martes, 30 de abril de 2024

Despite the state of the Gaza Strip Hamas is certain that they are still winning the war - analysis Hamas escalates attacks on Israel, aiming to pressure through low-level insurgency in Gaza. It targets IDF corridor, holds hostages to manipulate negotiations. By SETH J. FRANTZMAN APRIL 30, 2024 11:13 Updated: APRIL 30, 2024 18:08

Netanyahu: Israel will enter Rafah with or without hostage deal Far-right ministers in Israel press Prime Minister Netanyahu for a Rafah invasion. Smotrich convenes Knesset meeting; Ben-Gvir meets Netanyahu amid hostage deal negotiations. By ELIAV BREUER APRIL 30, 2024 12:30 Updated: APRIL 30, 2024 17:51

The devastating consequences that could harm Israel at the ICC - opinion Potential consequences for Israel if arrest warrants are approved by the ICC: Damage to reputation, limited mobility for officials, arms sales restrictions, and international isolation. By DR. IDO ROSENZWEIG APRIL 30, 2024 12:36

Ex-Unit 8200 senior officer: Israel still trouncing Iran in real-world cyber impacts Iran is succeeding in disrupting websites and minor disruptions of operations at ports, but not in significant infrastructure damage. By YONAH JEREMY BOB APRIL 30, 2024 17:23 Updated: APRIL 30, 2024 17:38

Ex-Unit 8200 senior officer: Israel still trouncing Iran in real-world cyber impacts Iran is succeeding in disrupting websites and minor disruptions of operations at ports, but not in significant infrastructure damage. By YONAH JEREMY BOB APRIL 30, 2024 17:23 Updated: APRIL 30, 2024 17:38

La rehén liberada Maya Regev: Toda mujer rehén en Gaza sufre abuso sexual ++

La rehén liberada Maya Regev: Toda mujer rehén en Gaza sufre abuso sexual Regev habló junto con otros rehenes liberados y familiares de rehenes en un comité del Parlamento. La rehén liberada Sharon Cunio-Alony, cuyo marido todavía está retenido en Gaza por Hamás, instó a los legisladores a no olvidarse de los hombres: «Ellos también están siendo abusados». Por Noa Shpigel «Israel debe elegir: entrar en Rafah o lograr un acuerdo», dicen los familiares de rehenes

Economist: China's development will continue despite external challenges By Cheng Yu and Yan Xingzhou | | Updated: 2024-04-30 17:56 ++++

Economist: China's development will continue despite external challenges By Cheng Yu and Yan Xingzhou | | Updated: 2024-04-30 17:56 GAC to promote foreign trade, expand global cooperation By Zhong Nan | | Updated: 2024-04-30 06:40 Xi's Europe visit expected to bolster ties Upcoming trips to France, Serbia, Hungary seen as key to global peace, development By Xu Wei | China Daily | Updated: 2024-04-30 06:42 Good Sino-French past offers great future By Christine Bierre | China Daily | Updated: 2024-04-30 08:32

New 'report' on HK reeks of false narratives By Mark Pinkstone | China Daily Global | Updated: 2024-04-30 09:04


LIMPIAR EXPLOSIVOS SIN ESTALLAR EN GAZA TOMARÍA HASTA 14 AÑOS 30 de abril de 2024 La Voz Del Árabe -Si bien es imposible determinar la cantidad de artefactos y municiones sin explotar entre los 37 millones de toneladas de escombros que ha dejado hasta ahora el bombardeo israelí en la Franja de Gaza, la dependencia de desminado de la ONU estima que su limpieza podría tomar cerca de tres lustros.


VARIACIÓN EXTREMA DEL CLIMA PERJUDICA LA ECONOMÍA DEL PAÍS 30 de abril de 2024 La Voz Del Árabe -Hay un vínculo histórico entre temperatura, producto interno bruto (PIB) per cápita y tasa de crecimiento, en el que se observa una relación inversa entre los eventos meteorológicos extremos y la actividad económica…


– Los manifestantes calificaban el texto aprobado de “ley Putin” porque, según ellos, la nueva ley georgiana está calcada de una ley en vigor en Rusia. RED VOLTAIRE

Ucrania "no es un país democrático" y esta cuestión "no molesta a sus socios occidentales" hace 4 horas

Ucrania "no es un país democrático" y esta cuestión "no molesta a sus socios occidentales" hace 4 horas Muchos países aliados de Occidente no se adhieren a ningún principio democrático, pero tienen su apoyo y están bajo su protectorado, destaca a Sputnik el analista político Emad Abshenas, comentando la solicitud de Kiev al Consejo de Europa para suspender algunas cláusulas del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos y Libertades en Ucrania. "Muchos aliados occidentales no aplican ninguno de los principios democráticos: desde países que son dictatoriales, en todos los sentidos de la palabra, hasta países cuyas estructuras políticas pretenden ser democráticas, pero tienen alguna forma de apartheid o de régimen dictatorial", aclara Emad Abshenas.

Segunda ronda: ¿cómo se prepara el mundo para el probable regreso de Trump? hace 2 horas

Segunda ronda: ¿cómo se prepara el mundo para el probable regreso de Trump? hace 2 horas El mundo está inquieto por saber quién recibirá las llaves del Despacho Oval en noviembre de 2024. Para muchos, el regreso de Donald Trump a la presidencia está cada vez más cerca, y con eso se forman una serie de expectativas sobre el futuro de la política exterior estadounidense.

Líder de la OTAN: "Los anuncios no son suficientes, necesitamos ver la entrega de armas a Kiev" hace 20 horas

Líder de la OTAN: "Los anuncios no son suficientes, necesitamos ver la entrega de armas a Kiev" hace 20 horas El secretario general de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN), Jens Stoltenberg, admitió que los retrasos en el suministro de armamento a Kiev han supuesto 'graves problemas' para las fuerzas ucranianas, en momentos en que la Alianza busca crear un fondo de 100.000 millones de euros para apoyar a Ucrania de forma sostenida.

Un eventual acuerdo a largo plazo entre EEUU y Ucrania es "absurdo y no tiene ningún futuro" hace 10 horas (actualizado: hace 7 horas)

Un eventual acuerdo a largo plazo entre EEUU y Ucrania es "absurdo y no tiene ningún futuro" hace 10 horas (actualizado: hace 7 horas) El presidente ucraniano Volodímir Zelenski anunció que Kiev y Washington trabajan en un acuerdo bilateral a largo plazo para reforzar la seguridad de Ucrania. Sin embargo, dicho pacto es "ridículo", "absurdo" y estaría destinado al fracaso, coincidieron los especialistas consultados por Sputnik. El acuerdo que duraría 10 años en realidad solo busca generar réditos políticos a Volodímir Zelenski y a Joe Biden, en momentos en que este último busca su reelección como presidente ante un Donald Trump fortalecido, aseguran los expertos en geopolítica internacional.

"Una vulneración muy grave": ¿por qué Kiev arrebata cada vez más derechos a los ucranianos? hace 3 horas

"Una vulneración muy grave": ¿por qué Kiev arrebata cada vez más derechos a los ucranianos? hace 3 horas La suspensión de los derechos civiles, incluso en ley marcial, es una "una vulneración muy grave", señala a Sputnik la profesora de Relaciones Internacionales, Isabela Gama. Su declaración llega luego de que Kiev solicitara al Consejo de Europa suspender algunas cláusulas del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos y Libertades.

lunes, 29 de abril de 2024

Anti-Israel student protests threaten to cancel graduation ceremonies in repeat of COVID era USC announced it would cancel its commencement over safety concerns By Jeffrey Clark Fox News Published April 29, 2024 9:26am EDT

Anti-Israel student protests threaten to cancel graduation ceremonies in repeat of COVID era USC announced it would cancel its commencement over safety concerns By Jeffrey Clark Fox News Published April 29, 2024 9:26am EDT

House GOP lawmaker calls for stripping colleges of tax dollars over antisemitic protests Rep. Mike Lawler tells Trey Gowdy protests against other groups would have been shut down immediately By Christopher Lopez Fox News Published April 29, 2024 10:00am EDT

House GOP lawmaker calls for stripping colleges of tax dollars over antisemitic protests Rep. Mike Lawler tells Trey Gowdy protests against other groups would have been shut down immediately By Christopher Lopez Fox News Published April 29, 2024 10:00am EDT

Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit France, Serbia and Hungary, appears to want bigger role in Ukraine China claims neutrality relative to the Ukraine war but is accused of helping Russia make weapons Associated Press Published April 29, 2024 9:36am EDT

Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit France, Serbia and Hungary, appears to want bigger role in Ukraine China claims neutrality relative to the Ukraine war but is accused of helping Russia make weapons Associated Press Published April 29, 2024 9:36am EDT

Will Supreme Court recognize right for homeless to camp in public? Court ruling could allow local authorities across the US to crack down on homeless encampments By Betsy McCaughey Creators Syndicate Published April 28, 2024 10:00am EDT

Will Supreme Court recognize right for homeless to camp in public? Court ruling could allow local authorities across the US to crack down on homeless encampments By Betsy McCaughey Creators Syndicate Published April 28, 2024 10:00am EDT

The state of the American teenager Teens are pointing toward the issues that need urgent solutions. Will we listen? By Colyn Ritter , Michael Q. McShane Fox News Published April 29, 2024 2:00am EDT

The state of the American teenager Teens are pointing toward the issues that need urgent solutions. Will we listen? By Colyn Ritter , Michael Q. McShane Fox News Published April 29, 2024 2:00am EDT

Immigration changes pushed by Democrats have irrevocably changed America Top Democrats like Bill Clinton became more supportive of immigration changes when they saw how America was impacted By Jeremy Carl Fox News Published April 29, 2024 8:00am EDT

Immigration changes pushed by Democrats have irrevocably changed America Top Democrats like Bill Clinton became more supportive of immigration changes when they saw how America was impacted By Jeremy Carl Fox News Published April 29, 2024 8:00am EDT

How Biden's new Title IX regulations eviscerate the definition of sex Title IX helped women get sports opportunities. Now, Biden has manipulated regulations to keep them out. By Patrick Morrisey , Riley Gaines Fox News Published April 29, 2024 5:00am EDT

How Biden's new Title IX regulations eviscerate the definition of sex Title IX helped women get sports opportunities. Now, Biden has manipulated regulations to keep them out. By Patrick Morrisey , Riley Gaines Fox News Published April 29, 2024 5:00am EDT

Cornell professor reveals how anti-Israel 'death cult ideology' took root Cornell professor William Jacobson tells Fox News Digital what students are doing is a 'dead end for society' Stepheny Price By Stepheny Price Fox News Published April 29, 2024 4:00am EDT

Cornell professor reveals how anti-Israel 'death cult ideology' took root Cornell professor William Jacobson tells Fox News Digital what students are doing is a 'dead end for society' Stepheny Price By Stepheny Price Fox News Published April 29, 2024 4:00am EDT

GWU says 'hateful language being displayed has no place' on campus amid anti-Israel protests There have been no incidents of physical violence reported at the demonstrations at George Washington University in the nation's capital Landon Mion By Landon Mion Fox News Published April 29, 2024 5:49am EDT

GWU says 'hateful language being displayed has no place' on campus amid anti-Israel protests There have been no incidents of physical violence reported at the demonstrations at George Washington University in the nation's capital Landon Mion By Landon Mion Fox News Published April 29, 2024 5:49am EDT

War in Ukraine: Why is the EU still buying Russian gas? Arthur Sullivan © 2024 Deutsche Welle ++++

War in Ukraine: Why is the EU still buying Russian gas? Arthur Sullivan 6 hours ago6 hours ago Although the EU has dramatically reduced the amount of Russian gas it imports, significant quantities are still flowing into the bloc. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Ukraine army commander warns front 'worsened' Halida Abbaro 16 hours ago16 hours ago Ukraine's top general confirms his forces have suffered several setbacks on the battlefield, and Russian troops are advancing in the eastern Donetsk region. Armed forces leader Oleksandr Syrsky warns Moscow is now attacking Ukraine along the entire front line. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Ukraine: Army chief says fighting at front has 'escalated' 22 hours ago22 hours ago Kyiv's top general said the frontline situation had deteriorated and that some Russian gains had been made. Ukraine is waiting for desperately needed resupply of battlefield stocks. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Ukraine updates: Russia 'massively' shells energy sites © 2024 Deutsche Welle Published 04/27/2024Published April 27, 2024last updated 04/27/2024last updated April 27, 2024 Russia launched dozens of missiles at Ukrainian power facilities, increasing the strain on energy infrastructure. In Germany, Chancellor Olaf Scholz ruled out deploying NATO soldiers to Ukraine. DW has the latest.

Middle East updates: Blinken in Saudi Arabia on crisis tour © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Middle East updates: Blinken in Saudi Arabia on crisis tour Published 7 hours agoPublished 7 hours agolast updated 2 hours agolast updated 2 hours ago US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has arrived in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, to consult with Arab leaders on Gaza's future once the Israel-Hamas war ends. DW has the latest. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Rusia libera la localidad de Semiónovka y destruye un taller de ensamblaje de drones ucranianos hace 11 min +++

Rusia libera la localidad de Semiónovka y destruye un taller de ensamblaje de drones ucranianos hace 11 min Las fuerzas rusas liberaron la localidad de Semiónovka en la república popular de Donetsk, informaron desde el Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia. Al mismo tiempo, las tropas rusas destruyeron un taller de ensamblaje de drones y eliminaron al personal y al equipo militar de las FFAA de Ucrania en 110 zonas de la operación militar especial. "Durante el día, las fuerzas de defensa antiaérea derribaron 22 vehículos aéreos no tripulados ucranianos, un proyectil del sistema Uragan y una bomba con un kit de guiado JDAM de fabricación estadounidense", comunicaron desde el organismo. Soldado ucraniano sobre la situación crítica en el frente: "Nadie quiere unirse al Ejército" hace 2 horas La evasión del servicio militar en Ucrania está tomando formas extremas: Kiev no tiene tropas de reserva para reemplazar a las que ya están en el frente, declaró a un medio local un militar del batallón neonazi Azov*. "Ahora nadie quiere alistarse en las Fuerzas Armadas de Ucrania", comentó un combatiente con el apodo Niko de la 12.ª Brigada de la Guardia Nacional de Ucrania Azov. Kiev habría rechazado el acuerdo de paz al no querer prohibir el nazismo ni aceptar la lengua rusa hace 19 horas El diario alemán 'Welt Am Sonntag' reveló el contenido del borrador de 17 páginas del acuerdo entre Ucrania y Rusia propuesto en las conversaciones de Estambul en 2022. En sus palabras, ambas partes estuvieron más cerca que nunca de concluir el tratado de paz, pero Kiev rechazó de plano varias de las exigencias de Moscú.


TIKTOK VS. ESTADOS UNIDOS: UNA BATALLA POR LA SOBERANÍA DIGITAL 29 de abril de 2024 La Voz Del Árabe – El Senado de Estados Unidos aprobó un proyecto de ley que obligaría a ByteDance, propietario chino de TikTok, a vender la plataforma… Michel Olguín

LEGÍTIMA DEFENSA INTERNACIONAL 29 de abril de 2024 albertoperalta1963

LEGÍTIMA DEFENSA INTERNACIONAL 29 de abril de 2024 albertoperalta1963 -EL CAMALEÓN CRISTALINO – El maestro Eduardo Trigueros propuso regular explícitamente, en el Artículo 51, el uso de la fuerza para fines de legítima defensa, al margen de la invocación de la fuerza por parte del Consejo General en los términos del actual capítulo VII de la ONU. Alberto Peralta Merin*

LAS COMPLEJAS RELACIONES ENTRE ISRAEL E IRÁN 29 de abril de 2024 Thierry Meyssan

LAS COMPLEJAS RELACIONES ENTRE ISRAEL E IRÁN 29 de abril de 2024 Thierry Meyssan –Si bien la retórica de los mollahs es claramente antisraelí, las relaciones entre Israel e Irán son mucho más complejas de lo que puede parecer. En Irán existen dos grupos con objetivos opuestos. Uno de esos grupos quiere, a toda costa, hacer negocios con el mundo entero; el otro aspira a liberar los pueblos víctimas de la colonización. El primer grupo nunca ha dejado de hacer negocios con Israel, mientras que la otra lucha contra el régimen sionista, como parte del combate contra el imperialismo de Estados Unidos y Reino Unido. RED VOLTAIRE | PARÍS (FRANCIA) Thierry Meyssan*

domingo, 28 de abril de 2024

Xizang makes headways in intellectual property rights By Palden Nyima and Daqiong | | Updated: 2024-04-28 10:53

Xizang makes headways in intellectual property rights By Palden Nyima and Daqiong | | Updated: 2024-04-28 10:53

Multiple Chinese companies report worsening EU business environment By Zhong Nan | | Updated: 2024-04-28 15:12

Multiple Chinese companies report worsening EU business environment By Zhong Nan | | Updated: 2024-04-28 15:12

China ready to strengthen high-level exchanges with France, says Wang Yi Xinhua | Updated: 2024-04-28 02:58

China ready to strengthen high-level exchanges with France, says Wang Yi Xinhua | Updated: 2024-04-28 02:58

Mutual progress key for relationship Meeting Blinken, president warns against pursuing zero-sum game By Cao Desheng | China Daily | Updated: 2024-04-27 07:08

Mutual progress key for relationship Meeting Blinken, president warns against pursuing zero-sum game By Cao Desheng | China Daily | Updated: 2024-04-27 07:08

Middle East updates: Video shows hostages alive in Gaza © 2024 Deutsche Welle +++

Middle East updates: Video shows hostages alive in Gaza Hamas' armed wing has released a video showing two hostages in Gaza urging Israel to strike a deal. A meeting of the World Economic Forum in Saudi Arabia is expected to focus on tensions in the Middle East. DW has more. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Latest Hamas hostage video ups pressure on Netanyahu Israel says a planned assault on Rafah in the Gaza Strip could be suspended if a deal is agreed with Hamas to free hostages taken during October 7 attacks. A new Hamas video showing two hostages is renewing pressure on the Netanyahu government to secure the release of all those still being held. © 2024 Deutsche Welle What you need to know about a possible Rafah offensive Andreas Noll 22 hours ago22 hours ago Israel is preparing for an offensive in Rafah despite warnings from aid organizations and allies. The Israelis have been building emergency accommodation there. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Blinken to visit Gaza border, first senior US official since Hamas attack US secretary of state to tour Kibbutz Be'eri, which lost over 100 members in October 7 massacre, and Kerem Shalom crossing joined by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Foreign Minister Israel Katz Itamar Eichner|07:07

Blinken to visit Gaza border, first senior US official since Hamas attack US secretary of state to tour Kibbutz Be'eri, which lost over 100 members in October 7 massacre, and Kerem Shalom crossing joined by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Foreign Minister Israel Katz Itamar Eichner|07:07

IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi approves plans for Rafah op. The approval comes as Hamas negotiators in Cairo consider an Israeli proposal to postpone or forgo a Rafah invasion in exchange for a release of Israeli hostages. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF APRIL 28, 2024 15:47 Updated: APRIL 28, 2024 16:38

IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi approves plans for Rafah op. The approval comes as Hamas negotiators in Cairo consider an Israeli proposal to postpone or forgo a Rafah invasion in exchange for a release of Israeli hostages. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF APRIL 28, 2024 15:47 Updated: APRIL 28, 2024 16:38

Anti-Israel protesters at UCLA attack Native American woman opposing Hamas Lani Dawn said pro-Palestinian protesters told her and a Native American man that they couldn't speak to each other at the scene. By TZVI JOFFRE APRIL 28, 2024 06:11 Updated: APRIL 28, 2024 06:55

Anti-Israel protesters at UCLA attack Native American woman opposing Hamas Lani Dawn said pro-Palestinian protesters told her and a Native American man that they couldn't speak to each other at the scene. By TZVI JOFFRE APRIL 28, 2024 06:11 Updated: APRIL 28, 2024 06:55

Islamist group slams democratic values, rallies thousands in Germany In a video posted on X, the crowd can be seen responding to shouts of ‘Takbir’ with “Allahu Albar.” The video also shows the mob shouting part of the Shahada, "Lā ʾIlāha ʾIllā Allah." By JERUSALEM POST STAFF APRIL 28, 2024 14:39

Islamist group slams democratic values, rallies thousands in Germany In a video posted on X, the crowd can be seen responding to shouts of ‘Takbir’ with “Allahu Albar.” The video also shows the mob shouting part of the Shahada, "Lā ʾIlāha ʾIllā Allah." By JERUSALEM POST STAFF APRIL 28, 2024 14:39

Anti-Israel protesters in Seattle delay campus encampment after being called out for lack of diversity: Report The group was criticized for not listening enough to 'Palestinian, Arab and Muslim students' By Jeffrey Clark Fox News Published April 27, 2024 7:00pm EDT

Anti-Israel protesters in Seattle delay campus encampment after being called out for lack of diversity: Report The group was criticized for not listening enough to 'Palestinian, Arab and Muslim students' By Jeffrey Clark Fox News Published April 27, 2024 7:00pm EDT

Hamas' sexual violence on Oct. 7 revealed in new documentary: 'The world needs to see what happened' "Screams Before Silence" spotlights "mass sexual violence" committed against Israeli women By Amy Nelson Fox News Published April 28, 2024 8:00am EDT

Hamas' sexual violence on Oct. 7 revealed in new documentary: 'The world needs to see what happened' "Screams Before Silence" spotlights "mass sexual violence" committed against Israeli women By Amy Nelson Fox News Published April 28, 2024 8:00am EDT

GWU students stand up to anti-Israel protestors, warn faculty are 'indoctrinating' kids with 'lies and hate' This is not only a 'Jewish problem,' it's an 'American problem,' student Sabrina Soffer argued Sunday By kayla bailey Fox News Published April 28, 2024 9:43am EDT

Israel debunks 'Hamas libels' about mass grave spread by media for internet clicks, says Netanyahu spokesman Some US and UK media add to spike in antisemitism with alleged fabrication about mass grave in Gaza, says expert By Benjamin Weinthal Fox News Published April 27, 2024 12:54pm EDT

Israel debunks 'Hamas libels' about mass grave spread by media for internet clicks, says Netanyahu spokesman Some US and UK media add to spike in antisemitism with alleged fabrication about mass grave in Gaza, says expert By Benjamin Weinthal Fox News Published April 27, 2024 12:54pm EDT

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein among 100 arrested protesting at Washington University Police arrested Stein, her campaign manager and her deputy campaign manager By Anders Hagstrom Fox News Published April 28, 2024 7:44am EDT

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein among 100 arrested protesting at Washington University Police arrested Stein, her campaign manager and her deputy campaign manager By Anders Hagstrom Fox News Published April 28, 2024 7:44am EDT

El cambio climático amenaza a la mayoría de los trabajadores Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

El cambio climático amenaza a la mayoría de los trabajadores GINEBRA – Un número “asombroso” de trabajadores, más de 70 por ciento de la mano de obra mundial, está expuesta a graves riesgos para la salud relacionados con el cambio climático, según un informe publicado este lunes 22 por la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT). Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Pnuma propone decálogo para detener la contaminación plástica Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Pnuma propone decálogo para detener la contaminación plástica OTTAWA – Eliminar los plásticos innecesarios, rediseñar los productos y extender la responsabilidad de los productores figuran entre las 10 propuestas presentadas por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (Pnuma) ante la conferencia mundial sobre plásticos iniciada este lunes 22. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

En busca de justicia para las víctimas civiles de la guerra en Siria Por Paul Virgo Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service. Aida Samani, asesora jurídica de Civil Rights Defenders

En busca de justicia para las víctimas civiles de la guerra en Siria Por Paul Virgo ROMA – Cuando el Ejército sirio lanzó su ofensiva contra el bastión de los rebeldes del FSA (Ejército Libre Sirio) en Homs, en febrero de 2012, la seguridad de los civiles no fue un factor a tener en cuenta. Las fuerzas leales al presidente Bashar al Assad utilizaron sistemáticamente artillería pesada contra el barrio de Baba Amr, donde el FSA había establecido un consejo militar, al tiempo que mantenían la zona sitiada con tanques, helicópteros y miles de tropas terrestres. Aida Samani, asesora jurídica de Civil Rights Defenders Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

La ONU pide investigar las fosas comunes en Gaza Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

La ONU pide investigar las fosas comunes en Gaza NACIONES UNIDAS – El secretario general de las Naciones Unidas, António Guterres, pidió una investigación “creíble e independiente” sobre el hallazgo de fosas comunes con los cadáveres de más de 300 palestinos junto a hospitales en la Franja de Gaza, escenario de 200 días de una ofensiva militar de Israel. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Las crisis mundiales fracturan la inversión extranjera Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Las crisis mundiales fracturan la inversión extranjera GINEBRA – Los recientes conflictos y crisis mundiales alteran las pautas habituales de inversión, provocan relaciones inestables en ese terreno y limitan las posibilidades de que las naciones menos desarrolladas se beneficien de la diversificación estratégica, mostró este martes 23 un nuevo informe de la Unctad. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

La hipocresía de los países ricos acelera el calentamiento global Este es un artículo de opinión de Jomo Kwame Sundaram, profesor de economía y antiguo secretario general adjunto de la ONU para el Desarrollo Económico. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

La hipocresía de los países ricos acelera el calentamiento global Este es un artículo de opinión de Jomo Kwame Sundaram, profesor de economía y antiguo secretario general adjunto de la ONU para el Desarrollo Económico. Por Jomo Kwame Sundaram KUALA LUMPUR – La hipocresía climática de las naciones ricas está acelerando el calentamiento global, acercando al planeta a una catástrofe irreversible, cuyas peores consecuencias recaerán sobre los más pobres, tanto países como ciudadanías. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

El hambre aguda persiste en 59 países Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

El hambre aguda persiste en 59 países ROMA – Casi 282 millones de personas en 59 países y territorios experimentaron altos niveles de hambre aguda en 2023, un aumento mundial de 24 millones con respecto al año anterior, indicó un informe divulgado este miércoles 24 por agencias del sistema de las Naciones Unidas. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Empeoran condiciones de migrantes atrapados en zona de la muerte entre Bielorrusia y la UE Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Empeoran condiciones de migrantes atrapados en zona de la muerte entre Bielorrusia y la UE Por Ed Holt BRATISLAVA – A medida que la crisis de refugiados en la frontera entre Bielorrusia y la Unión Europea (UE) se acerca a su cuarto año, la represión del activismo en ese país está empeorando la situación de los inmigrantes atrapados en una llamada zona de muerte mientras intentan salir de allí. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Expertos piden soluciones “basadas en la naturaleza” para la Amazonia Por Nicolás Bustamante Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Expertos piden soluciones “basadas en la naturaleza” para la Amazonia Por Nicolás Bustamante BOGOTÁ – Enfrentar las ilegalidades como el tráfico de tierras, la deforestación, la minería, el narcotráfico y el tráfico de especies, entre otras, son algunas de las prioridades que planteará el Panel Científico por la Amazonia (SPA, en inglés) en su segundo Informe de Evaluación, proyectado para 2025. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Política de IA no puede ignorar el cambio climático: Se necesitan cero emisiones netas de la IA Este es un artículo de opinión de Philippe Benoit, director gerente de Global Infrastructure Advisory Services 2050 (Servicios de Asesoría sobre Infraestructura Global 2050). Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Política de IA no puede ignorar el cambio climático: Se necesitan cero emisiones netas de la IA Este es un artículo de opinión de Philippe Benoit, director gerente de Global Infrastructure Advisory Services 2050 (Servicios de Asesoría sobre Infraestructura Global 2050). Por Philippe Benoit WASHINGTON – La inteligencia artificial (IA) ofrece un asombroso potencial de avance en diversos campos, desde la medicina a la agricultura, pasando por la industria y el negocio del entretenimiento, aunque genera importantes preocupaciones. La IA también puede mejorar la eficiencia de la producción y el uso de la energía de forma que se reduzcan las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Remover escombros y bombas en Gaza consumirá 14 años de trabajos Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Remover escombros y bombas en Gaza consumirá 14 años de trabajos NACIONES UNIDAS – Expertos en desminado de las Naciones Unidas dijeron este viernes 26 que despejar los escombros y dejar la Franja de Gaza a salvo de bombas sin detonar podría consumir el equivalente a 14 años de trabajos con 100 camiones. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

sábado, 27 de abril de 2024

Creative destruction: Harnessing the promise of AI for shared prosperity ARTURO HERRERA GUTIERREZJASMIN CHAKERINATHALIE PICARELLI APRIL 24, 2024 This page in: English

8 Tips for Implementing a Beneficial Ownership Register TILL JOHANNES HARTMANN APRIL 25, 2024 This page in: English

Building resilience in investment projects: The Power of resilience rating system JIA LISUNDUS SIDDIQIAMMARA SHARIQ APRIL 25, 2024 This page in: English

Las prioridades de Brasil para el G20 | Reuniones de Primavera de 2024 d...

How national development financial institutions can scale green finance JEAN PESME APRIL 17, 2024 This page in: English Français Español العربية 中文 National development financial institutions (NDFIs) have emerged as a pivotal tool in advancing the global sustainable development goals (SDGs), including those related to climate action and the environment. Their significance was underscored in 2020 when public development banks launched a joint declaration at the Finance in Common Summit, reaffirming their commitment to the SDGs and the Paris Agreement.

Let’s Power up Africa - Access to Electricity NORA ANYIDOHO APRIL 25, 2024 This page in: English

Bridging the AI divide: Breaking down barriers to ensure women’s leadership and participation in the Fifth Industrial Revolution MARIA BARRONEKUA NUAMA BENTIL APRIL 25, 2024 This page in: English Français Español

Bridging the AI divide: Breaking down barriers to ensure women’s leadership and participation in the Fifth Industrial Revolution MARIA BARRONEKUA NUAMA BENTIL APRIL 25, 2024 This page in: English Français Español

What is trust, why does it matter for development, and how do we measure it? MATHIEU CLOUTIERABEL BOVEDIANE ZOVIGHIAN APRIL 25, 2024 This page in: English

United in action: AFD Group and the World Bank partner to advance global development AKIHIKO NISHIOPAPA AMADOU SARR APRIL 25, 2024 This page in: English

From frustration to JOYn: Introducing joyn for R, a tool for smarter (but not harder) data joins ROSSANA TATULLIR. ANDRES CASTANEDA AGUILARZANDER PRINSLOO APRIL 25, 2024 This page in: English

Weekly links April 26: measurement, conscientiousness, judge leniency IV, running regressions, and more… DAVID MCKENZIE APRIL 26, 2024 This page in: English

Introducing SWIFT: Real-time poverty monitoring using machine learning NOBUO YOSHIDACARLOS SABATINO APRIL 26, 2024 This page in: English

Saving lives: The urgency of climate action in health ERICK RABEMANANORO APRIL 11, 2024 This page in: English

Saving lives: The urgency of climate action in health ERICK RABEMANANORO APRIL 11, 2024 This page in: English

The 75 most vulnerable economies are falling behind despite resilient global growth TOMMY CHRIMESBRAM GOOTJESM. AYHAN KOSECOLLETTE WHEELER APRIL 24, 2024 This page in: English

The 75 most vulnerable economies are falling behind despite resilient global growth TOMMY CHRIMESBRAM GOOTJESM. AYHAN KOSECOLLETTE WHEELER APRIL 24, 2024 This page in: English

The world cannot afford to ignore the poorest countries INDERMIT GILLM. AYHAN KOSE APRIL 18, 2024 This page in: English Español العربية 中文

The world cannot afford to ignore the poorest countries INDERMIT GILLM. AYHAN KOSE APRIL 18, 2024 They are home to a quarter of humanity—1.9 billion people. They possess prized natural resources, including one-fifth of the world’s copper and gold reserves, as well as many of the rare metals essential for the transition to clean energy. Their working-age populations are set to expand for the next five decades amid demographic decline nearly everywhere else. Yet a historic reversal is underway among the world’s 75 countries eligible for grants and low-interest loans from the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA).

World Bank Group Aims to Expand Health Services to 1.5 Billion People This page in:English Español Français العربية Русский 中文

World Bank Group Aims to Expand Health Services to 1.5 Billion People Focus on improved affordability, expanded geographic reach, increased scope of services WASHINGTON, April 18, 2024—The World Bank Group today announced an ambitious plan to support countries in delivering quality, affordable health services to 1.5 billion people by 2030. This is part of a larger global effort to provide a basic standard of care through every stage of a person’s life—infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

Innovative Co-Financing Platform Will Improve Development Impact This page in:English Español Français العربية

Innovative Co-Financing Platform Will Improve Development Impact

New Financing Tools Receive Major Funding Boost This page in:English Español Français العربية Русский

New Financing Tools Receive Major Funding Boost Support for innovative financial tools could generate up to $70 billion over 10 years WASHINGTON, April 19, 2024— New financial instruments designed to boost lending capacity and enable the World Bank Group to take on more risk for shared global challenges have received a significant endorsement. A set of 11 countries announced commitments today for the Portfolio Guarantee Platform, hybrid capital mechanism, and new Livable Planet Fund totaling $11 billion.

Chair’s Statement: 109th Meeting of the Development Committee This page in:English العربي

Chair’s Statement: 109th Meeting of the Development Committee Share more Mr. Mohamed bin Hadi Al Hussaini, Minister of State for Financial Affairs, United Arab Emirates The Development Committee met today, April 19, 2024. Development Committee members discussed the global macroeconomic and financial impact of current wars and conflicts including the war in Ukraine, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, as well as the shipping disruptions in the Red Sea. While recognizing the Development Committee is not the forum to resolve geopolitical and security issues and these issues will be discussed in other fora, Development Committee members acknowledged that these situations have significant impacts on the global economy. Today’s era must not be of war and conflict.

PRESS RELEASEAPRIL 15, 2024 Despite High Potential, 75 Vulnerable Economies Face ‘Historic Reversal’ This page in:English Español Français العربية Русский 中文

PRESS RELEASEAPRIL 15, 2024 This page in:English Español Français العربية Русский 中文 Despite High Potential, 75 Vulnerable Economies Face ‘Historic Reversal’ WASHINGTON, April 15, 2024—Despite their high potential to advance global prosperity, one-half of the world’s 75 most vulnerable countries are facing a widening income gap with the wealthiest economies for the first time in this century, a new World Bank report has found. Taking full advantage of their younger populations, their rich natural resources, and their abundant solar-energy potential can help them overcome the setback.

viernes, 26 de abril de 2024

Pro-Palestinian protests: 93 arrested at California campus © 2024 Deutsche Welle +++

Pro-Palestinian protests: 93 arrested at California campus 04/25/2024April 25, 2024 Police said 93 people were arrested for trespassing at the University of Southern California as pro-Palestinian protests continue in the US. Several universities have turned to law enforcement to break up gatherings. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Middle East updates: Israel intensifies airstrikes on Rafah Published 21 hours agoPublished 21 hours agolast updated 15 hours agolast updated 15 hours ago Thousands of civilians have fled Rafah as Israeli bombardments continue ahead of an anticipated ground offensive into the city. Elsewhere, US-led coalition forces shot down a Houthi missile in the Red Sea. DW has more. © 2024 Deutsche Welle How powerful is Hamas after 7 months of war with Israel? Kersten Knipp 7 hours ago7 hours ago After 7 months of war, and in spite of Israel's military strength, Hamas continues to fight. While it's impossible to pinpoint the exact strength of the Islamist militants, some indicators of their power do exist. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

US decides against sanctioning Haredi battalion, report Blinken outlines decision in letter to House Speaker saying Israeli government presents new information; official tells Ynet move likely the result of pressure from leaders from all side of political divide, Israeli public response to sanctions imposed during war person Itamar Eichner|08:54

US decides against sanctioning Haredi battalion, report Blinken outlines decision in letter to House Speaker saying Israeli government presents new information; official tells Ynet move likely the result of pressure from leaders from all side of political divide, Israeli public response to sanctions imposed during war person Itamar Eichner|08:54

A worrying trend sees symbol from Hamas propaganda used to target Jewish students The inverted red triangle is used in Hamas propaganda videos to indicate a military target; its use signals support for the terrorist group, and an implicit legitimization of violence. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF APRIL 26, 2024 16:16

A worrying trend sees symbol from Hamas propaganda used to target Jewish students The inverted red triangle is used in Hamas propaganda videos to indicate a military target; its use signals support for the terrorist group, and an implicit legitimization of violence. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF APRIL 26, 2024 16:16

Douglas Murray tells 'Post': Israel can’t only fight Iran but must restore security In an interview with The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday, Murray spoke about his views on Hamas and Israel’s prosecution of the war against the terrorist group and his warnings about the Iranian regime. By MICHAEL STARR APRIL 26, 2024 12:59

Douglas Murray tells 'Post': Israel can’t only fight Iran but must restore security In an interview with The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday, Murray spoke about his views on Hamas and Israel’s prosecution of the war against the terrorist group and his warnings about the Iranian regime. By MICHAEL STARR APRIL 26, 2024 12:59

Why nearly intact Iranian missiles are being found in the Negev - explainer Despite IDF claims that 99% of the Iranian missiles sent on April 14 were intercepted, missile parts keep being discovered in the Judean desert. By UDI ETZION/WALLA! APRIL 25, 2024 09:23 Updated: APRIL 25, 2024 10:21

Why nearly intact Iranian missiles are being found in the Negev - explainer Despite IDF claims that 99% of the Iranian missiles sent on April 14 were intercepted, missile parts keep being discovered in the Judean desert. By UDI ETZION/WALLA! APRIL 25, 2024 09:23 Updated: APRIL 25, 2024 10:21

Trump's legal team prepares to dissect first witness during cross-examination and more top headlines Fox News Published April 26, 2024 7:21am EDT

Trump's legal team prepares to dissect first witness during cross-examination and more top headlines Fox News Published April 26, 2024 7:21am EDT

The one piece of Trump’s legacy that haunts Biden Biden admits he will eliminate Trump tax cuts, causing more economic harm to ordinary Americans Carol Roth By Carol Roth Fox News Published April 26, 2024 5:00am EDT

The one piece of Trump’s legacy that haunts Biden Biden admits he will eliminate Trump tax cuts, causing more economic harm to ordinary Americans Carol Roth By Carol Roth Fox News Published April 26, 2024 5:00am EDT

Trump Trial Day 4: DA Bragg’s legal strategy is filth by association Any neutral and objective judge who is knowledgeable in the law would have long ago dismissed Manhattan D.A. Bragg’s sham charges Gregg Jarrett By Gregg Jarrett Fox News Published April 26, 2024 5:00am EDT

Trump Trial Day 4: DA Bragg’s legal strategy is filth by association Any neutral and objective judge who is knowledgeable in the law would have long ago dismissed Manhattan D.A. Bragg’s sham charges Gregg Jarrett By Gregg Jarrett Fox News Published April 26, 2024 5:00am EDT

High school students accepted to Columbia saying 'no thank you' due to antisemitism: college consultant Antisemitism reports leads aspiring college students to ditch Columbia as top choice Megan Myers By Megan Myers Fox News Published April 26, 2024 5:00am EDT

High school students accepted to Columbia saying 'no thank you' due to antisemitism: college consultant Antisemitism reports leads aspiring college students to ditch Columbia as top choice Megan Myers By Megan Myers Fox News Published April 26, 2024 5:00am EDT

Anti-Israel agitators: Signs of 'foreign assistance' emerge in Columbia, NYU unrest Biden admin not prioritizing investigations into potentially terror-affiliated NGOs fueling anti-Semitic demonstrations at elite universities, expert says Danielle Wallace By Danielle Wallace Fox News Published April 26, 2024 4:00am EDT

Anti-Israel agitators: Signs of 'foreign assistance' emerge in Columbia, NYU unrest Biden admin not prioritizing investigations into potentially terror-affiliated NGOs fueling anti-Semitic demonstrations at elite universities, expert says Danielle Wallace By Danielle Wallace Fox News Published April 26, 2024 4:00am EDT

GOP lawmakers demand major donors pull funding from Columbia over 'antisemitic incidents' Pressure is mounting on Columbia University to tamp down on anti-Israel demonstrations By Elizabeth Elkind Fox News Published April 26, 2024 4:00am EDT | Updated April 26, 2024 4:16am EDT

GOP lawmakers demand major donors pull funding from Columbia over 'antisemitic incidents' Pressure is mounting on Columbia University to tamp down on anti-Israel demonstrations By Elizabeth Elkind Fox News Published April 26, 2024 4:00am EDT | Updated April 26, 2024 4:16am EDT

Frustrated with Brazil's Lula, Indigenous peoples march to demand land recognition 251 territories in Brazil have pending claims for recognition Associated Press Published April 25, 2024 8:50pm EDT

Frustrated with Brazil's Lula, Indigenous peoples march to demand land recognition 251 territories in Brazil have pending claims for recognition Associated Press Published April 25, 2024 8:50pm EDT

Antisemitism at Columbia, Yale and NYU isn't free speech, it's a pro-Hamas mob We should not treat antisemitic hate speech as free speech Michael R. Pompeo By Michael R. Pompeo Fox News Published April 26, 2024 5:00am EDT

Antisemitism at Columbia, Yale and NYU isn't free speech, it's a pro-Hamas mob We should not treat antisemitic hate speech as free speech Michael R. Pompeo By Michael R. Pompeo Fox News Published April 26, 2024 5:00am EDT

Antisemitism on campus surges as agitators take over Last Update April 26, 2024 07:23am ET

Antisemitism on campus surges as agitators take over Students at Columbia University have been alerted that all in-person classes will be held virtually through the end of the semester as anti-Israel protesters have taken over the campus. Columbia President Minouche Shafik set a deadline of midnight Tuesday to reach an agreement in negotiations with anti-Israel protesters. Last Update April 26, 2024 07:23am ET Covered by: Fox News, Stephen Sorace, Danielle Wallace, Lawrence Richard, Greg Norman, Julia Johnson, Bradford Betz, Michael Ruiz, Ryan Gaydos, Louis Casiano, Landon Mion, Chris Pandolfo, Scott McDonald, Andrea Vacchiano and Michael Dorgan

Anti-Israel protesters at Florida universities can be ‘expelled’: DeSantis Florida is home to three of the country’s most-populated campuses By Scott McDonald Fox News Published April 26, 2024 4:43am EDT

Anti-Israel protesters at Florida universities can be ‘expelled’: DeSantis Florida is home to three of the country’s most-populated campuses By Scott McDonald Fox News Published April 26, 2024 4:43am EDT

jueves, 25 de abril de 2024

NYC union leader says members support Trump over Biden 3-to-1: 'I see a wave coming' Bob Bartels, a lifelong Democrat, joined 'Fox & Friends' after Trump greeted NYC construction workers Bailee Hill By Bailee Hill Fox News Published April 25, 2024 9:49am EDT

NYC union leader says members support Trump over Biden 3-to-1: 'I see a wave coming' Bob Bartels, a lifelong Democrat, joined 'Fox & Friends' after Trump greeted NYC construction workers Bailee Hill By Bailee Hill Fox News Published April 25, 2024 9:49am EDT

Morning Glory: Trump's numbers are surging in the swing states Turns out that show trial circuses in Manhattan hurt Biden and help Trump outside of the blue bubble cities. Hugh Hewitt By Hugh Hewitt Fox News Published April 25, 2024 5:00am EDT

Morning Glory: Trump's numbers are surging in the swing states Turns out that show trial circuses in Manhattan hurt Biden and help Trump outside of the blue bubble cities. Hugh Hewitt By Hugh Hewitt Fox News Published April 25, 2024 5:00am EDT

UT-Austin president defends shutting down anti-Israel protests: 'Our rules matter and they will be enforced' 'Our University will not be occupied,' UT-Austin President Hartzell said Wednesday By Lawrence Richard Fox News Published April 25, 2024 5:54am EDT

UT-Austin president defends shutting down anti-Israel protests: 'Our rules matter and they will be enforced' 'Our University will not be occupied,' UT-Austin President Hartzell said Wednesday By Lawrence Richard Fox News Published April 25, 2024 5:54am EDT

Anti-Israel agitators continue nationwide disruptions with escalations at USC, Harvard and Columbia Protesters clashed with police on multiple campuses, prompting arrests Andrea Vacchiano By Andrea Vacchiano Fox News Published April 24, 2024 9:08pm EDT | Updated April 24, 2024 10:09pm EDT

Anti-Israel agitators continue nationwide disruptions with escalations at USC, Harvard and Columbia Protesters clashed with police on multiple campuses, prompting arrests Andrea Vacchiano By Andrea Vacchiano Fox News Published April 24, 2024 9:08pm EDT | Updated April 24, 2024 10:09pm EDT

Between 150,000-200,000 Palestinians leave Rafah due to upcoming IDF invasion The IDF hopes that more civilians will follow this lead as new tent cities are set up for civilians to evacuate Rafah to Khan Yunis, al-Muwasi, and central Gaza. By YONAH JEREMY BOB APRIL 25, 2024 16:04 Updated: APRIL 25, 2024 16:46

Between 150,000-200,000 Palestinians leave Rafah due to upcoming IDF invasion The IDF hopes that more civilians will follow this lead as new tent cities are set up for civilians to evacuate Rafah to Khan Yunis, al-Muwasi, and central Gaza. By YONAH JEREMY BOB APRIL 25, 2024 16:04 Updated: APRIL 25, 2024 16:46

'Another blow to Iran': EU votes in favor of resolution against Islamic Republic On Thursday, the EU parliament voted to condemn Iran, showing its support for Israel and acknowledging the role Iran plays in destabilizing the region. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF APRIL 25, 2024 14:31 Updated: APRIL 25, 2024 16:37

'Another blow to Iran': EU votes in favor of resolution against Islamic Republic On Thursday, the EU parliament voted to condemn Iran, showing its support for Israel and acknowledging the role Iran plays in destabilizing the region. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF APRIL 25, 2024 14:31 Updated: APRIL 25, 2024 16:37

US, 17 other countries release joint statement demanding Hamas release the hostages Hamas leaders on the outside say all sorts of things, but the decision-makers are inside Gaza, living deep underground and holding the hostages By HANNAH SARISOHN APRIL 25, 2024 16:05 Updated: APRIL 25, 2024 16:20

US, 17 other countries release joint statement demanding Hamas release the hostages Hamas leaders on the outside say all sorts of things, but the decision-makers are inside Gaza, living deep underground and holding the hostages By HANNAH SARISOHN APRIL 25, 2024 16:05 Updated: APRIL 25, 2024 16:20

TikTok to challenge bill in US court By Fan Feifei | | Updated: 2024-04-25 09:58

Industrial robot makers gear up for global expansion With remarkable advances at home, manufacturers look to build on strengths, ambition By Wang Keju in Beijing and Wu Yong in Shenyang | China Daily | Updated: 2024-04-25 07:13

China expresses concerns over expansion of Australia-UK-US pact in Asia-Pacific By Jiang Chenglong | | Updated: 2024-04-25 17:32

Chongqing urged to boost modernization President says work of Party, government aimed to ensure people live a happier life By MO JINGXI | China Daily | Updated: 2024-04-25 07:07

A look at China's economic data in Q1 of 2024 | Updated: 2024-04-25 06:40

El Kremlin: implicación de EEUU en crisis ucraniana no afectará curso de operación rusa hace 2 horas (actualizado: hace 25 min) +++

El Kremlin: implicación de EEUU en crisis ucraniana no afectará curso de operación rusa hace 2 horas (actualizado: hace 25 min) MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — La implicación de Estados Unidos en el conflicto ucraniano no tendrá ningún impacto en los resultados de la operación militar rusa en Ucrania, declaró el portavoz del Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov. La jefa del Senado ruso compara las presidenciales de EEUU con un "circo barato" hace 3 horas (actualizado: hace 3 horas) MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — A Rusia le da lo mismo quién salga elegido presidente de Estados Unidos en noviembre próximo, dijo a Sputnik la titular del Senado, Valentina Matvienko, para quien estos comicios no son más que un circo de segunda fila. Asesora económica de Álvarez Máynez: "El modelo neoliberal ya no funciona, necesitamos otro enfoque" hace 12 horas (actualizado: hace 19 min) En una entrevista con Sputnik, la politóloga y experta en finanzas públicas Aura Eréndira Martínez Oriol dijo que el candidato de Movimiento Ciudadano se inspira en las políticas socialdemócratas y explicó cuáles son sus principales propuestas en materia económica.

EL COSTO DE LA GUERRA 25 de abril de 2024 La Voz Del Árabe

–Todos saben que las guerras son costosas. El costo de la guerra de Kiev contra las poblaciones rusoparlantes de Ucrania lo están pagando principalmente los europeos mientras que el de la guerra contra los árabes de Palestina lo están pagando los estadounidenses. En regiones diferentes del mundo, esos gastos están al servicio de una misma estrategia, la estrategia de dominación global de los anglosajones. RED VOLTAIRE | ROMA (ITALIA) Manlio Dinucci*


– La respuesta militar de Irán al bombardeo israelí contra su embajada es, por consiguiente –nos guste o no el régimen iraní–, totalmente legítima a la luz del artículo 51 de la Carta de la ONU… RED VOLTAIRE

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2024

Iranian regime releases new claims on stolen ‘Israel-linked’ transit cargo Iran has also seized other vessels in international waters in recent years, heightening risks for merchant shipping in the area. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF, REUTERS APRIL 24, 2024 00:39

Iranian regime releases new claims on stolen ‘Israel-linked’ transit cargo Iran has also seized other vessels in international waters in recent years, heightening risks for merchant shipping in the area. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF, REUTERS APRIL 24, 2024 00:39

Iran's Raisi to Israel: 'Attack could lead to end of Zionist regime' A few days after the attack attributed to Israel in Isfahan, the Iranian president sent a threat towards the Jewish state if they carry out an attack against the IRGC. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF, REUTERS APRIL 24, 2024 09:39 Updated: APRIL 24, 2024 12:14

Iran's Raisi to Israel: 'Attack could lead to end of Zionist regime' A few days after the attack attributed to Israel in Isfahan, the Iranian president sent a threat towards the Jewish state if they carry out an attack against the IRGC. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF, REUTERS APRIL 24, 2024 09:39 Updated: APRIL 24, 2024 12:14

Iran's main goal: Destroy the world as we know it, impose Shia Islam globally - opinion Iran’s leaders want to destroy the world as we know it. They want to dominate the Middle East, overthrow Western-style democracy, wipe out Israel, and impose Shia Islam on the world. By NEVILLE TELLER APRIL 24, 2024 09:57

Iran's main goal: Destroy the world as we know it, impose Shia Islam globally - opinion Iran’s leaders want to destroy the world as we know it. They want to dominate the Middle East, overthrow Western-style democracy, wipe out Israel, and impose Shia Islam on the world. By NEVILLE TELLER APRIL 24, 2024 09:57

Hamas chief Sinwar exited tunnels, met with terrorists aboveground - report The Hostage and Missing Families Forum said they'd found that the reports about Sinwar's exit from the tunnels were "reliable." By JERUSALEM POST STAFF APRIL 24, 2024 15:19 Updated: APRIL 24, 2024 15:22

Hamas chief Sinwar exited tunnels, met with terrorists aboveground - report The Hostage and Missing Families Forum said they'd found that the reports about Sinwar's exit from the tunnels were "reliable." By JERUSALEM POST STAFF APRIL 24, 2024 15:19 Updated: APRIL 24, 2024 15:22

15 things you don’t know about Israel’s air defense systems

15 things you don’t know about Israel’s air defense systems Israel has sustained attacks from enemies throughout its history and has invested heavily in high tech defense technologies that are the envy of the world’s military. By John Jeffay April 21, Updated April 22

Anti-Israel campus protesters make demand of administrators, vow to stay put until universities meet it Anti-Israel protests have been held at Columbia, Yale, MIT, UC Berkeley, Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, the University of Virginia and others By Lawrence Richard Fox News Published April 24, 2024 8:01am EDT | Updated April 24, 2024 8:12am EDT +++

Anti-Israel campus protesters make demand of administrators, vow to stay put until universities meet it Anti-Israel protests have been held at Columbia, Yale, MIT, UC Berkeley, Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, the University of Virginia and others By Lawrence Richard Fox News Published April 24, 2024 8:01am EDT | Updated April 24, 2024 8:12am EDT Columbia sets deadline for agreement with protesters, threatens 'alternative options' for clearing protesters Administrators have four agreement points that need to be hashed out to resolve the situation Landon Mion By Landon Mion Fox News Published April 24, 2024 4:08am EDT | Updated April 24, 2024 5:28am EDT Columbia protests are 'writing on the wall' about antisemitism on campuses, student organization founder says College and university campuses are facing a lack of leadership: Students Supporting Israel founder Sarah Rumpf-Whitten By Sarah Rumpf-Whitten Fox News Published April 23, 2024 8:21pm EDT | Updated April 23, 2024 8:39pm EDT

Israel-Iran tensions: Is Syria the new battlefield? Cathrin Schaer © 2024 Deutsche Welle ++++

Israel-Iran tensions: Is Syria the new battlefield? Cathrin Schaer 5 hours ago5 hours ago Israel has been bombing Syria covertly for years, trying to stop anti-Israel forces in that country from getting any stronger. Some experts worry the Gaza conflict will make things worse. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Iran's nuclear activities 'raises eyebrows' at IAEA Biresh Banerjee 04/23/2024April 23, 2024 Iran's enrichment of uranium and a lack of access to international monitors is fueling suspicions about its nuclear activities. The International Atomic Energy Agency said its committed to promoting dialogue with Tehran. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Iran-Israel tensions highlight nuclear program Andrew Shale 04/22/2024April 22, 2024 Tensions between Israel and Iran have turned the spotlight on Tehran's nuclear capabilities. The West accuses Iran of using its civil nuclear program as a cover for developing weapons — which Tehran denies. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Middle East updates: Germany resumes UNRWA cooperation Published 6 hours agoPublished 6 hours agolast updated 2 hours agolast updated 2 hours ago Germany will reestablish cooperation with the UN agency for Palestinian refugees in Gaza, the government said. Meanwhile, Israel has thanked the US Senate for approving billions in military aid. Follow DW for more. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Chinese business group 'shocked, dissatisfied' over EU raids on Chinese company Xinhua | Updated: 2024-04-24 08:57

Can peace still be restored in Middle East? By Fan Hongda | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2024-04-24 07:04

US, not China, adds fuel to Ukraine crisis By Zhao Huirong | | Updated: 2024-04-24 12:07

Beijing hopes Blinken visit to boost dialogue Politicization by US of economic, trade, tech issues firmly opposed, official says By CAO DESHENG | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2024-04-24 07:12

'Overcapacity' an excuse to target 'made-in-China' By Zhang Monan | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2024-04-24 07:05

Xi: Bolster growth of western region President stresses important role of New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor for area By MO JINGXI | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2024-04-24 06:55

Putin: Los implicados en el atentado terrorista en el Crocus City Hall no deben escapar del castigo hace 4 horas (actualizado: hace 17 min) +++++

Putin: Los implicados en el atentado terrorista en el Crocus City Hall no deben escapar del castigo hace 4 horas (actualizado: hace 17 min) SAN PETERSBURGO (Sputnik) — Los implicados en el atentado terrorista en la sala de conciertos del Crocus City Hall no deben quedar impunes, declaró Vladímir Putin, en un videomensaje a los participantes de la XII Conferencia Internacional de Altos Representantes para Asuntos de Seguridad. Abriendo tantos frentes bélicos, EEUU lleva adelante una estrategia "potencialmente mortal" hace 8 horas (actualizado: hace 4 horas) Así lo afirma el diario 'The Financial Times' en una nota publicada el 21 de abril, donde advierte que la política del gobierno de Joe Biden de impulsar conflictos contra sus adversarios y financiar a los aliados que los llevan adelante es un apuesta arriesgada al carecer Washington de suficientes recursos militares y económicos para triunfar. Rusia cuestiona a la Unesco por callar el asesinato del periodista Semión Eriomin en Zaporozhie hace 4 horas (actualizado: hace 4 horas) MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — El silencio de la Unesco ante el ataque con un dron que mató el pasado 19 de abril al periodista Semión Eriomin, corresponsal de guerra del canal de noticias ruso Izvestia, en la provincia de Zaporozhie, socava el prestigio de esa organización internacional, aseguró el Ministerio de Exteriores de Rusia. China critica cláusulas sobre Taiwán de proyecto de ley de ayuda exterior de EEUU hace 5 horas (actualizado: hace 2 horas) PEKÍN (Sputnik) — China se pronuncia en contra del contenido del proyecto de ley de Estados Unidos sobre la ayuda a socios extranjeros que incluye a Taiwán, declaró la portavoz de la Oficina de Asuntos de Taiwán del Consejo de Estado de China, Zhu Fenglian. El secretario del Consejo de Seguridad ruso expone la magnitud de los crímenes de Ucrania hace 29 min La magnitud de los crímenes contra la humanidad cometidos por Kiev demuestra lo peligrosa que es la ideología del nazismo alimentada por Occidente en Ucrania, declaró el secretario del Consejo de Seguridad de Rusia, Nikolái Pátrushev. Asimismo, el político señaló el aumento del potencial de conflicto en las relaciones internacionales.

HAMAS RETA A ISRAEL CON GUERRA FRONTAL EN RAFAH 24 de abril de 2024 La Voz Del Árabe -HAMAS reta a Israel con guerra frontal en Rafah: Gaza no se arrodilla – El líder político de HAMAS afirma que, si las tropas de Israel entran en Rafah, sur de Gaza, los combatientes de la Resistencia no ondearán banderas blancas.

martes, 23 de abril de 2024

Trump defends Johnson as Marjorie Taylor Greene pushes to oust speaker Greene is demanding House Speaker Mike Johnson resign or be removed over $95B foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel Danielle Wallace By Danielle Wallace Fox News Published April 23, 2024 8:31am EDT

Trump defends Johnson as Marjorie Taylor Greene pushes to oust speaker Greene is demanding House Speaker Mike Johnson resign or be removed over $95B foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel Danielle Wallace By Danielle Wallace Fox News Published April 23, 2024 8:31am EDT

Thousands of Indigenous people gather in Brazil to protest Lula's land grant decisions 251 territories in Brazil have pending claims for recognition Associated Press Published April 22, 2024 7:56pm EDT

Thousands of Indigenous people gather in Brazil to protest Lula's land grant decisions 251 territories in Brazil have pending claims for recognition Associated Press Published April 22, 2024 7:56pm EDT

Elite university reverses on NYPD presence as antisemitic mob takes over campus and more top headlines Fox News Published April 23, 2024 6:55am EDT

Elite university reverses on NYPD presence as antisemitic mob takes over campus and more top headlines Fox News Published April 23, 2024 6:55am EDT

There cannot be a unilateral move at the UN to establish a Palestinian terror state Granting the perpetrators and supporters of October 7th full membership status in the U.N. is the vilest reward for the vilest of crimes By Amb. Gilad Erdan Fox News Published April 23, 2024 8:00am EDT

There cannot be a unilateral move at the UN to establish a Palestinian terror state Granting the perpetrators and supporters of October 7th full membership status in the U.N. is the vilest reward for the vilest of crimes By Amb. Gilad Erdan Fox News Published April 23, 2024 8:00am EDT

Morning Glory: Joe Biden's antisemitism problem With campus antisemitism exploding, where are Joe Biden’s Departments of Education and Justice? Hugh Hewitt By Hugh Hewitt Fox News Published April 23, 2024 5:00am EDT

Morning Glory: Joe Biden's antisemitism problem With campus antisemitism exploding, where are Joe Biden’s Departments of Education and Justice? Hugh Hewitt By Hugh Hewitt Fox News Published April 23, 2024 5:00am EDT

NYU requested NYPD to gain control of ‘disorderly’ anti-Israel protest: ‘Did not need to lead to this’ NYU requested assistance from the NYPD after campus protests prompted 'disorderly, disruptive and antagonizing behavior,' a school spokesperson said Landon Mion By Landon Mion Fox News Published April 23, 2024 3:33am EDT | Updated April 23, 2024 3:34am EDT

NYU requested NYPD to gain control of ‘disorderly’ anti-Israel protest: ‘Did not need to lead to this’ NYU requested assistance from the NYPD after campus protests prompted 'disorderly, disruptive and antagonizing behavior,' a school spokesperson said Landon Mion By Landon Mion Fox News Published April 23, 2024 3:33am EDT | Updated April 23, 2024 3:34am EDT

NYC riots: Anti-Israel agitators hurl bottles at NYPD, form human chain amid mass arrests Video shows at least 4 bottles being thrown at police as NYPD sources say that 133 protesters were arrested Chris Pandolfo By Chris Pandolfo , Michael Dorgan Fox News Published April 23, 2024 9:22am EDT

NYC riots: Anti-Israel agitators hurl bottles at NYPD, form human chain amid mass arrests Video shows at least 4 bottles being thrown at police as NYPD sources say that 133 protesters were arrested Chris Pandolfo By Chris Pandolfo , Michael Dorgan Fox News Published April 23, 2024 9:22am EDT

EU expansion: Can the bloc afford new members in the east? Marie Sina © 2024 Deutsche Welle

EU expansion: Can the bloc afford new members in the east? Marie Sina Russia's invasion of Ukraine has pushed enlargement back on top of Europe's agenda. But taking in new members would strain the bloc's budget. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Ukraine updates: US Senate to vote on major aid package © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Ukraine updates: US Senate to vote on major aid package Published 10 hours agoPublished 10 hours agolast updated 4 hours agolast updated 4 hours ago The $61-billion aid package for Ukraine is expected to pass after months of delay. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is also set to announce record aid for Kyiv. DW rounds up the latest. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Iran's nuclear activities 'raises eyebrows' at IAEA Biresh Banerjee | Zachary Crellin © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Iran's nuclear activities 'raises eyebrows' at IAEA Biresh Banerjee | Zachary Crellin 11 hours ago11 hours ago Iran's enrichment of uranium and a lack of access to international monitors is fueling suspicions about its nuclear activities. The International Atomic Energy Agency said its committed to promoting dialogue with Tehran. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

China expects US cooperation in new era Beijing eyes modernization while contributing to building a world of lasting peace, envoy says By HENG WEILI in New York | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2024-04-23 07:23

Market mavens downplay volatility By SHI JING in Shanghai | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2024-04-23 08:16

'Decoupling' cannot make US stronger By Harvey Dzodin | | Updated: 2024-04-23 15:15

Overseas institutions encouraged to invest in domestic tech companies By Wang Keju, Ouyang Shijia and Zhong Nan | China Daily | Updated: 2024-04-23 06:54

US friend hails Xi's respect in 39-year bond He is 'great person and good friend' who bears details in mind, said Iowa businessman By Zhang Yunbi | China Daily Global | Updated: 2024-04-23 07:09

US friend hails Xi's respect in 39-year bond He is 'great person and good friend' who bears details in mind, said Iowa businessman By Zhang Yunbi | China Daily Global | Updated: 2024-04-23 07:09

Lavrov: "Hubo una desdolarización casi completa entre Rusia y China" hace 15 horas

Más del 90% de los acuerdos financieros ruso-chinos son realizados en monedas nacionales, mientras que la cooperación económica bilateral está progresando activamente, dijo el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia, Serguéi Lavrov, este 22 de abril. "La cooperación comercial y económica ruso-china se está desarrollando activamente, y esto a pesar de las tentativas persistentes de Estados Unidos y el Occidente colectivo de imponer obstáculos", señaló Lavrov.

La jefa del Senado ruso advierte que la incautación de activos rusos destruiría la economía global hace 5 horas (actualizado: hace 3 horas) ++

La jefa del Senado ruso advierte que la incautación de activos rusos destruiría la economía global hace 5 horas (actualizado: hace 3 horas) MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — La incautación de los activos inmovilizados de Rusia destruiría la economía global, alertó la presidenta del Senado ruso, Valentina Matvienko. "Sería una medida sin precedentes en la historia universal, una medida que simplemente destruiría la economía global, la confianza en la economía global. Y una medida absolutamente ilegal e ilegítima, por supuesto", señaló Matvienko en una entrevista con Dmitri Kiseliov, el director general del grupo mediático Rossiya Segodnya (casa matriz de la agencia Sputnik). China tilda de hipócrita a EEUU por criticar relaciones con Rusia mientras apoya a Ucrania hace 3 horas (actualizado: hace 2 horas) PEKÍN (Sputnik) — EEUU se comporta de manera hipócrita al anunciar un proyecto de ayuda a Ucrania mientras critica las relaciones entre la Federación de Rusia y la República Popular China (RPCh), declaró el portavoz de la Cancillería china, Wang Wenbin. El periódico The Wall Street Journal informó, citando fuentes propias, que Washington está preparando sanciones financieras contra varios bancos chinos con el objetivo de presionar a Pekín para que rompa sus lazos comerciales con Rusia. Estados Unidos teme que el comercio con China esté fortaleciendo la industria militar rusa, lo que podría darle a Rusia ventaja en una guerra de desgaste contra Ucrania.

Rusia cifra en casi 500.000 las bajas de Ucrania desde el inicio de la operación militar rusa hace 2 horas (actualizado: hace 22 min) +++

MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — Las bajas de las Fuerzas Armadas de Ucrania ascendieron a casi 500.000 militares desde el inicio de la operación militar especial el 24 de febrero de 2024, declaró el ministro de Defensa de Rusia, Serguéi Shoigú. "En total, desde el inicio de la operación militar especial, las pérdidas de las Fuerzas Armadas de Ucrania alcanzaron casi 500.000 militares", afirmó Shoigú en una reunión con altos cargos del Ministerio de Defensa ruso. Marines rusos incautan armamento occidental en una localidad recién liberada hace 1 hora Las tropas ucranianas que se retiraron de la localidad de Novomijáilovka, al suroeste de Donetsk, abandonaron no solo a sus heridos, sino que también dejaron muestras de armamento occidental, informa el Ministerio de Defensa ruso. Esta declaración también se ve confirmada por las palabras de los combatientes rusos que participaron en la batalla. Fuerzas de seguridad de Rusia frustran un ataque terrorista en la región de Briansk | Video hace 2 horas MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — El Servicio Federal de Seguridad de Rusia (FSB, por sus siglas en ruso) informó haber frustrado un ataque terrorista en la provincia rusa de Briansk. "El FSB detuvo en Briansk a un ciudadano ruso que profesa la ideología nacionalista ucraniana y que, siguiendo instrucciones de representantes de una organización terrorista prohibida en nuestro país, participó en la preparación de un acto terrorista y de sabotaje", señala el comunicado.


-Tras más de seis meses de guerra en la Franja de Gaza que han aportado al temor de un conflicto regional más amplio y una amenaza nuclear, continúan los llamados a distender la situación rápidamente. Mientras, los palestinos sufren «deshidratación, desnutrición y miedo,» y continua la destrucción injustificada e intencionada de equipos médicos en los escasos hospitales que todavía funcionan. Luego de los ataques israelíes dentro de Irán cerca de una central nuclear a primera hora del viernes, el Secretario General de la ONU, António Guterres, hizo una nueva apelación a todas las partes para «detener el peligroso ciclo de represalias en Oriente Medio».


– Los incidentes de crímenes violentos, incendios provocados y destrucción de propiedades perpetrados por colonos armados han experimentado un notable aumento. – Las tensiones en Cisjordania han sido especialmente elevadas desde el estallido de la guerra entre Israel y Hamás en la Franja de Gaza el 7 de octubre. La Liga Árabe denunció enérgicamente el martes los incesantes ataques perpetrados por colonos israelíes en ciudades y pueblos palestinos de Cisjordania.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2024

Palestinians protest deadly Israeli raid in West Bank © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Palestinians protest deadly Israeli raid in West Bank © 2024 Deutsche Welle Beenish Javed 2 hours ago2 hours ago Palestinians in the West Bank have held a general strike, closing their shops and other businesses, after Israeli forces raided the Nur Shams refugee camp. The Palestinian Red Crescent said at least 14 people were killed in what Israel says was a counterterrorism operation. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Copernicus report shows year of weather extremes in Europe Jeannette Cwienk © 2024 Deutsche Welle ++++

Copernicus report shows year of weather extremes in Europe Jeannette Cwienk 12 hours ago12 hours ago Drought, wildfires, floods and record heat in Europe: last year was one of extreme climate impacts for humans and nature. But there's also some positive news. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Volunteers help Australia's penguins beat the heat Nita Blake-Persen 04/21/2024April 21, 2024 Western Australia's largest penguin population is popular with birdwatchers and tourists. But scorching summers are threatening the birds' survival. Local volunteers and scientists are trying to find ways to keep them cool. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Hugging trees for a better world Hillary Ayesinga | Christina Küfner 1 hour ago1 hour ago Ugandan climate activist Patricia Ariokot made it into the Guinness World Records book for the longest tree hug. It wasn't just a fun stunt: she wants to raise awareness of the vital role that trees play in mental and environmental health.. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Africa's El Nino crises demand action and funding Mimi Mefo Takambou 5 hours ago5 hours ago The El Nino weather pattern is causing extreme weather events in East Africa and a crippling drought in the south of the continent. Experts say immediate action is needed to tackle famine and displacement. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Middle East updates: Israel's intel chief quits over Oct. 7 © 2024 Deutsche Welle +++

Middle East updates: Israel's intel chief quits over Oct. 7 Published 4 hours agoPublished 4 hours agolast updated 18 minutes agolast updated 18 minutes ago Military intelligence chief Aharon Haliva is the first senior Israeli official to resign over failing to prevent the October 7 terror attacks. Meanwhile, a rocket attack was reported at a US base in Syria. DW has more. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Global military spending soars to new record highs Oliver Pieper 16 hours ago16 hours ago The global defense budget saw its largest yearly increase in 14 years in 2023, according to the think tank SIPRI. Russia's war in Ukraine, the China-Taiwan crisis and other global conflicts played a significant role. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Ukraine's Zelenskyy hails 'lifesaving' US aid package Ana Shorter 22 hours ago22 hours ago Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has welcomed the decision by the US House of Representatives to approve a major military and financial aid package to support the country's fight against Russia. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Denver migrant advocates say six months of free rent, food not enough: 'A slap in the face' and 'offensive' Mayor Johnston announced budget cuts so city can better deal with its migrant crisis By Yael Halon Fox News Published April 22, 2024 8:00am EDT

Denver migrant advocates say six months of free rent, food not enough: 'A slap in the face' and 'offensive' Mayor Johnston announced budget cuts so city can better deal with its migrant crisis By Yael Halon Fox News Published April 22, 2024 8:00am EDT

Crisis in the Northwest: City's battle against homelessness could have dire effects for the nation West Coast homelessness 'coming to a neighborhood near you' if Supreme Court affirms appellate ruling, critics warn Hannah Ray Lambert By Hannah Ray Lambert Fox News Published April 22, 2024 5:30am EDT

Crisis in the Northwest: City's battle against homelessness could have dire effects for the nation West Coast homelessness 'coming to a neighborhood near you' if Supreme Court affirms appellate ruling, critics warn Hannah Ray Lambert By Hannah Ray Lambert Fox News Published April 22, 2024 5:30am EDT

Katherine Maher's past political activity flies in the face of NPR's ethics handbook 'Do not advocate for political issues online,' NPR's ethics handbook states By Joseph A. Wulfsohn Fox News Published April 22, 2024 5:00am EDT

Katherine Maher's past political activity flies in the face of NPR's ethics handbook 'Do not advocate for political issues online,' NPR's ethics handbook states By Joseph A. Wulfsohn Fox News Published April 22, 2024 5:00am EDT

Outrage at pro-Hamas protest as London cop threatens man with arrest for 'openly Jewish' appearance Calls grow for London police chief's ouster for allowing 'mobs rife with anti-Jewish racists and terrorist sympathizers,' to protest in UK capital By Benjamin Weinthal Fox News Published April 21, 2024 12:23pm EDT

Outrage at pro-Hamas protest as London cop threatens man with arrest for 'openly Jewish' appearance Calls grow for London police chief's ouster for allowing 'mobs rife with anti-Jewish racists and terrorist sympathizers,' to protest in UK capital By Benjamin Weinthal Fox News Published April 21, 2024 12:23pm EDT

Hezbollah claims to shoot down Israeli drone over Lebanon IDF says ‘remote manned aircraft’ was targeted with surface-to-air missile Greg Norman By Greg Norman Fox News Published April 22, 2024 6:57am EDT

Hezbollah claims to shoot down Israeli drone over Lebanon IDF says ‘remote manned aircraft’ was targeted with surface-to-air missile Greg Norman By Greg Norman Fox News Published April 22, 2024 6:57am EDT

Supreme Court can fix the homeless crisis that the government caused Government set homeless crisis in motion with zoning regulations and limits on building new houses By Mark Miller Fox News Published April 22, 2024 5:00am EDT

Supreme Court can fix the homeless crisis that the government caused Government set homeless crisis in motion with zoning regulations and limits on building new houses By Mark Miller Fox News Published April 22, 2024 5:00am EDT

We need to stop fentanyl from China ... and this shocking move is how to make a difference China is directly involved in our fentanyl crisis. It will take a bipartisan effort to stop it By Chrissy Houlahan , Dan Crenshaw Fox News Published April 22, 2024 5:00am EDT

We need to stop fentanyl from China ... and this shocking move is how to make a difference China is directly involved in our fentanyl crisis. It will take a bipartisan effort to stop it By Chrissy Houlahan , Dan Crenshaw Fox News Published April 22, 2024 5:00am EDT

Agitator behind ‘Death to America’ chants in Chicago contributes to Iran state TV, Hezbollah-linked channel Activist said to laughter, the Farsi term could either mean 'death to, or down with' By Beth Bailey Fox News Published April 22, 2024 4:00am EDT

Agitator behind ‘Death to America’ chants in Chicago contributes to Iran state TV, Hezbollah-linked channel Activist said to laughter, the Farsi term could either mean 'death to, or down with' By Beth Bailey Fox News Published April 22, 2024 4:00am EDT

Columbia University president orders virtual classes as anti-Israel protests take over: 'We need a reset' The Columbia University president condemned 'Antisemitic language' used by protesters and the 'intimidating and harassing behavior on our campus' By Lawrence Richard Fox News Published April 22, 2024 6:27am EDT

Columbia University president orders virtual classes as anti-Israel protests take over: 'We need a reset' The Columbia University president condemned 'Antisemitic language' used by protesters and the 'intimidating and harassing behavior on our campus' By Lawrence Richard Fox News Published April 22, 2024 6:27am EDT

Multiple Yale anti-Israel protesters arrested as police close in on occupation: report Protesters called on Yale University to divest from military weapon manufacturers By Stephen Sorace Fox News Published April 22, 2024 7:56am EDT

Multiple Yale anti-Israel protesters arrested as police close in on occupation: report Protesters called on Yale University to divest from military weapon manufacturers By Stephen Sorace Fox News Published April 22, 2024 7:56am EDT

EL ATAQUE IRANÍ A ISRAEL 22 de abril de 2024 Roman Lopez Villicaña

– Esto ha provocado una crisis social dentro de Israel. Israelíes y extranjeros se cuestionan por qué el que se supone es el mejor ejército de Medio Oriente no ha podido acabar con las milicias de Hamas… Román López Villicaña*


-El proyecto de resolución, propuesto por Argelia, obtiene 12 a favor, la abstención del Reino Unido y Suiza y el veto de Estados Unidos. Horas antes, el secretario general dijo a los miembros del Consejo que las recientes escaladas en Oriente Medio hacen aún más importante apoyar los esfuerzos hacia una paz duradera entre Israel y un Estado palestino plenamente independiente, viable y soberano. Estados Unidos vetó el proyecto de resolución que recomendaba la admisión del Estado palestino como miembro de pleno derecho de las Naciones Unidas. El proyecto contó con 12 votos a favor y la abstención del Reino Unido y Suiza.

El gasto en defensa aumentó 6,8% en todo el mundo en 2023 hace 11 horas (actualizado: hace 5 horas)

El gasto militar en el mundo aumentó 6,8% en 2023 con respecto al año anterior, lo que representó el mayor incremento interanual desde 2009, reportó este 21 de abril el Instituto Internacional para la Investigación sobre la Paz de Estocolmo, (SIPRI, por sus siglas en inglés). De acuerdo con el nuevo reporte, el gasto militar aumentó en todas las regiones del planeta hasta alcanzar el máximo histórico de 2,44 billones de dólares.

"Occidente está al borde de un enfrentamiento militar directo entre potencias nucleares" hace 2 horas

Los países occidentales se encuentran al borde de una confrontación militar directa entre potencias nucleares ante su apoyo a Ucrania, lo que tendrá consecuencias catastróficas, declara el canciller de Rusia, Serguéi Lavrov. Insistió en la necesidad de hacer esfuerzos conjuntos para crear una arquitectura de seguridad internacional renovada. "Occidente está peligrosamente al borde de un enfrentamiento militar directo entre potencias nucleares, lo que tendrá consecuencias catastróficas", advirtió Serguéi Lavrov en un videomensaje dirigido a los participantes en la Conferencia para No Proliferación en Moscú.

La incompetencia de EEUU y el Reino Unido está detrás de "un error fatal" de Zelenski hace 1 hora

En las primeras semanas, tras el inicio de la operación especial, el presidente ucraniano, Volodímir Zelenski, se mostró dispuesto a negociar, pero bajo la presión de los aliados occidentales decidió renunciar a un acuerdo de paz, señaló el economista estadounidense Jeffrey Sachs. Añadió que así cometió "un error fatal". "Estados Unidos intervino porque somos incompetentes. Y los británicos intervinieron porque son vulgarmente cínicos, con tendencias imperiales y también incompetentes. Y dijeron a los ucranianos: 'Sigan luchando'", señaló Jeffrey Sachs en una entrevista al canal de YouTube Judging Freedom.

El FMI explica las razones de la fortaleza de la economía rusa hace 10 horas

El Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) aseguró que la actividad económica fuerte, los volúmenes de exportación de petróleo y otros factores más explican el ajuste en pronóstico de crecimiento de Rusia para este año y el próximo.

Las tropas rusas toman bajo control la aldea de Novomijáilovka al suroeste de Donetsk hace 13 min (actualizado: hace 2 min)

MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — Las tropas rusas extendieron su control a la localidad de Novomijáilovka, al suroeste de Donetsk, reportó el Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia. En total, durante la última jornada, las pérdidas de Kiev en todos los frentes suman unos 895 soldados. "Las exitosas operaciones de unidades del el grupo de fuerzas Sur resultaron en la liberación total de la localidad de Novomijáilovka, en la república popular de Donetsk, y en una mejora de las posiciones tácticas de primera línea", comunicaron desde la entidad.

domingo, 21 de abril de 2024

Ukraine updates: Germany's Scholz welcomes US aid package © 2024 Deutsche Welle ++++

Ukraine updates: Germany's Scholz welcomes US aid package Published 4 hours agoPublished 4 hours agolast updated 6 minutes agolast updated 6 minutes ago Germany's chancellor said the decision by US lawmakers to approve more foreign aid for Ukraine was a "strong signal." Western military experts believe the move will cause Russia to intensify its offensive. DW has more. © 2024 Deutsche Welle US Congress passes long-delayed Ukraine aid bill Ana Shorter 2 hours ago2 hours ago The US House of Representatives has approved nearly $61 billion in aid and military support for Ukraine. Although the majority of Republican lawmakers voted against it, Democrats and moderate Republicans prevailed. © 2024 Deutsche Welle US House approves major military aid package for Ukraine Published 04/20/2024Published April 20, 2024last updated 16 hours agolast updated 16 hours ago The package has been stalled by political infighting and comes amid Kyiv's repeated calls for assistance. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Soldiers in Ukraine anxiously await US weapons Frank Hofmann | Mykola Berdnyk 19 hours ago19 hours ago Without US support, Ukraine's defenses would crumble.The situation on Ukraine's front line is dramatic, an artillery officer explains. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Middle East updates: Israel angered by possible US sanctions © 2024 Deutsche Welle+++

Middle East updates: Israel angered by possible US sanctions Israel's leadership has voiced indignation after reports that Washington intends to announce sanctions against an Israeli military battalion. DW has the latest. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Iran plays down reports of Israeli attack Shabnam von Hein 04/19/2024April 19, 2024 Iranian authorities say three small drones were shot down by air defenses, while claiming that US media reports of an Israeli attack have been exaggerated. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Israel-Iran escalation: How strong is Israel's military? Kersten Knipp 04/18/2024April 18, 2024 A military conflict between Israel and Iran is a real threat. But to what extent is Israel prepared for a potential multi-front war against Iran and its allies? © 2024 Deutsche Welle