jueves, 18 de abril de 2019

Gandhi’s wariness of RSS’ ideology is clear from his writings, historical record | The Indian Express

Gandhi’s wariness of RSS’ ideology is clear from his writings, historical record | The Indian Express

Gandhi’s wariness of RSS’ ideology is clear from his writings, historical record

As far as Gandhi’s views on the RSS are concerned, there are some scattered observations which give an understanding of what he thought of it.

 Mahatma Gandhi, M S Golwalkar, RSS chief , Gandhi Golwalkar meet, RSS, what is RSS, RSS chief, RSS hindutva, Hinduism, majoritarianism, Indian express columns
As far as Gandhi’s views on the RSS are concerned, there are some scattered observations which give an understanding of what he thought of it.

There are continuous attempts from the RSS camp to show that Mahatma Gandhilooked to up to the RSS with respect. The latest such attempt is the article by RSS joint general secretary Manmohan Vaidya. (‘The Mahatma and the Sangh’, IE, April 12). Vaidya first tries to dissociate from Nathuram Godse by stating that in the many discussions he has attended on Gandhi within the Sangh, Godse is not mentioned. Does that mean Godse had nothing to do with the RSS?

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