viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

OPEN YOUR MIND, YOUR EYES AND YOUR VIEW || A Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity to Fix the Tax Code


-The Editorial Board, The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal's editorial board writes how Kevin Hassett earned the wrath of the left by showing how corporate tax reform will give workers a pay raise, and how President Obama’s economic record failed the middle-class. Hassett pointed out under President Obama, real corporate profits rose 11 percent a year but “the pass-through to workers” was only 0.3 percent. “If we presided over that liberal record, we’d be sore, too,” WSJ’s Editorial Board writes. “But if [liberals] look in the mirror with some honesty, they might understand that the failure of their policies in lifting wages is one reason Donald Trump is President. Meanwhile, why begrudge Americans a raise?”
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The editorial board of Investor’s Business Daily writes Democrats are currently fighting to keep the state and local tax deduction that will cost the federal government “$1.8 trillion over the next decade,” and the benefits “go almost entirely to upper-income families.”
In The New York Times, Katie Rogers reports on First Lady Melania Trump’s visit to Orchard Lake Middle School in Michigan where she talked about the importance of choosing “kindness and compassion” as a part of her refocus on combating cyberbullying.
In the Wisconsin State Journal, Dennis Slater, president of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, stresses the importance of Congress passing the proposed comprehensive tax plan to ensure America’s continued manufacturing strength. “Our elected leaders have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix the tax code” and put our manufacturing businesses in an ideal position to compete and win on the global stage.
At The Daily Signal, former Green Beret and Heritage Foundation Fellow Steven Bucci urges politicians and the media to stop unnecessarily politicizing the work that American special forces were conducting in Niger, writing that “grandstanding senators and talking heads don’t help make America safe, but missions just like theone in Niger do.”

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