lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017

What we love about mothers and motherhood | MercatorNet | May 15, 2017 |

What we love about mothers and motherhood

| MercatorNet | May 15, 2017 |

What we love about mothers and motherhood

Motherhood: thoughts from young mums.
Tamara El-Rahi | May 13 2017 | comment 4 

We all appreciate our mothers. But it was only upon becoming a mother myself that I really realised how much they do for us; how much we have to be grateful for. And I know I’m not the only one who feels this way!
So in honour of Mother’s Day this weekend, I asked some young mums (all who are very inspiring in their own way) to give me short answers to two questions: what they appreciate most about their mums; and what they love most about being a mum. Here’s what they had to say:
What do you appreciate most about your mum?
Rashika: I love my amazing mother so much... I mostly appreciate her selfless nature; always putting the needs of her children and grandchildren above her own.
Nicole: What I appreciate most about my mum is her generosity. Nothing is ever too great for her to give and I don't even have to ask, she does it so freely.
Clare: I appreciate my Mum for giving us a childhood that was rich in fun, theatre, food and faith.
Gemma: I appreciate her ceaseless and unrelenting efforts to nourish my soul with the truth, beauty and goodness only she can offer. She continues to nurture me, and her wisdom has been infused throughout the family from my dad down to my youngest brother.
Danica: What I appreciate most about mum? She never stops being a mum even when I'm already a mum myself!
Anne-Marie: I appreciate all the sacrifices my mum has made for me. Giving up sleep, time, energy, money. 
Lisa: I appreciate my mum’s patience and gentleness. 
What do you love most about being a mum?
Rashika: The thing I most love about being a mum is how my daughters make me feel... I feel truly blessed. 
Nicole: What I love most about being a mum is that my life no longer about me but about my child and my husband. It's very liberating.
Clare: I love being a Mum because my kids have made me learn to love. They make me laugh every day. As Charlotte says in 'Charlotte's Web', my children are my Magnum Opus, my great work.
Gemma: And what do I love most about being a mum? Oh gosh I'm going to get teary... I simply love loving him. I love holding him, watching him grow and making him smile.
Danica: Morning cuddles (who doesn't?!?!) And to be honest not feeling alone because I know I've always got company. I have to say, that one is a double-edged sword!
Anne-Marie: What I love the most about being a mum is the unconditional and pure love my baby has for me, no matter what I may look like. When she calls for me it's the greatest feeling in the world. 
Lisa: I love being hugged and kissed by my kids, they give me purpose, and make me feel special!
As for me, I could write essays on both topics! But if I had to be quick(ish), I’d say the following.
What I appreciate most about my mum is her humility. Everyone else comes first - her husband, nine kids, and now her granddaughter too – and yet it doesn’t bother her; she never expects gratitude or special treatment in return. And not only does she love us, she still has room to love so many others - including people that others might find difficult; or people who may have given her a hard time over the years for having so many kids. That just blows me away; it’s a true definition of selfless love.
My mother-in-law deserves a mention too. I appreciate the way in which she is fiercely protective of her family – she would do absolutely anything for us, and would not be afraid to defend any of us to the death. I also admire her strength after losing her husband some years ago, and the fact that her love for him is still so striking. And I am yet to meet a woman who is more sassy!
As for what I love about being a mum: what a tough thing to put into a few sentences! It’s amazing to see my husband and I brought together into one being – our love, personified in this perfect little girl. And I think motherhood shows you a strength you never knew you had; and just brings more love and joy to your life - and who doesn’t want more of that? 
- See more at:


May 15, 2017

I’d just like to get something off my chest. Why are coffee shops going so silent? Between the gaggle of friends giggling over their own mobile phones and the solitary geeks tapping away at their laptops, the art of caffeinated conversation is in danger of vanishing.
That’s why I welcome and commend the bold decision of a Toronto café (featured in the New York Times as the cusp of an epoch-defining moment) not to offer WiFi. Without WiFi, there’s laughter and banter and conversation. With it, a grim, nerdy silence.
“It’s about creating a social vibe,” the owner of HotBlack Coffee told the Times. “We’re a vehicle for human interaction, otherwise it’s just a commodity.” Amen. Bring back the human stuff. Which basically defines what MercatorNet is all about, as you can read below. 

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