jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020

McConnell: Trump's impeachment was a 'colossal political mistake' by Democrats | Fox News

McConnell: Trump's impeachment was a 'colossal political mistake' by Democrats | Fox News

Fox News First

Good morning and welcome to Fox News First. Here's what you need to know as you start your Thursday ...
Trump to make statement on 'country's victory' after Senate acquits him of impeachment charges
President Trump on Thursday is expected to give a "victory" speech after the Senate overwhelmingly voted to acquit him of both articles of impeachment Wednesday afternoon.
"I will be making a public statement tomorrow at 12:00pm from the @WhiteHouse to discuss our Country’s VICTORY on the Impeachment Hoax!" the president tweeted Wednesday.
The White House declared that Trump had received “full vindication and exoneration” from a “sham impeachment.” By a final vote of 52-48 against conviction on the abuse of power charge and 53-47 against conviction on the obstruction charge, the Senate fell far short of the two-thirds, 67-vote supermajority needed to convict and remove the president. Swing-vote Republican senators -- including Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, and Lamar Alexander of Tennessee -- voted to acquit on both counts. (Click here to see how the senators voted.)
The only party defection was on the abuse of power charge from Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, who declared hours before the final vote that Trump had engaged in as "destructive an attack on the oath of office and our Constitution as I can imagine." However, Romney voted not guilty on the obstruction charge. (Exclusive: Romney explains his vote.)
Some expect the mood at the White House to be jovial Thursday as Trump embarks on a victory lap. Meanwhile, the mood is somber on the Democrats' side.
Coupled with an embarrassing debacle over the final vote tally in the Iowa caucuses and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's public display of frustration and anger in ripping up Trump's speech at the State of the Union address, it's been a very bad week. Several Congressional Democrats, speaking to Fox News, were dejected on Capitol Hill late Wednesday, even as they said they hoped to weaponize the acquittal votes by several moderate Republicans in swing states.
Other developments in Trump's acquittal at his Senate impeachment trial:
Laura Ingraham calls on Mitt Romney to resign, says she 'may consider' opposing him in 4 and a half years
- Trump, Democratic presidential candidates, campaign off impeachment acquittal
- McConnell: Trump's impeachment was a 'colossal political mistake' by Democrats

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