martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018

After Hurricane Florence

1600 daily
The White House • September 17, 2018

After Hurricane Florence

American resiliency is on full display in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence. Over the weekend, America watched as brave first responders put their own lives at risk to help others across the Carolinas and elsewhere.
As the flooding continues in North and South Carolina, rescue workers remain on the job with full support from Federal agencies. President Donald J. Trump put extensive preparations in place to assist state and local governments ahead of the storm, including nearly 4,000 Federal Employees—more than 1,000 of them from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
TodayPresident Trump signed an Emergency Declaration for South Carolina. He did the same for North Carolina on Saturday. Such assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and businesses recover from the storm.
“The Federal Government has dispatched nearly 20,000 Federal and Military personnel to assist in the response and recovery effort,” President Trump said today. “Every relevant Federal resource is marshaled to help those in need. Many lives have been saved already . . . The job they’re doing is incredible.”

Update: 4.2 million opportunities and counting

This afternoon, Ivanka Trump helped lead the first meeting of the National Council for the American Worker at the White House. Since President Trump unveiled the Pledge to America’s Workers in July, 110 companies and organizations have committed to more than 4.2 million opportunities for America’s workforce.
As the American economy booms, “we don’t want to leave workers behind,” the President said today—“and that won’t happen . . . Nobody’s going to be left behind.”
With job openings increasing at a record pace, companies today face a distinct challenge finding American workers with specific skill sets to fill these roles. Affordable training and better access to employment information can help more citizens move into such jobs, allowing both blue- and white-collar workers to benefit from our record-breaking economy and earn bigger paychecks.
“American workers have always seized change as an opportunity,” Ivanka Trump wrote this summer. “They built the Model T, put men on the moon and connected the world via the internet. If we give American students and workers the training and opportunities they need, they will continue to be the greatest pioneers of the 21st century.”

Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence receive an emergency preparedness and response update in the Oval Office | September 17, 2018

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