| MercatorNet | June 19, 2017 |

Super special fathers of specially needy children
On Father's Day, let's honour the dads of special needs children.

They come to church on Sunday mornings, a father and his son. Although we try not to stare, we can't help but notice because there is something so beautifully edifying about this pair. The father, large and strong, carries his son, thin and frail, into the church. He places him on the pew and gently props the limp boy, whose arms and legs dangle uselessly, against his own muscular build. The boy is about twelve. We don't know their names or their story. We don't know the medical condition that renders the boy so helpless. Yet my husband and I both agree that no music is as moving and no homily as uplifting as the sight of this father and the love he bears for his son.
Over the years, my husband and I have known several families with special-needs children. Some of these kids have autism, some have Downs Syndrome, other have genetic anomalies, chronic illnesses, or medical conditions that require extra care and attention. We have admired these parents for their dedication and selfless love towards their children. But it was not until this spring, when our sixth child was born, did we begin to appreciate the joys and sorrows that accompany raising a child with special needs. Even more, it was not until little Junior was born did I realize what an extraordinary father he has.

Baby 'Junior' Cooney and Dad
My husband has always been a wonderful father. Despite a demanding, stressful job and a long commute, he always makes the time to shower love and affection on our children. He reads to them, prays with them, and plays sports with them. He helps our kids with their schoolwork, brings them out on individual dates, shuttles them to and from their activities, and takes interest in their hobbies, encouraging and helping them out. At the dinner table, Dad becomes the family comedian and cracks jokes until the whole family is giggling and guffawing, and the room is ringing with laughter. He is not just a hard-working provider, but also a mentor, coach, and teacher; truly an exemplary father.
Yet I never loved and admired my husband more than when little Junior made his entrance into this world. Our baby was born with Downs Syndrome and was quickly diagnosed with congenital heart and respiratory problems that landed him in the NICU for several weeks. By his utter frailty and helplessness, our son drew from us untapped wells of compassion and love. I had never seen my husband so tender, patient, and selfless. Despite big deadlines at work, he boarded at the hospital with Junior and I. Every three hours, day and night, he would join me as I nursed the baby in the NICU. Because little Junior had to stay in the isolation box except for nursing, our chances for holding and cuddling him were very limited. Instead, after each nursing, my husband would put him back in the incubator and bottle feed him.
Then he would stroke Junior’s head softly and stand there soothing him. No matter how long it took, no matter how tired he was, my husband would do this until our son fell asleep. What little time was left before the baby's next feeding, my husband spent visiting the other children, praying in the chapel, meeting with doctors and nurses, grabbing a quick meal, or wearily stumbling into a hospital cot to catch a bit of sleep. Chris' quiet selflessness and constancy was and continues to be a source of inspiration and strength.
A medically fragile, helpless child yields an uncanny power. It is the power to draw forth generosity and compassion from others. It is the power to force a man to his knees while showing him he has the inner strength to protect and care for his child. It is the power to turn a boy into a man, and a man into a hero.
There are those who claim that children with special needs are a burden to society, unless they can be rendered useful or profitable. But if a father allows himself to be transformed by love for his child, he becomes a far better man than he ever was before. We know many men who, for love of their special needs children, become super-special fathers. These dedicated, self-sacrificing, compassionate dads are our unsung heroes. And the world is a better place because of them.
So let's thank all fathers for the love they give their children. But let's also give a special thanks to the dedicated fathers of chronically ill, medically fragile, or special-needs children for the sacrifices they make. For they remind us that whenever we feel weak or broken, God lovingly holds each one of us in the palms of His hands.
Mary Cooney is a home-schooling mother of five who lives in Maryland. Her new book, Evangelizing Our Children with Joy, is published by Scepter and available from Amazon as an e-book. Read about it here. The above article is adapted from one published on her blog, Mercy For Marthas.

June 19, 2017
I don’t have a disabled parking sticker, but I wish I did. Parking spaces reserved for the disabled are roomier and more convenient.
Now what if I decided that my true identity was "disabled" and starting using my own “disabled driver” notice? Genuine disabled drivers would be very annoyed to see me hogging their parking spots while they have to limp a mile to get to their destination.
An article in today’s reading by an unlikely team of radical feminists and a Christian pro-family group contends that transgender laws threaten to do much the same to women. What about scholarships reserved for women, for instance? A transgender woman (ie, a man) could claim it, displacing eligible women. It’s a fascinating argument.
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