domingo, 11 de junio de 2017

Knowledge is (People) Power!

people learning online

The modern abolitionist movement cannot succeed without a broad groundswell of public support. We all need to join in and help educate people about modern slavery so that together we can build a bigger and more powerful movement.

See how we’re addressing this need, and how you can help. 

While public awareness has grown in recent years, many people remain ignorant to the reality of modern forms of slavery. Until we all have a good understandingit will be impossible to recruit the sheer number of advocates needed to motivate real, global change. 

Learning – and sharing knowledge – doesn’t have to be intimidating.

While we’re grateful for the work of leading experts and researchers in the field, not everyone needs a master’s degree in modern slavery to make a difference. We need millions of everyday abolitionistsPeople who understand the basic fundamentals of modern slavery – what it is, why it still exists, and what can be done to change it – so that they can help spread the word. 

That’s why we launched Freedom University. And why you should check it out.  

Explore topics related to the issue of modern slavery in-depth. Click through each topic to find video lessons, quizzes, articles and more to get you up to speed. Then share what you’ve learned with people you know. Help us build the people power to end modern slavery.
In solidarity,

Kat, Joanna, Zoe, Miriam and the Freedom United Team

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