martes, 14 de noviembre de 2017

View From The Right: Paradise Papers | The Indian Express

View From The Right: Paradise Papers | The Indian Express

View From The Right: Paradise Papers

One article in Organiser mentions that after the revelation that 714 Indians named in the documents, the government “swiftly” switched into action, and “ordered a multi-agency probe, within hours of the eruption of names of 714 Indian entities”.

Published:November 15, 2017 12:45 am
The global investigation into the offshore accounts and companies by International Consortium of Investigative Journalists in the recently released Paradise Papersfinds multiple mention in Organiser. One article mentions that after the revelation that 714 Indians named in the documents, the government “swiftly” switched into action, and “ordered a multi-agency probe, within hours of the eruption of names of 714 Indian entities”. The articles emphasise that mere presence of a corporate body or an individual’s name on the list does not necessarily mean malfeasance.

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