sábado, 15 de abril de 2017

Qatar in extra time

The 2022 World Cup is still five years away, but the clock is ticking fast for Qatar to make changes to the migrant worker visa or ‘kefala’ system. Last month the UN’s International Labour Organization (ILO) granted Qatar extra time to enact reforms.[1]

even months remain to end the exit permit system to help stop forced labor in Qatar.

Only weeks before launching our campaign in May 2016, the ILO gave Qatar a year to improve its labor laws. In December 2016, the authorities introduced new legislation, which removed some of the restrictions on workers changing employers. However, these changes do not go far enough as workers still require permission from their employers to change their job or leave the country, meaning they remain vulnerable to exploitation.[2]

Sign our petition to ask for the repeal of exit permits for migrant workers.
On March 21, the ILO gave Qatar until November this year to provide further information on the rights of migrant workers to freely enter and leave the country. This is because the ILO concluded that reforms by Qatar were not enough.

Act now to end forced labor in Qatar.

We are calling on Qatar to respect migrant workers’ in time for the next ILO review. The 2022 World Cup should not be a win for forced labor.

In solidarity,

Joanna, Zoe and the Freedom United team.

[1] http://ilo.org/gb/decisions/GB329-decision/WCMS_548462/lang--en/index.htm
[2] https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2017/03/un-agency-must-keep-up-pressure-on-qatar/

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