LOS MARGINADOS: un sentimiento que cunde entre la población mundial que va quedando despreciada por el poder político y la avaricia y la angurria de los grupos de poder cuyo único interés es sacrificar al prójimo.
sábado, 9 de marzo de 2019
The Associated Press: “A Hot US Job Market Is Coaxing People in from the Sidelines” | The White House
A Hot US Job Market is Coaxing People in from the Sidelines
“A surprisingly strong burst of job growth over the past year has led many economists to wonder: Where are all the workers coming from?” Christopher Rugaber writes in The Associated Press.
“The pace of hiring in 2018 was the most robust in three years, and for a surprising reason: Many more people have decided to look for work than experts had expected. The influx of those job seekers, if sustained, could help extend an economic expansion that is already the second-longest on record.”
In The Wall Street Journal, James Freeman writes that the American jobs machine is roaring as “U.S. small businesses in February went on an historic hiring binge.” According to the latest employment report from the National Federation of Independent Business, small business job creation broke a 45-year record last month.
“President Donald Trump’s 2020 budget proposal will include $100 million for a global women’s fund spearheaded by his daughter Ivanka Trump,” Catherine Lucey reports for The Associated Press. “The White House said the budget, expected to be released Monday, will include the funding for the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative. The administration last month launched the government-wide project, which she leads.”
“One hundred eleven miles of new or replacement wall is either being built or is in progress on the southern border after Trump’s first two years in office,” Saagar Enjeti reports in The Daily Caller. “All told, the administration has secured funding for approximately 445 miles of the total 722 miles desired by the Trump administration, a Caller analysis finds.”
First Lady Melania Trump “made her third official visit as first lady to the State Department on Thursday, passing out the International Women of Courage Awards,” Kate Bennett reports for CNN. “Courage is what divides those who only talk about change from those who actually act to change. Courage takes sacrifice, bravery and humility -- it is the ability to put others first,” the First Lady said.
In the Miami Herald, Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Nadia Schadlow writes that the Trump Administration’s W-GDP initiative will empower women across the globe. “As we observe International Women’s Day, Americans should make a bipartisan commitment to supporting W-GDP, which represents an enormous opportunity to spur growth and create stability by empowering women to use their untapped entrepreneurial talent and invest in their families, communities, and their countries.”
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