The White House • May 11, 2018
The Day Ahead
President Donald J. Trump will announce his plan to lower drug prices for Americans. Under his leadership, the Food and Drug Administration’s emphasis on generic drug approvals contributed to prescription drug buyers saving $8.8 billion last year. Watch live at 2 p.m. ET.
The First Family’s welcome to Military mothers and spouses
“As a mother myself, I know what goes into raising a child,” First Lady Melania Trump told a group of Military mothers and spouses gathered at the White House this week. “Mother’s Day, which is this Sunday, is celebrated just one time per year. . . . But I think mothers should be celebrated each and every day.”
Military mothers, spouses, and families have an important and sometimes challenging role. “You endure long separations during deployments, and some of them are much longer than you ever bargained for,” President Trump said. “You routinely move your families around the country and all over the world. You maintain morale in your family and across the military community.”
So the President is taking action to help. On Wednesday, he signed an Executive Order to enhance opportunities for military spouses looking for employment in the Federal Government. Beyond the stress of having to move frequently due to deployments, military spouses often have to deal with job searches hampered by state regulation.
The Iran deal was betrayed by its own record
This week, President Trump withdrew America from the flawed Iran nuclear deal. Writing in The Washington Post, National Security Adviser John Bolton explained why the agreement failed. Its intent was to prompt Iran to trade nuclear ambitions for economic incentives. “But rather than focusing on behaving responsibly, Tehran has poured billions of dollars into military adventures abroad,” he writes.
“The future of Iran belongs to its people,” President Trump said. The Wall Street Journalagrees. “Mr. Obama sought to win over the Tehran regime by avoiding confrontation,” the Journal’s editors wrote in January. “Mr. Trump, by contrast, has distinguished between the regime and the Iranian people, much as Ronald Reagan did with the Soviet Union.”
Photo of the Day
Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump welcome home three American returnees from North Korea | May 10, 2018
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