech thrives and divides

Por qué la acción climática es la clave para la seguridad alemana | Política | DW | 17.04.2022

Por qué la acción climática es la clave para la seguridad alemana | Política | DW | 17.04.2022

sábado, 16 de abril de 2022

Muerte de soldados ucranianos en Mariúpol pondría fin a negociaciones con Rusia, advierte Zelenski | Europa | DW | 16.04.2022

Muerte de soldados ucranianos en Mariúpol pondría fin a negociaciones con Rusia, advierte Zelenski | Europa | DW | 16.04.2022

Fuerzas especiales británicas entrenan a tropas en Ucrania, según ″The Times″ | Europa | DW | 16.04.2022

Fuerzas especiales británicas entrenan a tropas en Ucrania, según ″The Times″ | Europa | DW | 16.04.2022

Explained: What does designation as a ‘state sponsor of terrorism’ by the US mean? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What does designation as a ‘state sponsor of terrorism’ by the US mean? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Harish K Puri writes: Ambedkar had warned about Indian democracy’s fragility. He must be heeded

Harish K Puri writes: Ambedkar had warned about Indian democracy’s fragility. He must be heeded

SY Quraishi writes: Hate speech is violent in itself and must be called out

SY Quraishi writes: Hate speech is violent in itself and must be called out

Md Zakaria Siddiqui, Lekshmi Prasad and Sabir Ahamed write: Data divide between state, citizens is bad for democracy

Md Zakaria Siddiqui, Lekshmi Prasad and Sabir Ahamed write: Data divide between state, citizens is bad for democracy

Abhinav Kumar writes: Why they love to hate 'The Kashmir Files'

Abhinav Kumar writes: Why they love to hate 'The Kashmir Files'

Rama Kant Agnihotri writes: Yet another exam that won’t solve the real problems

Rama Kant Agnihotri writes: Yet another exam that won’t solve the real problems

The long history of political instability in Pakistan | The Indian Express

The long history of political instability in Pakistan | The Indian Express

Sonia Gandhi writes: A virus rages among us

Sonia Gandhi writes: A virus rages among us

Antonio Guterres writes: All victims of the Russian invasion need help

Antonio Guterres writes: All victims of the Russian invasion need help

Explained: Why is the Black Sea crucial to Russia, and the loss of the ‘Moskva’ a significant blow | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why is the Black Sea crucial to Russia, and the loss of the ‘Moskva’ a significant blow | Explained News,The Indian Express

La Asamblea EuroLat, contra el hambre en Latinoamérica | Las noticias y análisis más importantes en América Latina | DW | 14.04.2022

La Asamblea EuroLat, contra el hambre en Latinoamérica | Las noticias y análisis más importantes en América Latina | DW | 14.04.2022

Cinco tácticas rusas similares en Ucrania y Siria | El Mundo | DW | 16.04.2022

Cinco tácticas rusas similares en Ucrania y Siria | El Mundo | DW | 16.04.2022

Rusia informa de ataques de alta precisión contra Kiev y Mykolaiv | Europa | DW | 16.04.2022

Rusia informa de ataques de alta precisión contra Kiev y Mykolaiv | Europa | DW | 16.04.2022

El Kremlin prohíbe la entrada a Boris Johnson y a otros 12 cargos británicos | Europa | DW | 16.04.2022

El Kremlin prohíbe la entrada a Boris Johnson y a otros 12 cargos británicos | Europa | DW | 16.04.2022

Rusia advierte a EE.UU. de ″consecuencias imprevisibles″ por ayuda militar a Ucrania | El Mundo | DW | 16.04.2022

Rusia advierte a EE.UU. de ″consecuencias imprevisibles″ por ayuda militar a Ucrania | El Mundo | DW | 16.04.2022

viernes, 15 de abril de 2022

Global Impact of Ukraine War on Food, Energy & Finance Systems | Inter Press Service

Global Impact of Ukraine War on Food, Energy & Finance Systems | Inter Press Service

Climate Risk Insurance in Pacific Small Island Developing States: Possibilities, Challenges and Vulnerabilities | Inter Press Service

Climate Risk Insurance in Pacific Small Island Developing States: Possibilities, Challenges and Vulnerabilities | Inter Press Service

Stop the War: Act for Justice, Climate & Peace | Inter Press Service

Stop the War: Act for Justice, Climate & Peace | Inter Press Service

War in Ukraine & Rise in Arms Spending Undermine Development Aid to the World’s Poor | Inter Press Service

War in Ukraine & Rise in Arms Spending Undermine Development Aid to the World’s Poor | Inter Press Service

Connecting the Dots for the Transforming Education Summit | Inter Press Service

Connecting the Dots for the Transforming Education Summit | Inter Press Service

Twilight for the 1951 Refugee Convention | Inter Press Service

Twilight for the 1951 Refugee Convention | Inter Press Service

China Debt Traps in the New Cold War | Inter Press Service

China Debt Traps in the New Cold War | Inter Press Service

US TV Networks Covered the War in Ukraine more than the US Invasion of Iraq | Inter Press Service

US TV Networks Covered the War in Ukraine more than the US Invasion of Iraq | Inter Press Service

Drugged Water: A New Global Pandemic Hiding in Plain Sight? | Inter Press Service

Drugged Water: A New Global Pandemic Hiding in Plain Sight? | Inter Press Service

Oil Crisis Offers Opportunities to the South and for the Green Energy Transition | Inter Press Service

Oil Crisis Offers Opportunities to the South and for the Green Energy Transition | Inter Press Service

ECW, Strategic Partners Bring Relief to Child Refugees Fleeing Ukrainian Conflict | Inter Press Service

ECW, Strategic Partners Bring Relief to Child Refugees Fleeing Ukrainian Conflict | Inter Press Service

¿Hará un robot tu trabajo? Científicos revelan cuáles profesiones corren más riesgo de ser reemplazadas | Ciencia y Ecología | DW | 14.04.2022

¿Hará un robot tu trabajo? Científicos revelan cuáles profesiones corren más riesgo de ser reemplazadas | Ciencia y Ecología | DW | 14.04.2022

La sombra del hambre y la inflación se cierne sobre el mundo | El Mundo | DW | 14.04.2022

La sombra del hambre y la inflación se cierne sobre el mundo | El Mundo | DW | 14.04.2022

″La guerra es completamente contraria al derecho internacional″ | El Mundo | DW | 15.04.2022

″La guerra es completamente contraria al derecho internacional″ | El Mundo | DW | 15.04.2022

Rusia bloquea página web de radio francesa RFI y página en ruso de Moscow Times | Europa | DW | 15.04.2022

Rusia bloquea página web de radio francesa RFI y página en ruso de Moscow Times | Europa | DW | 15.04.2022

Rusia aumentará ataques en Kiev en respuesta a cualquier acto ″terrorista″ | Europa | DW | 15.04.2022

Rusia aumentará ataques en Kiev en respuesta a cualquier acto ″terrorista″ | Europa | DW | 15.04.2022

Rusia advierte de las consecuencias si Suecia y Finlandia entran en la OTAN | Europa | DW | 15.04.2022

Rusia advierte de las consecuencias si Suecia y Finlandia entran en la OTAN | Europa | DW | 15.04.2022

jueves, 14 de abril de 2022

Rusia amenaza con despliegue nuclear si Suecia y Finlandia entran en la OTAN | El Mundo | DW | 14.04.2022

Rusia amenaza con despliegue nuclear si Suecia y Finlandia entran en la OTAN | El Mundo | DW | 14.04.2022

Putin quiere redirigir exportaciones rusas de energía hacia Asia | El Mundo | DW | 14.04.2022

Putin quiere redirigir exportaciones rusas de energía hacia Asia | El Mundo | DW | 14.04.2022

Rishabh Bhandari writes: How the Tories can survive their current crisis

Rishabh Bhandari writes: How the Tories can survive their current crisis

Rita Kothari writes: India is a nation without a national language. Let’s embrace this

Rita Kothari writes: India is a nation without a national language. Let’s embrace this

D Raja writes: Learning to fight majoritarianism from Ambedkar

D Raja writes: Learning to fight majoritarianism from Ambedkar

Decision to allow students to pursue two degrees is welcome | The Indian Express

Decision to allow students to pursue two degrees is welcome | The Indian Express

Sharp rise in inflation is likely to bring forward the RBI’s timelines for tightening of policy | The Indian Express

Sharp rise in inflation is likely to bring forward the RBI’s timelines for tightening of policy | The Indian Express

Explained: Industry concerns on TRAI 5G recommendations | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Industry concerns on TRAI 5G recommendations | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why US inflation is so high, and when it may ease | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why US inflation is so high, and when it may ease | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What is the Neptune cruise missile that severely damaged a Russian warship? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What is the Neptune cruise missile that severely damaged a Russian warship? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Who is Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar, designated as a ‘terrorist’ under UAPA? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Who is Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar, designated as a ‘terrorist’ under UAPA? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: How to prove genocide, the most serious war crime | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: How to prove genocide, the most serious war crime | Explained News,The Indian Express

India finally on board, but Trincomalee oil farm now waits for economy crisis to lift | World News,The Indian Express

India finally on board, but Trincomalee oil farm now waits for economy crisis to lift | World News,The Indian Express

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2022

China eroding security… dual use infra along India border to SCS: US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to Rajnath Singh | India News,The Indian Express

China eroding security… dual use infra along India border to SCS: US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to Rajnath Singh | India News,The Indian Express

Explained: Midday meal and supplements | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Midday meal and supplements | Explained News,The Indian Express

Big Tech’s privacy promise to consumers could be good news — and also bad news | Rajat Kathuria, Isha Suri write

Big Tech’s privacy promise to consumers could be good news — and also bad news | Rajat Kathuria, Isha Suri write

India-US differences on Europe cannot obscure convergence of interests in Indo-Pacific. Modi-Biden are right to build on latter | The Indian Express

India-US differences on Europe cannot obscure convergence of interests in Indo-Pacific. Modi-Biden are right to build on latter | The Indian Express

Anamika writes: With CUET will come more pressure, not less

Anamika writes: With CUET will come more pressure, not less

US study shows that when exposed to different perspectives in the media, people do listen to the other side | The Indian Express

US study shows that when exposed to different perspectives in the media, people do listen to the other side | The Indian Express

Binit Priyaranjan writes: No, Russian artists have not been 'cancelled'

Binit Priyaranjan writes: No, Russian artists have not been 'cancelled'

Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu writes: Rajapaksa faces his final reckoning

Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu writes: Rajapaksa faces his final reckoning

Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates Today 13 Apr 2022: Ukraine Live News, Zelenskyy, EU Candidate, Phosphorus bombs, Estonian Parliament, Russia- Ukraine Today News, Russia Ukraine War News: Peace talks with Ukraine are at dead end, says Putin

Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates Today 13 Apr 2022: Ukraine Live News, Zelenskyy, EU Candidate, Phosphorus bombs, Estonian Parliament, Russia- Ukraine Today News, Russia Ukraine War News: Peace talks with Ukraine are at dead end, says Putin

At 6.95%, inflation up to 17-month high; slight uptick in sluggish industry output | Business News,The Indian Express

At 6.95%, inflation up to 17-month high; slight uptick in sluggish industry output | Business News,The Indian Express

Cómo frenar una crisis alimentaria global por la guerra en Ucrania | El Mundo | DW | 12.04.2022

Cómo frenar una crisis alimentaria global por la guerra en Ucrania | El Mundo | DW | 12.04.2022

Inflación en EE. UU. alcanza nuevo récord impulsada por guerra en Ucrania | ACTUALIDAD | DW | 13.04.2022

Inflación en EE. UU. alcanza nuevo récord impulsada por guerra en Ucrania | ACTUALIDAD | DW | 13.04.2022

Alemania crecerá menos por la guerra y entrará en recesión sin el gas ruso | Alemania | DW | 13.04.2022

Alemania crecerá menos por la guerra y entrará en recesión sin el gas ruso | Alemania | DW | 13.04.2022

Finlandia reitera que decidirá sobre su ingreso en la OTAN en ″semanas″ | Europa | DW | 13.04.2022

Finlandia reitera que decidirá sobre su ingreso en la OTAN en ″semanas″ | Europa | DW | 13.04.2022

Sube a 191 número de niños muertos en Ucrania desde inicio de la invasión | Europa | DW | 13.04.2022

Sube a 191 número de niños muertos en Ucrania desde inicio de la invasión | Europa | DW | 13.04.2022

martes, 12 de abril de 2022

China Debt Traps in the New Cold War | Inter Press Service

China Debt Traps in the New Cold War | Inter Press Service

Why Africa is Divided Over the Russia-Ukraine War? | Inter Press Service

Why Africa is Divided Over the Russia-Ukraine War? | Inter Press Service

Tackling the Pandemic of Inequality in Asia and the Pacific | Inter Press Service

Tackling the Pandemic of Inequality in Asia and the Pacific | Inter Press Service

US TV Networks Covered the War in Ukraine more than the US Invasion of Iraq | Inter Press Service

US TV Networks Covered the War in Ukraine more than the US Invasion of Iraq | Inter Press Service

Traditional, Time-Tested Methods and a Modern App Helps Beat Climate Change | Inter Press Service

Traditional, Time-Tested Methods and a Modern App Helps Beat Climate Change | Inter Press Service

What is India's '2+2' format of dialogue?

What is India's '2+2' format of dialogue?

C. Raja Mohan writes: The wider impact of Pakistan’s internal crisis

C. Raja Mohan writes: The wider impact of Pakistan’s internal crisis

Union Home Minister’s Hindi push is unwise and unnecessary. India is one nation, with many languages | The Indian Express

Union Home Minister’s Hindi push is unwise and unnecessary. India is one nation, with many languages | The Indian Express

Himanshu writes: Poverty estimates are a shot in the dark

Himanshu writes: Poverty estimates are a shot in the dark

A greener, safer future for Indian cities

A greener, safer future for Indian cities

La mafia de la droga: la cocaína y los Países Bajos | Primer plano | DW | 11.04.2022

La mafia de la droga: la cocaína y los Países Bajos | Primer plano | DW | 11.04.2022

Los estragos de la guerra en Borodianka | El Mundo | DW | 11.04.2022

Los estragos de la guerra en Borodianka | El Mundo | DW | 11.04.2022

Inflación interanual alemana alcanzó en marzo el nivel más alto desde la reunificación | Economía | DW | 12.04.2022

Inflación interanual alemana alcanzó en marzo el nivel más alto desde la reunificación | Economía | DW | 12.04.2022

Separatistas prorrusos niegan haber usado armas químicas en Mariúpol | Europa | DW | 12.04.2022

Separatistas prorrusos niegan haber usado armas químicas en Mariúpol | Europa | DW | 12.04.2022

Ucrania cifra en 400 muertos el balance de víctimas civiles en Bucha | Europa | DW | 12.04.2022

Ucrania cifra en 400 muertos el balance de víctimas civiles en Bucha | Europa | DW | 12.04.2022

lunes, 11 de abril de 2022

Austeridad y desigualdad también castigan a África oriental

Austeridad y desigualdad también castigan a África oriental

Con retos por solventar, alimentación escolar se recupera en América Central

Con retos por solventar, alimentación escolar se recupera en América Central

¿Es real el dilema de Zelenski: Expulsar a Rusia o preparar el cierre de la ONU?

¿Es real el dilema de Zelenski: Expulsar a Rusia o preparar el cierre de la ONU?

Explained: The slide of democracy in Hungary, and what the EU is doing about it | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: The slide of democracy in Hungary, and what the EU is doing about it | Explained News,The Indian Express

Kesava Menon writes: A surprising aspect of Imran Khan’s ouster

Kesava Menon writes: A surprising aspect of Imran Khan’s ouster

Ajay Darshan Behera writes: The vision of a Naya Pakistan is in tatters

Ajay Darshan Behera writes: The vision of a Naya Pakistan is in tatters

Ruchi Gupta writes: Social media has a serious disinformation problem. But it can be fixed

Ruchi Gupta writes: Social media has a serious disinformation problem. But it can be fixed

Breaking down Sri Lanka food shortage: Items people are queuing up for, and why | World News,The Indian Express

Breaking down Sri Lanka food shortage: Items people are queuing up for, and why | World News,The Indian Express

Pakistan Crisis LIVE, 11 April 2022: Imran Khan, Shehbaz Sharif vs Shah Mahmood Qureshi News Updates Today, Pakistan’s Economic Crisis Live Updates, Pakistan News Live

Pakistan Crisis LIVE, 11 April 2022: Imran Khan, Shehbaz Sharif vs Shah Mahmood Qureshi News Updates Today, Pakistan’s Economic Crisis Live Updates, Pakistan News Live

Russian ex-foreign minister: Genuine diplomacy is not working in Ukraine | Conflict Zone - Confronting the Powerful | DW | 10.04.2022

Russian ex-foreign minister: Genuine diplomacy is not working in Ukraine | Conflict Zone - Confronting the Powerful | DW | 10.04.2022

Cómo afecta a la economía mundial el ataque de Rusia contra Ucrania | Todos los contenidos | DW | 10.04.2022

Cómo afecta a la economía mundial el ataque de Rusia contra Ucrania | Todos los contenidos | DW | 10.04.2022

Macron aventaja en más de 4 puntos a Le Pen con un 97 % del voto escrutado | Europa | DW | 11.04.2022

Macron aventaja en más de 4 puntos a Le Pen con un 97 % del voto escrutado | Europa | DW | 11.04.2022

EE.UU. prevé más “atrocidades” en Ucrania con nuevo general ruso | El Mundo | DW | 10.04.2022

EE.UU. prevé más “atrocidades” en Ucrania con nuevo general ruso | El Mundo | DW | 10.04.2022

Rusia mantiene sus ataques en Donetsk, Mariúpol y Járkov, según Ucrania | Europa | DW | 11.04.2022

Rusia mantiene sus ataques en Donetsk, Mariúpol y Járkov, según Ucrania | Europa | DW | 11.04.2022

Borrell afirma que las tropas rusas se preparan para nuevo ataque en Donbás | Europa | DW | 11.04.2022

Borrell afirma que las tropas rusas se preparan para nuevo ataque en Donbás | Europa | DW | 11.04.2022

domingo, 10 de abril de 2022

Coomi Kapoor writes: Inside Track — Virtual Meets

Coomi Kapoor writes: Inside Track — Virtual Meets

P Chidambaram writes: Dagger in the heart of liberty

P Chidambaram writes: Dagger in the heart of liberty

Tavleen Singh writes: Fanatics become fashionable

Tavleen Singh writes: Fanatics become fashionable

Vivek Katju writes: In India’s balancing act, echoes from the past

Vivek Katju writes: In India’s balancing act, echoes from the past

Sandip Roy writes: Wodehouse runs into Heavy Weather

Sandip Roy writes: Wodehouse runs into Heavy Weather

Worrying Insights from UN’s First-Ever Assessment of Water Security in Africa | Inter Press Service

Worrying Insights from UN’s First-Ever Assessment of Water Security in Africa | Inter Press Service

Wake-Up Call as Millions of Africa’s Children at Risk of Missing Out on Education – Report | Inter Press Service

Wake-Up Call as Millions of Africa’s Children at Risk of Missing Out on Education – Report | Inter Press Service

How a Massive Climate Project Can Help Win Peace for Ukraine - And Help African Job + Food Crises | Inter Press Service

How a Massive Climate Project Can Help Win Peace for Ukraine - And Help African Job + Food Crises | Inter Press Service

China’s Entry into the Muslim World | Inter Press Service

China’s Entry into the Muslim World | Inter Press Service

Bennett Is Siding with the Ruthless Killer Putin | Inter Press Service

Bennett Is Siding with the Ruthless Killer Putin | Inter Press Service

World Health Day - Climate Crisis Is Now the Single Biggest Health Threat Facing Humanity | Inter Press Service

World Health Day - Climate Crisis Is Now the Single Biggest Health Threat Facing Humanity | Inter Press Service

United Nations & its Leadership Challenged by an Existential Crisis | Inter Press Service

United Nations & its Leadership Challenged by an Existential Crisis | Inter Press Service

Ukrainian President’s Plea: Expel Russia or be Ready to Close Down the UN | Inter Press Service

Ukrainian President’s Plea: Expel Russia or be Ready to Close Down the UN | Inter Press Service

Bombardeos rusos han destruido 21 hospitales en Ucrania | Europa al día | DW | 09.04.2022

Bombardeos rusos han destruido 21 hospitales en Ucrania | Europa al día | DW | 09.04.2022

Israel comanda nueva operación y restricciones en Cisjordania, reportan un muerto | El Mundo | DW | 10.04.2022

Israel comanda nueva operación y restricciones en Cisjordania, reportan un muerto | El Mundo | DW | 10.04.2022

Boris Johnson se reúne con Zelenski en visita sorpresa a Ucrania | Europa | DW | 09.04.2022

Boris Johnson se reúne con Zelenski en visita sorpresa a Ucrania | Europa | DW | 09.04.2022

Zelenski: “El objetivo de Rusia es todo el proyecto europeo” | El Mundo | DW | 10.04.2022

Zelenski: “El objetivo de Rusia es todo el proyecto europeo” | El Mundo | DW | 10.04.2022

Civiles huyen de Ucrania tras mortal ataque a estación ferroviaria | El Mundo | DW | 10.04.2022

Civiles huyen de Ucrania tras mortal ataque a estación ferroviaria | El Mundo | DW | 10.04.2022

sábado, 9 de abril de 2022

La recuperación económica de Asia oriental y el Pacífico está en riesgo a causa de la guerra en Ucrania, el ajuste monetario en EE. UU. y la desaceleración de la economía en China

La recuperación económica de Asia oriental y el Pacífico está en riesgo a causa de la guerra en Ucrania, el ajuste monetario en EE. UU. y la desaceleración de la economía en China

Crecimiento real anual del PIB por región


Crear resiliencia es esencial para una recuperación sostenible de la COVID-19

Crear resiliencia es esencial para una recuperación sostenible de la COVID-19

Una cesación de pagos de Rusia acumularía más riesgos para un mundo sometido a estrés

Una cesación de pagos de Rusia acumularía más riesgos para un mundo sometido a estrés

Consolidar la recuperación - informe semestral del Banco Mundial para América Latina y el Caribe:

Consolidar la recuperación - informe semestral del Banco Mundial para América Latina y el Caribe:

Reuniones de Primavera de 2022 | Banco Mundial En Vivo

Reuniones de Primavera de 2022 | Banco Mundial En Vivo

France's presidential election: Here's everything you need to know

France's presidential election: Here's everything you need to know

Explained: Contours of Yemen’s first ceasefire in over 6 years | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Contours of Yemen’s first ceasefire in over 6 years | Explained News,The Indian Express

Saugata Bhattacharya writes: RBI shift on monetary policy

Saugata Bhattacharya writes: RBI shift on monetary policy

Yoginder K Alagh writes: Once upon a time in Moscow

Yoginder K Alagh writes: Once upon a time in Moscow

Madhura Rasaratnam writes: This is what caused Sri Lanka’s worst economic crisis

Madhura Rasaratnam writes: This is what caused Sri Lanka’s worst economic crisis

Sachin Chaturvedi writes: Fulfilling the potential of the Bay of Bengal community

Sachin Chaturvedi writes: Fulfilling the potential of the Bay of Bengal community

Writing on wall: Central bank begins tightening, shifts priorities to tackle inflation | Business News,The Indian Express

Writing on wall: Central bank begins tightening, shifts priorities to tackle inflation | Business News,The Indian Express

La guerra en Ucrania merma crecimiento en América Latina | El Mundo | DW | 09.04.2022

La guerra en Ucrania merma crecimiento en América Latina | El Mundo | DW | 09.04.2022

“Las sanciones contra Rusia más bien parecen sanciones contra Europa” | Diga usted | DW | 05.04.2022

“Las sanciones contra Rusia más bien parecen sanciones contra Europa” | Diga usted | DW | 05.04.2022

Otro desafío: Rusia paga en rublos su deuda externa | Economía | DW | 08.04.2022

Otro desafío: Rusia paga en rublos su deuda externa | Economía | DW | 08.04.2022

La guerra de Rusia contra Ucrania: ¿En dónde está el liderazgo de Alemania? | El Mundo | DW | 08.04.2022

La guerra de Rusia contra Ucrania: ¿En dónde está el liderazgo de Alemania? | El Mundo | DW | 08.04.2022

Zelenski pide firme respuesta global ante ataque a estación de trenes de Kramatrosk | El Mundo | DW | 09.04.2022

Zelenski pide firme respuesta global ante ataque a estación de trenes de Kramatrosk | El Mundo | DW | 09.04.2022

viernes, 8 de abril de 2022

Elecciones en Francia: reñida carrera por la presidencia | Europa | DW | 07.04.2022

Elecciones en Francia: reñida carrera por la presidencia | Europa | DW | 07.04.2022

New study suggests that poverty remained low during pandemic. In absence of reliable data, it raises some questions | The Indian Express

New study suggests that poverty remained low during pandemic. In absence of reliable data, it raises some questions | The Indian Express

Nimai M Mehta and Karti Sandilya write: The Hindu view of truth and its link to governance

Nimai M Mehta and Karti Sandilya write: The Hindu view of truth and its link to governance

Nikita Sonavane, Praavita Kashyap and Mrinalini Ravindranath write: Parliament has just passed a dangerous bill

Nikita Sonavane, Praavita Kashyap and Mrinalini Ravindranath write: Parliament has just passed a dangerous bill

Rajmohan Gandhi writes: Lessons from Ukraine on the fragility of the strong

Rajmohan Gandhi writes: Lessons from Ukraine on the fragility of the strong

Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates Today 8 Apr 2022: 30 killed, 100 wounded as rockets hit railway station in eastern Ukraine

Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates Today 8 Apr 2022: 30 killed, 100 wounded as rockets hit railway station in eastern Ukraine

Soumya Kanti Ghosh and Bikramjit Chaudhuri write: BRICS and the creation of a multipolar world

Soumya Kanti Ghosh and Bikramjit Chaudhuri write: BRICS and the creation of a multipolar world

UNGA vote: Despite Russia’s red flag, why India put foot down in its tightrope walk | Explained News,The Indian Express

UNGA vote: Despite Russia’s red flag, why India put foot down in its tightrope walk | Explained News,The Indian Express

Comercio mundial de armas: ¿Más ganancias propias que seguridad? | El Mundo | DW | 07.04.2022

Comercio mundial de armas: ¿Más ganancias propias que seguridad? | El Mundo | DW | 07.04.2022

Si Europa deja de comprar gas y petróleo rusos, ¿a quién se los venderá Moscú? | Economía | DW | 07.04.2022

Si Europa deja de comprar gas y petróleo rusos, ¿a quién se los venderá Moscú? | Economía | DW | 07.04.2022

Ante un nuevo orden mundial bipolar, Alemania necesita un nuevo modelo de negocio | Economía | DW | 07.04.2022

Ante un nuevo orden mundial bipolar, Alemania necesita un nuevo modelo de negocio | Economía | DW | 07.04.2022

Alemania: ¿qué consecuencias tendría dejar de importar carbón ruso? | Alemania | DW | 07.04.2022

Alemania: ¿qué consecuencias tendría dejar de importar carbón ruso? | Alemania | DW | 07.04.2022

Récord mundial del precio de los alimentos por la guerra en Ucrania | El Mundo | DW | 08.04.2022

Récord mundial del precio de los alimentos por la guerra en Ucrania | El Mundo | DW | 08.04.2022

Decenas de muertos y heridos en ataque ruso a estación de Kramatorsk | El Mundo | DW | 08.04.2022

Decenas de muertos y heridos en ataque ruso a estación de Kramatorsk | El Mundo | DW | 08.04.2022

jueves, 7 de abril de 2022

World Health Day - Climate Crisis Is Now the Single Biggest Health Threat Facing Humanity | Inter Press Service

World Health Day - Climate Crisis Is Now the Single Biggest Health Threat Facing Humanity | Inter Press Service

How a Massive Climate Project Can Help Win Peace for Ukraine - And Help African Job + Food Crises | Inter Press Service

How a Massive Climate Project Can Help Win Peace for Ukraine - And Help African Job + Food Crises | Inter Press Service

What are Weapons of Mass Destruction?

What are Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Smriti Zubin Irani writes: Lifting up India’s women

Smriti Zubin Irani writes: Lifting up India’s women

Rohit Kansal and Dipankar Sengupta write: A budget to revive J&K's economy

Rohit Kansal and Dipankar Sengupta write: A budget to revive J&K's economy

Upendra Baxi writes: The hijab case and the struggle for the right to be and remain different

Upendra Baxi writes: The hijab case and the struggle for the right to be and remain different

Pooja Pillai writes: As recent events show, ideas about who belongs and who doesn’t often come down to food

Pooja Pillai writes: As recent events show, ideas about who belongs and who doesn’t often come down to food

Explained: UNGA vote to suspend Russia from UNHRC over Ukraine crisis | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: UNGA vote to suspend Russia from UNHRC over Ukraine crisis | Explained News,The Indian Express

The US imposes new sanctions on Russia: what are they, and why now? | Explained News,The Indian Express

The US imposes new sanctions on Russia: what are they, and why now? | Explained News,The Indian Express

What is the United Nations Human Rights Council?

What is the United Nations Human Rights Council?

The unequal impact of oil price shock | The Indian Express

The unequal impact of oil price shock | The Indian Express

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2022

Merger of HDFC and HDFC Bank promises benefits to entities and consumers, could trigger consolidation in sector | The Indian Express

Merger of HDFC and HDFC Bank promises benefits to entities and consumers, could trigger consolidation in sector | The Indian Express

Latest IPCC report underlines why climate action can no longer be put off. Developed countries must step up to the challenge | The Indian Express

Latest IPCC report underlines why climate action can no longer be put off. Developed countries must step up to the challenge | The Indian Express

Mehmal Sarfraz writes: Imran Khan’s dangerous, unconstitutional actions

Mehmal Sarfraz writes: Imran Khan’s dangerous, unconstitutional actions

Editorials: Today's Editorial Opinions, Pages, News, Articles, Today's Editorial Column | The Indian Express

Editorials: Today's Editorial Opinions, Pages, News, Articles, Today's Editorial Column | The Indian Express

Sarjan Shah writes | Russia vs the West: A clash of civilisations

Sarjan Shah writes | Russia vs the West: A clash of civilisations

Joyashree Roy writes: How individuals can save a warming planet

Joyashree Roy writes: How individuals can save a warming planet

Explained: State of denotified tribes, and why House panel is critical about a programme for their development | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: State of denotified tribes, and why House panel is critical about a programme for their development | Explained News,The Indian Express

What latest climate report says: No time to waste, but world is not out of options yet | Explained News,The Indian Express

What latest climate report says: No time to waste, but world is not out of options yet | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What happened in Bucha, Ukraine, and was it ‘genocide’? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What happened in Bucha, Ukraine, and was it ‘genocide’? | Explained News,The Indian Express

UNSC meeting on Ukraine: Condemn Bucha killings, back call for probe, says India | World News,The Indian Express

UNSC meeting on Ukraine: Condemn Bucha killings, back call for probe, says India | World News,The Indian Express

¿La matanza de civiles en Ucrania constituye un crimen de guerra? | El Mundo | DW | 05.04.2022

¿La matanza de civiles en Ucrania constituye un crimen de guerra? | El Mundo | DW | 05.04.2022

Rusia bombardea dos hospitales y otro depósito de combustible en Ucrania | Europa | DW | 06.04.2022

Rusia bombardea dos hospitales y otro depósito de combustible en Ucrania | Europa | DW | 06.04.2022

ONU: 1.480 civiles han muerto en Ucrania, más de 120 eran niños | El Mundo | DW | 06.04.2022

ONU: 1.480 civiles han muerto en Ucrania, más de 120 eran niños | El Mundo | DW | 06.04.2022

martes, 5 de abril de 2022

Explained: Emergency in Sri Lanka, its history and contours | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Emergency in Sri Lanka, its history and contours | Explained News,The Indian Express

What is Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)?

What is Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)?

Explained: Why petrol, diesel prices could rise further despite a Rs 9.2 hike in 15 days | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why petrol, diesel prices could rise further despite a Rs 9.2 hike in 15 days | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why is Europe balking at a ban on Russian energy? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why is Europe balking at a ban on Russian energy? | Explained News,The Indian Express

As economic crisis spirals in Sri Lanka, administration should desist from extending emergency powers, restricting civil liberties | The Indian Express

As economic crisis spirals in Sri Lanka, administration should desist from extending emergency powers, restricting civil liberties | The Indian Express

Adults-only subtitles for children’s content are a problem. But it’s a miracle that such communication no-nos don’t happen more | The Indian Express

Adults-only subtitles for children’s content are a problem. But it’s a miracle that such communication no-nos don’t happen more | The Indian Express

April 5, 1982, Forty Years Ago: Falkland in strife | The Indian Express

April 5, 1982, Forty Years Ago: Falkland in strife | The Indian Express

Amit Bhandari writes: Unlocking the potential of green hydrogen

Amit Bhandari writes: Unlocking the potential of green hydrogen

Aditya Sharma, Christophe Jaffrelot write: Criminal Procedure bill will not make Indians safer

Aditya Sharma, Christophe Jaffrelot write: Criminal Procedure bill will not make Indians safer

Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates Today 5 Apr 2022: Ukraine Live News, Russia- Ukraine Today News, Russia Ukraine War News, Ukraine Crisis News, Russia Ukraine news

Russia-Ukraine War Live Updates Today 5 Apr 2022: Ukraine Live News, Russia- Ukraine Today News, Russia Ukraine War News, Ukraine Crisis News, Russia Ukraine news

C. Raja Mohan writes: Imran Khan has done what no civilian leader in Pakistan has done before

C. Raja Mohan writes: Imran Khan has done what no civilian leader in Pakistan has done before

lunes, 4 de abril de 2022

Sudán del Sur: Petróleo bajo tierra, sangre sobre ella

Sudán del Sur: Petróleo bajo tierra, sangre sobre ella

FAO fija tres prioridades para la alimentación en América Latina

FAO fija tres prioridades para la alimentación en América Latina

Explained: How joint venture between IOC, L&T and ReNew aims to boost green hydrogen production in India | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: How joint venture between IOC, L&T and ReNew aims to boost green hydrogen production in India | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Reforming death penalty | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Reforming death penalty | Explained News,The Indian Express

Can govt increase farmers’ income in light of wheat demand in international market? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Can govt increase farmers’ income in light of wheat demand in international market? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why Putin faces ‘more NATO’ in the Arctic after Ukraine invasion | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why Putin faces ‘more NATO’ in the Arctic after Ukraine invasion | Explained News,The Indian Express

National interest has shaped India’s response to Russia sanctions. Rupee-ruble payment mechanism is welcome | The Indian Express

National interest has shaped India’s response to Russia sanctions. Rupee-ruble payment mechanism is welcome | The Indian Express

Pushing Putin into a corner will backfire | The Indian Express

Pushing Putin into a corner will backfire | The Indian Express