lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2020

Existing bail regime, loaded against poor and underprivileged, needs urgent reform | The Indian Express

Existing bail regime, loaded against poor and underprivileged, needs urgent reform | The Indian Express

With better than expected second-quarter numbers, economy could spring a positive surprise | The Indian Express

With better than expected second-quarter numbers, economy could spring a positive surprise | The Indian Express

JNU needs Swami Vivekananda’s spirit, teachings to help it scale new heights | The Indian Express

JNU needs Swami Vivekananda’s spirit, teachings to help it scale new heights | The Indian Express

The US possesses a sense of independence at local level, even when divided at national level | The Indian Express

The US possesses a sense of independence at local level, even when divided at national level | The Indian Express

Criticism of military in Pakistan’s Opposition rallies is unprecedented | The Indian Express

Criticism of military in Pakistan’s Opposition rallies is unprecedented | The Indian Express

Explained: Why France may soon pass a law banning discrimination on the basis of accents | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why France may soon pass a law banning discrimination on the basis of accents | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Who was Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the assassinated Iranian nuclear scientist? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Who was Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the assassinated Iranian nuclear scientist? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Assassination in Iran could limit Joe Biden’s options. Was that the goal? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Assassination in Iran could limit Joe Biden’s options. Was that the goal? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why rights bodies, journalists are opposing France’s new security law | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why rights bodies, journalists are opposing France’s new security law | Explained News,The Indian Express

Farmers refuse to move, say will intensify protest | India News,The Indian Express

Farmers refuse to move, say will intensify protest | India News,The Indian Express

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2020

To be taken seriously, Quad needs military heft, not desultory naval exercises | The Indian Express

To be taken seriously, Quad needs military heft, not desultory naval exercises | The Indian Express

Slum numbers show cities don’t help Dalits shed caste | The Indian Express

Slum numbers show cities don’t help Dalits shed caste | The Indian Express

Tavleen Singh writes: 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks completely changed our relationship with Pakistan

Tavleen Singh writes: 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks completely changed our relationship with Pakistan

P Chidambaram writes: Overall Indian economy is in bad shape, policy making is confused, and claims of revival are exaggerated

P Chidambaram writes: Overall Indian economy is in bad shape, policy making is confused, and claims of revival are exaggerated

Pérdida de mamíferos pone en riesgo los servicios de ecosistemas

Pérdida de mamíferos pone en riesgo los servicios de ecosistemas

Racismo ambiental lacera a comunidades indígenas en México

Racismo ambiental lacera a comunidades indígenas en México

Consecuencias económicas de la covid persistirán por largo tiempo

Consecuencias económicas de la covid persistirán por largo tiempo

Ni el CO2 es el único problema ni todos tenemos la misma culpa

Ni el CO2 es el único problema ni todos tenemos la misma culpa

Estados Unidos y China pugnan por la hegemonía mundial (y no solo en economía)

Estados Unidos y China pugnan por la hegemonía mundial (y no solo en economía)

Los gases que calientan la Tierra llegan a niveles récord

Los gases que calientan la Tierra llegan a niveles récord

¿Qué falta en la cobertura de covid? Mujeres

¿Qué falta en la cobertura de covid? Mujeres

Superar la brecha digital y la inseguridad alimentaria: un objetivo complementario

Superar la brecha digital y la inseguridad alimentaria: un objetivo complementario

Los ataques en redes a mujeres periodistas se extienden cada vez más al mundo real

Los ataques en redes a mujeres periodistas se extienden cada vez más al mundo real

Reordenamiento monetario despierta interrogantes en ciudadanía cubana

Reordenamiento monetario despierta interrogantes en ciudadanía cubana

“Pinta el mundo de naranja” enfrenta la violencia contra la mujer

“Pinta el mundo de naranja” enfrenta la violencia contra la mujer

La ONU lanza puente aéreo para auxiliar a refugiados de Etiopía

La ONU lanza puente aéreo para auxiliar a refugiados de Etiopía

Unesco y editores unen fuerzas por la supervivencia de los medios

Unesco y editores unen fuerzas por la supervivencia de los medios

El mundo debe mejorar la gestión del agua para vencer el hambre

El mundo debe mejorar la gestión del agua para vencer el hambre

Enigma: ¿Facilitará la OMC que la vacuna llegue a los pobres?

Enigma: ¿Facilitará la OMC que la vacuna llegue a los pobres?

Con voluntad, se puede poner fin a la violencia contra las mujeres

Con voluntad, se puede poner fin a la violencia contra las mujeres

ONU critica a Trinidad y Tobago por deportar a niños venezolanos

ONU critica a Trinidad y Tobago por deportar a niños venezolanos

Mito de democracia racial en Brasil se borra con sangre

Mito de democracia racial en Brasil se borra con sangre

Los números del patriarcado

Los números del patriarcado

Millones de nuevos pobres están en camino. ¿A quién le importa?

Millones de nuevos pobres están en camino. ¿A quién le importa?

Misiones evangélicas avanzan en Amazonia y ponen en riesgo pueblos indígenas

Misiones evangélicas avanzan en Amazonia y ponen en riesgo pueblos indígenas

Últimas estimaciones del impacto de la COVID-19  en la pobreza mundial: el efecto de los nuevos datos

Últimas estimaciones del impacto de la COVID-19  en la pobreza mundial: el efecto de los nuevos datos

Aprovechar la oportunidad de alcanzar la paz y la prosperidad en Afganistán

Aprovechar la oportunidad de alcanzar la paz y la prosperidad en Afganistán

Las pérdidas de aprendizajes debidas a la COVID-19 podrían sumar hasta 10 billones de dólares

Las pérdidas de aprendizajes debidas a la COVID-19 podrían sumar hasta 10 billones de dólares

Las empresas luchan por mantenerse a flote después de perder la mitad de las ventas, pero aún retienen a los trabajadores

Las empresas luchan por mantenerse a flote después de perder la mitad de las ventas, pero aún retienen a los trabajadores

Los expertos respponden: ¿Cómo harán los países en desarrollo para acceder a la vacuna contra la COVID-19 y distribuirla?

Los expertos respponden: ¿Cómo harán los países en desarrollo para acceder a la vacuna contra la COVID-19 y distribuirla?

Francisco José Contreras, Autor en Actuall

Francisco José Contreras, Autor en Actuall

¿Dónde estamos los cristianos?

¿Dónde estamos los cristianos?

¿Dónde están (escondidos) los intelectuales cristianos?, por Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz

¿Dónde están (escondidos) los intelectuales cristianos?, por Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz

¿Dónde están los cristianos? | Columnistas

¿Dónde están los cristianos? | Columnistas

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2020

Millions of New Poor Are on the Way – Who Cares? | Inter Press Service

Millions of New Poor Are on the Way – Who Cares? | Inter Press Service

Sustainable Measures Help Farmers Script a Positive Story Amid COVID-19 Uncertainty | Inter Press Service

Sustainable Measures Help Farmers Script a Positive Story Amid COVID-19 Uncertainty | Inter Press Service

Overcoming the Digital Gap and Food Insecurity: a Complementary Target | Inter Press Service

Overcoming the Digital Gap and Food Insecurity: a Complementary Target | Inter Press Service

UN Warns of an Impending Famine With Millions in Danger of Starvation | Inter Press Service

UN Warns of an Impending Famine With Millions in Danger of Starvation | Inter Press Service

Opinion: The French president’s attack on freedom of the press | World News,The Indian Express

Opinion: The French president’s attack on freedom of the press | World News,The Indian Express

Explained: Brereton War Crimes Report, and why Australian special forces troops may be sacked | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Brereton War Crimes Report, and why Australian special forces troops may be sacked | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why France may soon pass a law banning discrimination on the basis of accents | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why France may soon pass a law banning discrimination on the basis of accents | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Who was Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the assassinated Iranian nuclear scientist? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Who was Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the assassinated Iranian nuclear scientist? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Enrolment over education | The Indian Express

Enrolment over education | The Indian Express

Maradona was a rebel against a system that oppressed you by its rules | The Indian Express

Maradona was a rebel against a system that oppressed you by its rules | The Indian Express

Kamala Harris is more likely to think of a new paradigm for South Asia | The Indian Express

Kamala Harris is more likely to think of a new paradigm for South Asia | The Indian Express

Government must listen to the farmers, hear what they say

Government must listen to the farmers, hear what they say

A social registry linking Aadhaar to residence info can target aid to the vulnerable during a pandemic | The Indian Express

A social registry linking Aadhaar to residence info can target aid to the vulnerable during a pandemic | The Indian Express

To be taken seriously, Quad needs military heft, not desultory naval exercises | The Indian Express

To be taken seriously, Quad needs military heft, not desultory naval exercises | The Indian Express

Pratap Bhanu Mehta writes on Punjab, Haryana farmers' protest

Pratap Bhanu Mehta writes on Punjab, Haryana farmers' protest

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2020

India GDP Q2 Data: GDP Q2 Growth Rate 2020, GDP July to September 2020 data announced

India GDP Q2 Data: GDP Q2 Growth Rate 2020, GDP July to September 2020 data announced

CJI Bobde: Tech reliance during Covid-19 has led to new inequality | India News,The Indian Express

CJI Bobde: Tech reliance during Covid-19 has led to new inequality | India News,The Indian Express

Explained Ideas: Why permitting large industrial houses to own banks is a bad idea | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained Ideas: Why permitting large industrial houses to own banks is a bad idea | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What is a climate emergency, which the New Zealand government might declare? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What is a climate emergency, which the New Zealand government might declare? | Explained News,The Indian Express

AI for the farmer | The Indian Express

AI for the farmer | The Indian Express

Diego Maradona was a magician on the field, and a charmer off it | The Indian Express

Diego Maradona was a magician on the field, and a charmer off it | The Indian Express

Our past should teach us how to resist new colonial designs framed by a pandemic | The Indian Express

Our past should teach us how to resist new colonial designs framed by a pandemic | The Indian Express

Ahmed Patel’s silences ran deep. Congress will miss its go-to person | The Indian Express

Ahmed Patel’s silences ran deep. Congress will miss its go-to person | The Indian Express

Permitting industrial houses to own banks could undermine economic growth and democracy | The Indian Express

Permitting industrial houses to own banks could undermine economic growth and democracy | The Indian Express

New Vivekananda statue at JNU demands obedience and piety rather than engagement | The Indian Express

New Vivekananda statue at JNU demands obedience and piety rather than engagement | The Indian Express

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2020

Iran President Rouhani hopes for ‘easy’ return to pre-Trump relations with US | World News,The Indian Express

Iran President Rouhani hopes for ‘easy’ return to pre-Trump relations with US | World News,The Indian Express

Public sector investments are likely to remain depressed as states cut back on spending, making recovery difficult | The Indian Express

Public sector investments are likely to remain depressed as states cut back on spending, making recovery difficult | The Indian Express

Ahmed Patel had a sense of Congress’ history, and future challenge | The Indian Express

Ahmed Patel had a sense of Congress’ history, and future challenge | The Indian Express

In democracy, public morality and unelected institutions are necessary checks, not inimical to elected govt | The Indian Express

In democracy, public morality and unelected institutions are necessary checks, not inimical to elected govt | The Indian Express

Delhi needs to find creative ways to resolve sharpening trade tensions with the US

Delhi needs to find creative ways to resolve sharpening trade tensions with the US

Constitution is under threat from the very institutions that are expected to safeguard it | The Indian Express

Constitution is under threat from the very institutions that are expected to safeguard it | The Indian Express

On ‘love jihad’, BJP picks up baton from vigilante groups. Police, judicial apparatus have aided this move | The Indian Express

On ‘love jihad’, BJP picks up baton from vigilante groups. Police, judicial apparatus have aided this move | The Indian Express

In defence of the Supreme Court | The Indian Express

In defence of the Supreme Court | The Indian Express

Harnessing the Sun | The Indian Express

Harnessing the Sun | The Indian Express

Explained: The legislation that makes Scotland the first country to make sanitary products free | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: The legislation that makes Scotland the first country to make sanitary products free | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Who are the women joining the Biden administration? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Who are the women joining the Biden administration? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Diego Maradona and his hand with God | Sports News,The Indian Express

Diego Maradona and his hand with God | Sports News,The Indian Express

Not just the goals: The Diego Maradona swish, the dribble, the touch | Sports News,The Indian Express

Not just the goals: The Diego Maradona swish, the dribble, the touch | Sports News,The Indian Express

The sainthood and fall from grace of Napoli’s Argentine deity | Sports News,The Indian Express

The sainthood and fall from grace of Napoli’s Argentine deity | Sports News,The Indian Express

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2020

Diego Maradona, Argentine football legend, dies at 60 | Sports News,The Indian Express

Diego Maradona, Argentine football legend, dies at 60 | Sports News,The Indian Express

Criticism that goes too far | The Indian Express

Criticism that goes too far | The Indian Express

Tarun Gogoi had the ability to disagree without upsetting colleague or foe | The Indian Express

Tarun Gogoi had the ability to disagree without upsetting colleague or foe | The Indian Express

Gender-based violence was predictable, and preventable, fallout of lockdown | The Indian Express

Gender-based violence was predictable, and preventable, fallout of lockdown | The Indian Express

Right to constitutional remedies is the Constitution’s soul. Surely SC is mindful of that | The Indian Express

Right to constitutional remedies is the Constitution’s soul. Surely SC is mindful of that | The Indian Express

Who is John Kerry, Joe Biden's pick as climate envoy?

Who is John Kerry, Joe Biden's pick as climate envoy?

Explained: Who is Janet Yellen, Biden’s pick to head the US Treasury Department? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Who is Janet Yellen, Biden’s pick to head the US Treasury Department? | Explained News,The Indian Express

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2020

Explained: What are desalination plants and what is their feasibility? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What are desalination plants and what is their feasibility? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Biden will nominate first women to lead treasury and intelligence, and first Latino to run homeland security | World News,The Indian Express

Biden will nominate first women to lead treasury and intelligence, and first Latino to run homeland security | World News,The Indian Express

ExplainSpeaking: What is driving Indian economy’s growth worries | Explained News,The Indian Express

ExplainSpeaking: What is driving Indian economy’s growth worries | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why China’s negative yield bonds are in demand | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why China’s negative yield bonds are in demand | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained Ideas: Why agricultural subsidies worsen air pollution in North India | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained Ideas: Why agricultural subsidies worsen air pollution in North India | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: In Team Biden’s recent statements, a sense of US approach to India | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: In Team Biden’s recent statements, a sense of US approach to India | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What is Germany’s new boardroom quota for women? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What is Germany’s new boardroom quota for women? | Explained News,The Indian Express

The promise of CAA, minus politics | The Indian Express

The promise of CAA, minus politics | The Indian Express

India must seize the new strategic possibilities with the Gulf | The Indian Express

India must seize the new strategic possibilities with the Gulf | The Indian Express

Unjust criticism of SC ignores its stellar contributions, undermines public trust in institutions | The Indian Express

Unjust criticism of SC ignores its stellar contributions, undermines public trust in institutions | The Indian Express

Politics must link climate action to economic and societal progress | The Indian Express

Politics must link climate action to economic and societal progress | The Indian Express

Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s visit to Afghanistan sent messages to multiple audiences

Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s visit to Afghanistan sent messages to multiple audiences

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2020

Cuba y EEUU una vez más: De Obama a Trump y ahora a Biden

Cuba y EEUU una vez más: De Obama a Trump y ahora a Biden

Fondo Verde financia proyectos de Argentina, Guatemala y Sudán

Fondo Verde financia proyectos de Argentina, Guatemala y Sudán

México y Argentina reavivan debate de transgénicos en la región

México y Argentina reavivan debate de transgénicos en la región

Nace el mayor acuerdo comercial del mundo

Nace el mayor acuerdo comercial del mundo

Las claves de la crisis política en Perú, un país sin partidos

Las claves de la crisis política en Perú, un país sin partidos

Refugiadas venezolanas son reubicadas en São Paulo

Refugiadas venezolanas son reubicadas en São Paulo

Con excusa de combatir la pandemia, avanza militarización de América Latina, alertan los expertos

Con excusa de combatir la pandemia, avanza militarización de América Latina, alertan los expertos

Activismo latinoamericano se articula contra la violencia de género digital

Activismo latinoamericano se articula contra la violencia de género digital

Trabajo indigno bajo las alfombras de las multinacionales de EEUU

Trabajo indigno bajo las alfombras de las multinacionales de EEUU

Decenas de miles de personas huyen de combates en Etiopía

Decenas de miles de personas huyen de combates en Etiopía

Esto sucede cuando se tumba selva en el territorio maya de México

Esto sucede cuando se tumba selva en el territorio maya de México

La diversidad avanza en el poder municipal de Brasil

La diversidad avanza en el poder municipal de Brasil

La acuicultura crece como recurso contra el hambre

La acuicultura crece como recurso contra el hambre

La vacunación contra la covid en América Latina será costosa

La vacunación contra la covid en América Latina será costosa

Más embarazos, matrimonios y violaciones: niñas africanas sufren la pandemia por partida doble

Más embarazos, matrimonios y violaciones: niñas africanas sufren la pandemia por partida doble

Perú: cómo un proyecto autoritario cayó en solo seis días

Perú: cómo un proyecto autoritario cayó en solo seis días

Un arma que puede matar 1,5 millones de personas sin un solo disparo

Un arma que puede matar 1,5 millones de personas sin un solo disparo

Hombre negro torturado hasta la muerte enluta día del antirracismo en Brasil

Hombre negro torturado hasta la muerte enluta día del antirracismo en Brasil

Tavleen Singh writes: Is it any wonder that in Modi’s India dissidence is being seen as sedition? | The Indian Express

Tavleen Singh writes: Is it any wonder that in Modi’s India dissidence is being seen as sedition? | The Indian Express

P Chidambaram writes on reforms under Modi govt

P Chidambaram writes on reforms under Modi govt

Inside Track: Two reasons why BJP govt could be delaying framing rules under CAA | The Indian Express

Inside Track: Two reasons why BJP govt could be delaying framing rules under CAA | The Indian Express

Reading between the lines as language is co-opted | The Indian Express

Reading between the lines as language is co-opted | The Indian Express

Explained Ideas: India vs Pakistan — a comparison of economic histories | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained Ideas: India vs Pakistan — a comparison of economic histories | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why right wing groups in Germany have compared a Covid-19 law to Nazi-era ‘Enabling Act’ | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why right wing groups in Germany have compared a Covid-19 law to Nazi-era ‘Enabling Act’ | Explained News,The Indian Express

G20: PM calls for a new global index in post-pandemic world | India News,The Indian Express

G20: PM calls for a new global index in post-pandemic world | India News,The Indian Express

Juan Carlos Girauta: Lo que exige una dictadura

Juan Carlos Girauta: Lo que exige una dictadura

Elvira Roca Barea: «Se está procediendo a la fragmentación política del país contra la voluntad de los españoles»

Elvira Roca Barea: «Se está procediendo a la fragmentación política del país contra la voluntad de los españoles»

El dilema sanchista: ideología o Constitución

El dilema sanchista: ideología o Constitución

1936. Fraude y violencia en las elecciones del Frente Popular - Roberto Villa García,Manuel Álvarez Tardío | Planeta de Libros

1936. Fraude y violencia en las elecciones del Frente Popular - Roberto Villa García,Manuel Álvarez Tardío | Planeta de Libros

De las urnas a la República. Las elecciones municipales de 1931 en Sevilla

De las urnas a la República. Las elecciones municipales de 1931 en Sevilla

Paco Vázquez y José Luis Corcuera: históricos dirigentes del PSOE comienzan a organizarse frente a la deriva del Gobierno

Paco Vázquez y José Luis Corcuera: históricos dirigentes del PSOE comienzan a organizarse frente a la deriva del Gobierno

Pedro Sánchez: Traidor

Pedro Sánchez: Traidor

Partido Socialista Obsceno Español

Partido Socialista Obsceno Español

sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2020

In India, Ending FGM Demands Truth and Transparency | Inter Press Service

In India, Ending FGM Demands Truth and Transparency | Inter Press Service

Secretive Mega-Trade Deal Rules Could Harm Asia’s Covid-19 Recovery | Inter Press Service

Secretive Mega-Trade Deal Rules Could Harm Asia’s Covid-19 Recovery | Inter Press Service

Working Class Bears Disproportionate Burden of COVID-19 Economic Fallout | Inter Press Service

Working Class Bears Disproportionate Burden of COVID-19 Economic Fallout | Inter Press Service

African Languages Matter: Is There Still Time to Prevent Cultural Genocide? | Inter Press Service

African Languages Matter: Is There Still Time to Prevent Cultural Genocide? | Inter Press Service

The Silence of the International Community on Western Sahara | Inter Press Service

The Silence of the International Community on Western Sahara | Inter Press Service

Redesigning Urban Markets Post-Covid | Inter Press Service

Redesigning Urban Markets Post-Covid | Inter Press Service

COVID-19 Compounding Inequalities | Inter Press Service

COVID-19 Compounding Inequalities | Inter Press Service

Eswatini makes Progress on NDCs thanks to Crucial Partnership Support | Inter Press Service

Eswatini makes Progress on NDCs thanks to Crucial Partnership Support | Inter Press Service

Bringing Clean Water On Tap To Rural Villages In Polynesian Island Nation Of Tuvalu | Inter Press Service

Bringing Clean Water On Tap To Rural Villages In Polynesian Island Nation Of Tuvalu | Inter Press Service

Racial Discrimination Ages Black Americans Faster, According to a 25-Year-Long Study of Families | Inter Press Service

Racial Discrimination Ages Black Americans Faster, According to a 25-Year-Long Study of Families | Inter Press Service

Tobacco Use Places Smokers at an Even Higher Risk of Severe COVID-19 Disease | Inter Press Service

Tobacco Use Places Smokers at an Even Higher Risk of Severe COVID-19 Disease | Inter Press Service

Japan Should Lead Charge for Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines | Inter Press Service

Japan Should Lead Charge for Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines | Inter Press Service

My Voice, Our Equal Future! Joining the Chorus of Girls Who Are Speaking up for Change | Inter Press Service

My Voice, Our Equal Future! Joining the Chorus of Girls Who Are Speaking up for Change | Inter Press Service

A Potential Weapon Kills Over 1.5 Million Worldwide --Without a Single Shot Being Fired | Inter Press Service

A Potential Weapon Kills Over 1.5 Million Worldwide --Without a Single Shot Being Fired | Inter Press Service

Youth Demand a ‘Fair Share’ from World Leaders Ahead of G20 Summit | Inter Press Service

Youth Demand a ‘Fair Share’ from World Leaders Ahead of G20 Summit | Inter Press Service

The friendly robot and the future of work | The Indian Express

The friendly robot and the future of work | The Indian Express

Making of a biotech hub | The Indian Express

Making of a biotech hub | The Indian Express

Rise and spectacular fall of designer Manish Arora | The Indian Express

Rise and spectacular fall of designer Manish Arora | The Indian Express

India must reach out to Biden administration and propose a bilateral deal that focuses on climate action | The Indian Express

India must reach out to Biden administration and propose a bilateral deal that focuses on climate action | The Indian Express

On economic growth, there is much we can learn from our past and from Pakistan | The Indian Express

On economic growth, there is much we can learn from our past and from Pakistan | The Indian Express

Journalist Declan Walsh’s account describes exasperation, and hope, in Pakistan | The Indian Express

Journalist Declan Walsh’s account describes exasperation, and hope, in Pakistan | The Indian Express

Criticism of judiciary stems from ideological inclination and dislike of particular political leaders | The Indian Express

Criticism of judiciary stems from ideological inclination and dislike of particular political leaders | The Indian Express

Explained: Why is the certification of votes an important step in the US elections? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why is the certification of votes an important step in the US elections? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Las empresas luchan por mantenerse a flote después de perder la mitad de las ventas, pero aún retienen a los trabajadores

Las empresas luchan por mantenerse a flote después de perder la mitad de las ventas, pero aún retienen a los trabajadores

Soluciones de saneamiento para Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Soluciones de saneamiento para Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Seguimiento del impacto de la COVID-19 en hogares de todo el mundo

Seguimiento del impacto de la COVID-19 en hogares de todo el mundo

Atlas de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2020: historias y conocimientos presentados mediante gráficas innovadoras

Atlas de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2020: historias y conocimientos presentados mediante gráficas innovadoras

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2020

Vietnam and Cambodia: Leveraging Support to Enhance Climate Ambition | Inter Press Service

Vietnam and Cambodia: Leveraging Support to Enhance Climate Ambition | Inter Press Service

The Unprecedented US Presidential Election and its Consequences | Inter Press Service

The Unprecedented US Presidential Election and its Consequences | Inter Press Service

Mexican’s Labor Rights Closely Watched… by the US | Inter Press Service

Mexican’s Labor Rights Closely Watched… by the US | Inter Press Service

On the Back of the Pandemic, the Militarisation of Latin America is Gathering Momentum, Analysts Warn | Inter Press Service

On the Back of the Pandemic, the Militarisation of Latin America is Gathering Momentum, Analysts Warn | Inter Press Service

Our Development Priorities Have Shifted to the Immediate Task of Saving Lives & Livelihoods. | Inter Press Service

Our Development Priorities Have Shifted to the Immediate Task of Saving Lives & Livelihoods. | Inter Press Service

The Importance of Investing in Volunteerism | Inter Press Service

The Importance of Investing in Volunteerism | Inter Press Service

Youth Demand a ‘Fair Share’ from World Leaders Ahead of G20 Summit | Inter Press Service

Youth Demand a ‘Fair Share’ from World Leaders Ahead of G20 Summit | Inter Press Service

Wisconsin officials order vote recount sought by Trump | World News,The Indian Express

Wisconsin officials order vote recount sought by Trump | World News,The Indian Express

Taking stock of the economic toll | The Indian Express

Taking stock of the economic toll | The Indian Express

A humane classroom is what universities must prioritise post Covid | The Indian Express

A humane classroom is what universities must prioritise post Covid | The Indian Express

Myanmar results point to Aung San Suu Kyi’s enduring popularity despite her party’s patchy record | The Indian Express

Myanmar results point to Aung San Suu Kyi’s enduring popularity despite her party’s patchy record | The Indian Express

Arvind Panagariya’s book points out that export remain key to economic growth | The Indian Express

Arvind Panagariya’s book points out that export remain key to economic growth | The Indian Express

Centre, states must seize opportunity to come together for water governance | The Indian Express

Centre, states must seize opportunity to come together for water governance | The Indian Express

Explained Ideas: Why exports are the way forward for the Indian economy | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained Ideas: Why exports are the way forward for the Indian economy | Explained News,The Indian Express

New rooms, tents with heating for troops on LAC as harsh winter sets in | India News,The Indian Express

New rooms, tents with heating for troops on LAC as harsh winter sets in | India News,The Indian Express

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020

China signs off on BRICS counter-terror strategy, no mention of border stand-off | India News,The Indian Express

China signs off on BRICS counter-terror strategy, no mention of border stand-off | India News,The Indian Express

Agusta Westland deal: Key accused details how kickbacks were paid, links to Kamal Nath’s nephew, son | India News,The Indian Express

Agusta Westland deal: Key accused details how kickbacks were paid, links to Kamal Nath’s nephew, son | India News,The Indian Express

Officials will discuss Xi’s offer of cooperation with India to develop COVID-19 vaccine: China | India News,The Indian Express

Officials will discuss Xi’s offer of cooperation with India to develop COVID-19 vaccine: China | India News,The Indian Express

Biden and new diplomacy: India will need to recalibrate its strategy to shifting global realities | The Indian Express

Biden and new diplomacy: India will need to recalibrate its strategy to shifting global realities | The Indian Express

PB Mehta writes: SC was never perfect, but the signs are that it is slipping into judicial barbarism | The Indian Express

PB Mehta writes: SC was never perfect, but the signs are that it is slipping into judicial barbarism | The Indian Express

Agriculture and rural sector can jump-start economy if we fix its ills | The Indian Express

Agriculture and rural sector can jump-start economy if we fix its ills | The Indian Express

Delhi govt should collect clean air tax and pay farmers to change farming practice | The Indian Express

Delhi govt should collect clean air tax and pay farmers to change farming practice | The Indian Express

India must not let global pressure force it off growth path | The Indian Express

India must not let global pressure force it off growth path | The Indian Express

China’s endgame in Ladakh | The Indian Express

China’s endgame in Ladakh | The Indian Express

‘Baseless, fake’: Indian Army on reports that China used ‘microwave weapons’ in Ladakh | India News,The Indian Express

‘Baseless, fake’: Indian Army on reports that China used ‘microwave weapons’ in Ladakh | India News,The Indian Express

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2020

The RCEP question | The Indian Express

The RCEP question | The Indian Express

LJP’s Bihar showing was disappointing, but Chirag Paswan emerged a leader | The Indian Express

LJP’s Bihar showing was disappointing, but Chirag Paswan emerged a leader | The Indian Express

Lower courts must heed the apex court’s words on personal liberties and free speech | The Indian Express

Lower courts must heed the apex court’s words on personal liberties and free speech | The Indian Express

Fresh military crisis in Kashmir can help Pakistan test Biden’s South Asia policies | The Indian Express

Fresh military crisis in Kashmir can help Pakistan test Biden’s South Asia policies | The Indian Express

Lost in lockdown | The Indian Express

Lost in lockdown | The Indian Express

C Raja Mohan writes: How Joe Biden will respond to Pakistan

C Raja Mohan writes: How Joe Biden will respond to Pakistan

Who is Maulana Khadim Hussain Rizvi?

Who is Maulana Khadim Hussain Rizvi?

Explained: Who was Muhammad al-Masri, what was his role in al-Qaeda, and who is next in line now? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Who was Muhammad al-Masri, what was his role in al-Qaeda, and who is next in line now? | Explained News,The Indian Express

After 5 Presidents in 5 years, Peru without a leader: what led to this crisis? | Explained News,The Indian Express

After 5 Presidents in 5 years, Peru without a leader: what led to this crisis? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: The China factor and India’s strategic thinking on RCEP | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: The China factor and India’s strategic thinking on RCEP | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What does the FBI’s new report on hate crimes say? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What does the FBI’s new report on hate crimes say? | Explained News,The Indian Express

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020

Pronab Sen: ‘Many schemes can be expanded… But states need money… Centre has been tardy in releasing funds’ | India News,The Indian Express

Pronab Sen: ‘Many schemes can be expanded… But states need money… Centre has been tardy in releasing funds’ | India News,The Indian Express

Kapil Sibal interview: 'Polls show that people don’t consider Congress to be an effective alternative'

Kapil Sibal interview: 'Polls show that people don’t consider Congress to be an effective alternative'

Democracy only work when we think not just about ourselves, but about each other: Barack Obama | Lifestyle News,The Indian Express

Democracy only work when we think not just about ourselves, but about each other: Barack Obama | Lifestyle News,The Indian Express

Antitrust case in tech space needs to be built on intellectual evidence, rather than on ideology | The Indian Express

Antitrust case in tech space needs to be built on intellectual evidence, rather than on ideology | The Indian Express

Kamala Harris’ victory will have a deep impact on India-US affinities and strategic partnerships | The Indian Express

Kamala Harris’ victory will have a deep impact on India-US affinities and strategic partnerships | The Indian Express

MR Shamshad writes: “Love jihad” concept has no legal or constitutional basis, it has been concocted for last few years

MR Shamshad writes: “Love jihad” concept has no legal or constitutional basis, it has been concocted for last few years

An independent regulatory agency with powers to penalise pollution can help | The Indian Express

An independent regulatory agency with powers to penalise pollution can help | The Indian Express

Fertile opportunity | The Indian Express

Fertile opportunity | The Indian Express

Continuity in Myanmar | The Indian Express

Continuity in Myanmar | The Indian Express

Explained Ideas: What the progressives of the US don’t understand about their country | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained Ideas: What the progressives of the US don’t understand about their country | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Want a preview of President Biden? Look at the campaign trail | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Want a preview of President Biden? Look at the campaign trail | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Who was Muhammad al-Masri, what was his role in al-Qaeda, and who is next in line now | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Who was Muhammad al-Masri, what was his role in al-Qaeda, and who is next in line now | Explained News,The Indian Express

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2020

Anxiety of oppression | The Indian Express

Anxiety of oppression | The Indian Express

Not by the rulebook alone | The Indian Express

Not by the rulebook alone | The Indian Express

Not by the rulebook alone | The Indian Express

Not by the rulebook alone | The Indian Express

Anxiety of Oppression | The Indian Express

Anxiety of Oppression | The Indian Express

Pedro Sánchez: El día que Iván Redondo montó en cólera

Pedro Sánchez: El día que Iván Redondo montó en cólera

Pedro García Cuartango: La ceguera del poder

Pedro García Cuartango: La ceguera del poder

Joaquín Leguina: "El PSOE no es un partido democrático, es el partido de Sánchez"

Joaquín Leguina: "El PSOE no es un partido democrático, es el partido de Sánchez"

El pacto con Otegi nos devuelve a la España negra | Opinión

El pacto con Otegi nos devuelve a la España negra | Opinión

¡Más madera! - La Gaceta de la Iberosfera

¡Más madera! - La Gaceta de la Iberosfera

Embarazo adolescente deja pérdidas millonarias en América Latina

Embarazo adolescente deja pérdidas millonarias en América Latina

Refugiadas venezolanas son reubicadas en São Paulo

Refugiadas venezolanas son reubicadas en São Paulo

¿Cuáles son los desafíos de Joe Biden en política exterior?

¿Cuáles son los desafíos de Joe Biden en política exterior?

Biden y Harris, restauradores de la sociedad estadounidense

Biden y Harris, restauradores de la sociedad estadounidense

Una generación pierde la escolaridad en América Latina

Una generación pierde la escolaridad en América Latina

Crece la cortina de humo por la covid-19 en América Latina

Crece la cortina de humo por la covid-19 en América Latina

Conflictos, cambio climático y covid-19 aumentan la pobreza

Conflictos, cambio climático y covid-19 aumentan la pobreza

Triunfo de Biden podría relanzar relaciones entre Cuba y EEUU

Triunfo de Biden podría relanzar relaciones entre Cuba y EEUU

Diplomacia de "Estados Unidos primero" de Trump ante un entierro sin gloria

Diplomacia de "Estados Unidos primero" de Trump ante un entierro sin gloria

El hambre en el mundo aumenta con restricciones a los migrantes

El hambre en el mundo aumenta con restricciones a los migrantes

Trump se va… El trumpismo se queda

Trump se va… El trumpismo se queda

Las divisiones blindadas de la Unión Europea

Las divisiones blindadas de la Unión Europea

Granjas de cerdos para alimentar a China invaden península mexicana

Granjas de cerdos para alimentar a China invaden península mexicana

El dilema chino atormenta Bolsonaro y a su gobierno

El dilema chino atormenta Bolsonaro y a su gobierno

¿Cuáles son los desafíos de Joe Biden en política exterior?

¿Cuáles son los desafíos de Joe Biden en política exterior?

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2020

Dozens wounded in Peru as protesters and police clash amid political crisis | World News,The Indian Express

Dozens wounded in Peru as protesters and police clash amid political crisis | World News,The Indian Express

‘Brown girl, Brown girl’: Renditions of poem celebrating Kamala Harris becoming US VP-elect go viral | Trending News,The Indian Express

‘Brown girl, Brown girl’: Renditions of poem celebrating Kamala Harris becoming US VP-elect go viral | Trending News,The Indian Express

Expansionism a mental disorder, reflects 18th-century thinking: PM targets China in Diwali address | India News,The Indian Express

Expansionism a mental disorder, reflects 18th-century thinking: PM targets China in Diwali address | India News,The Indian Express

How Trump’s refusal to concede in US elections has thrown presidential transition into disarray | World News,The Indian Express

How Trump’s refusal to concede in US elections has thrown presidential transition into disarray | World News,The Indian Express

A calibrated package: Govt’s restraint in spending is commendable | The Indian Express

A calibrated package: Govt’s restraint in spending is commendable | The Indian Express

The Nehru we should never forget | The Indian Express

The Nehru we should never forget | The Indian Express

Pakistan has not used its geographical advantage to become a trading nation | The Indian Express

Pakistan has not used its geographical advantage to become a trading nation | The Indian Express

When Opposition asked… Nehru answered the questions on China in Parliament | The Indian Express

When Opposition asked… Nehru answered the questions on China in Parliament | The Indian Express

What direction will progressive politics take in America? | The Indian Express

What direction will progressive politics take in America? | The Indian Express

Explained Ideas: What the progressives of the US don’t understand about their country | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained Ideas: What the progressives of the US don’t understand about their country | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: US and climate, after Donald Trump | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: US and climate, after Donald Trump | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: The US election prediction models, and what may have gone wrong in 2016 and 2020 | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: The US election prediction models, and what may have gone wrong in 2016 and 2020 | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What is the Atlantic Ocean’s largest protected marine reserve? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What is the Atlantic Ocean’s largest protected marine reserve? | Explained News,The Indian Express

¿Dónde viven las personas extremadamente pobres?

¿Dónde viven las personas extremadamente pobres?

Las autoridades impositivas pueden ayudar a las pymes a enfrentar la crisis derivada de la COVID-19

Las autoridades impositivas pueden ayudar a las pymes a enfrentar la crisis derivada de la COVID-19

¿Cuál es el futuro de la agricultura en un mundo pospandemia?

¿Cuál es el futuro de la agricultura en un mundo pospandemia?

La pobreza y la prosperidad compartida 2020 Un cambio de suerte

La pobreza y la prosperidad compartida 2020 Un cambio de suerte

Para superar los retrocesos en la reducción de la pobreza, las naciones deben trabajar en conjunto en pos de una recuperación resiliente

Para superar los retrocesos en la reducción de la pobreza, las naciones deben trabajar en conjunto en pos de una recuperación resiliente

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2020

Punches & Insults: Why Women in Zimbabwe Want to Change the Political Playing Field | Inter Press Service

Punches & Insults: Why Women in Zimbabwe Want to Change the Political Playing Field | Inter Press Service

Global Summit of Development Banks Fails to Learn from Destructive Past | Inter Press Service

Global Summit of Development Banks Fails to Learn from Destructive Past | Inter Press Service

In India, Ending FGM Demands Truth and Transparency | Inter Press Service

In India, Ending FGM Demands Truth and Transparency | Inter Press Service

The Armored Divisions of the European Union | Inter Press Service

The Armored Divisions of the European Union | Inter Press Service

Child Vendors - More Children in Zimbabwe Are Working to Survive | Inter Press Service

Child Vendors - More Children in Zimbabwe Are Working to Survive | Inter Press Service

Peacekeeping is a Double-Edged Sword | Inter Press Service

Peacekeeping is a Double-Edged Sword | Inter Press Service

India: How Did Young People Access Care During the Lockdown? | Inter Press Service

India: How Did Young People Access Care During the Lockdown? | Inter Press Service

What Congress could learn from US polls | The Indian Express

What Congress could learn from US polls | The Indian Express

The missing links in National Education Policy | The Indian Express

The missing links in National Education Policy | The Indian Express

Covid-19 pandemic has accentuated a profusion of shadowy, indeterminate fears | The Indian Express

Covid-19 pandemic has accentuated a profusion of shadowy, indeterminate fears | The Indian Express

Healer-in-Chief: Joe Biden will need healing superpowers to get through his first hundred days | The Indian Express

Healer-in-Chief: Joe Biden will need healing superpowers to get through his first hundred days | The Indian Express

Teesta Setalvad writes on the love jihad spectre

Teesta Setalvad writes on the love jihad spectre

India can become self-reliant, competitive if it cashes in on demographic dividend | The Indian Express

India can become self-reliant, competitive if it cashes in on demographic dividend | The Indian Express

Explained: Can US President Donald Trump pardon himself? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Can US President Donald Trump pardon himself? | Explained News,The Indian Express

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2020

Despite Conflict and COVID-19, Children Still Dream to Continue Their Education in Afghanistan | Inter Press Service

Despite Conflict and COVID-19, Children Still Dream to Continue Their Education in Afghanistan | Inter Press Service

Trump’s “America First” Foreign Policy Faces an Unceremonious Burial | Inter Press Service

Trump’s “America First” Foreign Policy Faces an Unceremonious Burial | Inter Press Service

Is Development for the World Bank Mainly Doing Business? | Inter Press Service

Is Development for the World Bank Mainly Doing Business? | Inter Press Service

What Biden presidency holds for India | The Indian Express

What Biden presidency holds for India | The Indian Express

Indian entrepreneurs don’t require protection. They need freedom | The Indian Express

Indian entrepreneurs don’t require protection. They need freedom | The Indian Express

Scapegoating moderate Muslim is a bid to discredit attempts within community to reclaim Islam from extremists | The Indian Express

Scapegoating moderate Muslim is a bid to discredit attempts within community to reclaim Islam from extremists | The Indian Express

Social media helps the independent woman find and forge new solidarities | The Indian Express

Social media helps the independent woman find and forge new solidarities | The Indian Express

Explained: Why nearly all of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy lawmakers have resigned | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why nearly all of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy lawmakers have resigned | Explained News,The Indian Express

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2020

Crece la cortina de humo por la covid-19 en América Latina

Crece la cortina de humo por la covid-19 en América Latina

La recuperación laboral de América Latina será lenta

La recuperación laboral de América Latina será lenta

“Hay una necesidad urgente de repensar la educación”

“Hay una necesidad urgente de repensar la educación”

¿Cómo llegó Trump tan lejos?

¿Cómo llegó Trump tan lejos?

Biden y Harris, restauradores de la sociedad estadounidense

Biden y Harris, restauradores de la sociedad estadounidense

Una generación pierde la escolaridad en América Latina

Una generación pierde la escolaridad en América Latina

Conflictos, cambio climático y covid-19 aumentan la pobreza

Conflictos, cambio climático y covid-19 aumentan la pobreza

Triunfo de Biden podría relanzar relaciones entre Cuba y EEUU

Triunfo de Biden podría relanzar relaciones entre Cuba y EEUU

Conocimiento ancestral para enfrentar la pandemia

Conocimiento ancestral para enfrentar la pandemia

The private lives of others | The Indian Express

The private lives of others | The Indian Express

Biden victory masks deeper cracks in political community that Trump showcased | The Indian Express

Biden victory masks deeper cracks in political community that Trump showcased | The Indian Express

Explained: What is the new peace deal between Armenia and Azerbaijan? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What is the new peace deal between Armenia and Azerbaijan? | Explained News,The Indian Express

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2020

A narrow focus on bilateral ties produces a shallow Indian debate on America | The Indian Express

A narrow focus on bilateral ties produces a shallow Indian debate on America | The Indian Express

With rise of fanaticism, necessity of reading and re-inventing Voltaire is felt more than ever | The Indian Express

With rise of fanaticism, necessity of reading and re-inventing Voltaire is felt more than ever | The Indian Express

Explained: Why protests in Belarus could get a fillip from US election results | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why protests in Belarus could get a fillip from US election results | Explained News,The Indian Express

Fact Check: How does the US media call an election? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Fact Check: How does the US media call an election? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: How presidential transition in the US works | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: How presidential transition in the US works | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why protests in Belarus could get a fillip from US election results | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why protests in Belarus could get a fillip from US election results | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why Joe Biden has his work cut out in fighting the new Covid-19 spike in US | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why Joe Biden has his work cut out in fighting the new Covid-19 spike in US | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: The history and significance of the pantsuit worn by US Vice-President elect Kamala Harris | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: The history and significance of the pantsuit worn by US Vice-President elect Kamala Harris | Explained News,The Indian Express

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2020

Q&A: How Desert Dust Storms Supply Vital Nutrients to the Oceans | Inter Press Service

Q&A: How Desert Dust Storms Supply Vital Nutrients to the Oceans | Inter Press Service

Pandemic Induced Drop in Remittance Flows to South Asia | Inter Press Service

Pandemic Induced Drop in Remittance Flows to South Asia | Inter Press Service

FR CUBA - L’ONU décrète des crimes contre l’humanité perpétrés par Cuba contre José Daniel Ferrer - 'une pratique systématique à Cuba'.pdf - Google Drive

FR CUBA - L’ONU décrète des crimes contre l’humanité perpétrés par Cuba contre José Daniel Ferrer - 'une pratique systématique à Cuba'.pdf - Google Drive

SPA CUBA - La ONU dictamina crímenes de lesa humanidad perpetrados por Cuba contra José Daniel Ferrer “una práctica sistemática en Cuba”.pdf - Google Drive

SPA CUBA - La ONU dictamina crímenes de lesa humanidad perpetrados por Cuba contra José Daniel Ferrer “una práctica sistemática en Cuba”.pdf - Google Drive

ENG CUBA - UN concludes that crimes against humanity were perpetrated by Cuba against José Daniel Ferrer “a systematic practice in Cuba”.pdf - Google Drive

ENG CUBA - UN concludes that crimes against humanity were perpetrated by Cuba against José Daniel Ferrer “a systematic practice in Cuba”.pdf - Google Drive

Election 2020: Latest news, vote counts, and results - The Washington Post

Election 2020: Latest news, vote counts, and results - The Washington Post

While I may be the first woman in this office, I won’t be the last: Kamala Harris | Lifestyle News,The Indian Express

While I may be the first woman in this office, I won’t be the last: Kamala Harris | Lifestyle News,The Indian Express

A makeover for the public broadcaster is urgent, necessary and possible | The Indian Express

A makeover for the public broadcaster is urgent, necessary and possible | The Indian Express

Restore agriculture’s broken link with nutrition. That is solution to India’s hidden hunger | The Indian Express

Restore agriculture’s broken link with nutrition. That is solution to India’s hidden hunger | The Indian Express

US has viewed democracy promotion as a foreign policy concern. It’s time it rebuilds democracy at home | The Indian Express

US has viewed democracy promotion as a foreign policy concern. It’s time it rebuilds democracy at home | The Indian Express

Explained: What obstacles potentially stand between Joe Biden and the presidency? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What obstacles potentially stand between Joe Biden and the presidency? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Sport’s terminology used during the US presidential election | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Sport’s terminology used during the US presidential election | Explained News,The Indian Express

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2020

Políticas del programa AdSense - Ayuda de AdSense

Políticas del programa AdSense - Ayuda de AdSense Dejo pública constancia que mis blog´s NO SE EDITAN MÁS desde Octubre 2020, que sólo se conserva alguna publicación por la reserva de los derechos de propiedad intelectual en los espacios de nube, y que NO se ha cometido ninguna infracción a las normas de AdSense ni de Google... Normas que, por otra parte, restrigen los derechos de propiedad intelectual y la libre expresión de autores y editores. Noviembre 08, 2020.- Políticas Políticas del programa AdSense Siguiente: Infracciones de las políticas También puede consultar nuestro blog oficial acerca de actualizaciones, ejemplos y preguntas frecuentes relativas a las políticas del programa. Todos los editores deben cumplir las políticas que se indican más abajo, por lo que le rogamos que las lea detenidamente. En caso de incumplimiento de estas políticas sin autorización de Google, este se reserva el derecho de inhabilitar el servicio de anuncios en su sitio web o de inhabilitar su cuenta de AdSense en cualquier momento. Si se inhabilita su cuenta, no podrá volver a participar en el programa AdSense. Dado que el contenido de las políticas puede actualizarse en cualquier momento, le recomendamos que consulte esta página con frecuencia para comprobar si se ha incorporado alguna modificación. Según lo estipulado en los Términos y Condiciones online, es responsabilidad suya estar al día de las políticas que se publiquen en esta página y cumplirlas. Solo se permiten excepciones a estas políticas con la autorización de Google. Mostrar todo Ocultar todo Impresiones y clics no válidos Los editores no pueden hacer clic en sus propios anuncios ni usar medios para incrementar de forma artificial el número de impresiones o clics, incluido cualquier tipo de método manual. 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Ignacio Camacho: La fábrica de embustes

Ignacio Camacho: La fábrica de embustes

Juan Carlos Girauta: Fue hermoso mientras duró

Juan Carlos Girauta: Fue hermoso mientras duró

Este artículo está siendo vigilado por Iván Redondo

Este artículo está siendo vigilado por Iván Redondo

Hacienda prepara una ley para poder entrar en los domicilios particulares sin avisar - Libre Mercado

Hacienda prepara una ley para poder entrar en los domicilios particulares sin avisar - Libre Mercado

Desmontando el Estado de derecho; por Elisa de la Nuez, abogada del Estado

Desmontando el Estado de derecho; por Elisa de la Nuez, abogada del Estado

Tres procesos desafían la protección social en América Latina

Tres procesos desafían la protección social en América Latina

El déficit de 5100 millones de dólares de la ONU amenaza todas sus operaciones

El déficit de 5100 millones de dólares de la ONU amenaza todas sus operaciones

El problema no es Trump

El problema no es Trump

El aumento del trabajo infantil: el efecto de la pandemia del que nadie habla

El aumento del trabajo infantil: el efecto de la pandemia del que nadie habla

La Unesco pide mayor inclusión en la educación latinoamericana

La Unesco pide mayor inclusión en la educación latinoamericana

Las mujeres, vencedoras en las últimas elecciones de las Américas

Las mujeres, vencedoras en las últimas elecciones de las Américas

Cuatro países están amenazados de hambruna

Cuatro países están amenazados de hambruna

In historic speech as VP-elect, Harris honours women who paved the way for her victory | World News,The Indian Express

In historic speech as VP-elect, Harris honours women who paved the way for her victory | World News,The Indian Express

Scepter and crown, must tumble down | The Indian Express

Scepter and crown, must tumble down | The Indian Express

Ram Madhav explains why Trump is losing, if Biden’s America will be different

Ram Madhav explains why Trump is losing, if Biden’s America will be different

Explained: What does President-elect Joe Biden mean for India and its relationship with the US? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: What does President-elect Joe Biden mean for India and its relationship with the US? | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why Georgia’s runoff elections are make-or-break for Biden administration and the Democrats | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why Georgia’s runoff elections are make-or-break for Biden administration and the Democrats | Explained News,The Indian Express

‘I will be President for all Americans, whether you voted me or not’: Biden after defeating Trump | World News,The Indian Express

‘I will be President for all Americans, whether you voted me or not’: Biden after defeating Trump | World News,The Indian Express

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2020


Se editan algunas publicaciones al sólo efecto de mantener vivo el registro de propiedad intelectual. Repudio la nueva normalidad impuesta por Google, que no hace otra cosa que impedir la libertad de expresión y la posibilidad de determinar los contenidos que cada autor considera prudentes y adecuados para su audiencia. Noviembre 07. 2020.-

US Election Results 2020: Joe Biden wins presidential election - AP Projection

US Election Results 2020: Joe Biden wins presidential election - AP Projection

Donald Trump attacking US election process is arresting and disturbing

Donald Trump attacking US election process is arresting and disturbing

Ram Madhav on US Election 2020: The permanence of interests

Ram Madhav on US Election 2020: The permanence of interests

More and more countries now share India’s vision for the region | The Indian Express

More and more countries now share India’s vision for the region | The Indian Express

PB Mehta writes on US election 2020 results

PB Mehta writes on US election 2020 results

Ram Madhav explains why Trump is losing, if Biden’s America will be different

Ram Madhav explains why Trump is losing, if Biden’s America will be different

Donald Trump fakes the news, Biden takes the headline — lead in Pennsylvania | World News,The Indian Express

Donald Trump fakes the news, Biden takes the headline — lead in Pennsylvania | World News,The Indian Express

Últimas estimaciones del impacto de la COVID-19  en la pobreza mundial: el efecto de los nuevos datos

Últimas estimaciones del impacto de la COVID-19  en la pobreza mundial: el efecto de los nuevos datos

Nuevos lentes para un viejo problema: cómo promover el desarrollo territorial en Latinoamérica

Nuevos lentes para un viejo problema: cómo promover el desarrollo territorial en Latinoamérica

Mejorar la calidad del aire: enseñanzas extraídas de tres ciudades

Mejorar la calidad del aire: enseñanzas extraídas de tres ciudades

Datos, datos por todas partes: nuevo portal de datos sobre agua del Banco Mundial

Datos, datos por todas partes: nuevo portal de datos sobre agua del Banco Mundial

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2020

Punches & Insults: Why Women in Zimbabwe Want to Change the Political Playing Field | Inter Press Service

Punches & Insults: Why Women in Zimbabwe Want to Change the Political Playing Field | Inter Press Service

US Groups Linked to COVID Conspiracies Pour Millions of ‘Dark Money’ into Latin America | Inter Press Service

US Groups Linked to COVID Conspiracies Pour Millions of ‘Dark Money’ into Latin America | Inter Press Service

20th Anniversary of UNSCR 1325: Much Remains to Be Done | Inter Press Service

20th Anniversary of UNSCR 1325: Much Remains to Be Done | Inter Press Service

Toronto Global Forum; In the Face of a Pandemic, the World Turns to Trade | Inter Press Service

Toronto Global Forum; In the Face of a Pandemic, the World Turns to Trade | Inter Press Service

Q&A: COVID-19 has Pushed Women Peacebuilders from Key Leadership Roles | Inter Press Service

Q&A: COVID-19 has Pushed Women Peacebuilders from Key Leadership Roles | Inter Press Service

Economic Trends and What’s Important in Life | Inter Press Service

Economic Trends and What’s Important in Life | Inter Press Service

The Rape of India's Dalit Women: It’s All about Gender & Class Subordination | Inter Press Service

The Rape of India's Dalit Women: It’s All about Gender & Class Subordination | Inter Press Service

Africa Must not Assume a ‘Business as Usual’ Approach to COVID-19 Recovery | Inter Press Service

Africa Must not Assume a ‘Business as Usual’ Approach to COVID-19 Recovery | Inter Press Service

Solving the Challenge of Food Security Key to Peacebuilding in the Sahel | Inter Press Service

Solving the Challenge of Food Security Key to Peacebuilding in the Sahel | Inter Press Service

Forced Child Marriage & Conversion: Public Discussion & Legal Reforms Called for in Pakistan | Inter Press Service

Forced Child Marriage & Conversion: Public Discussion & Legal Reforms Called for in Pakistan | Inter Press Service

Election 2020: Latest news, vote counts, and results - The Washington Post

Election 2020: Latest news, vote counts, and results - The Washington Post

Four ways Trump has meddled in pandemic science — and why it matters

Four ways Trump has meddled in pandemic science — and why it matters

The U.S. border wall is tearing through wilderness, right under our noses

The U.S. border wall is tearing through wilderness, right under our noses

Greta Thunberg copies Donald Trump’s tweet to her in 2019, tells him to ‘chill’ | Trending News,The Indian Express

Greta Thunberg copies Donald Trump’s tweet to her in 2019, tells him to ‘chill’ | Trending News,The Indian Express

US Election Results 2020 Live Updates: US Presidential Elections Polls Results 2020, American Election Result 2020 Live Update

US Election Results 2020 Live Updates: US Presidential Elections Polls Results 2020, American Election Result 2020 Live Update

In Farm Act, negotiating inequality | The Indian Express

In Farm Act, negotiating inequality | The Indian Express

The moderate Muslim must address the reality of many lived Islams | The Indian Express

The moderate Muslim must address the reality of many lived Islams | The Indian Express

JD(U)’s focus on women is unlikely to swing the election in Bihar | The Indian Express

JD(U)’s focus on women is unlikely to swing the election in Bihar | The Indian Express

A normalisation of WFH is unlikely to raise women’s participation in the labour force | The Indian Express

A normalisation of WFH is unlikely to raise women’s participation in the labour force | The Indian Express

Ashutosh Varshney writes: US Election 2020 shows a deeply divided nation

Ashutosh Varshney writes: US Election 2020 shows a deeply divided nation

Explained: Why even a Joe Biden presidency cannot undo the Donald Trump era policies | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why even a Joe Biden presidency cannot undo the Donald Trump era policies | Explained News,The Indian Express

Who is Jo Jorgensen?

Who is Jo Jorgensen?

Explained: When we might know US Election results | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: When we might know US Election results | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why Trump and his fans are angry with ‘favourite channel’ Fox News | Explained News,The Indian Express

Explained: Why Trump and his fans are angry with ‘favourite channel’ Fox News | Explained News,The Indian Express

US election results: Joe Biden inches closer, Donald Trump goes to court crying foul, seeking recount | World News,The Indian Express

US election results: Joe Biden inches closer, Donald Trump goes to court crying foul, seeking recount | World News,The Indian Express