miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

Revolution that wasn’t | The Indian Express

Revolution that wasn’t | The Indian Express

Revolution that wasn’t

Demonetisation was part of a political imagination that is closer to a technocratic authoritarianism.

Written by Pratap Bhanu Mehta | Published:November 8, 2017 1:00 am
Demonetisation, noteban, PM Modi note ban, remonetisation, BJP, old notes, Economy, Indian Economy, India News, Indian Express
At a shop in Nangla Hareru. The Indian Express travelled to 3 ‘digital villages’ to assess what changed, what didn’t. Praveen Khanna

Revolutions are often paradoxical things. In the minds of the revolutionary, they conjure up images of radical change. But reality is more recalcitrant. It makes a fool of the revolutionary, exacerbating those very things that the revolution seeks to change. Demonetisation has turned out to be no different. It was a populist measure, done in the name of the poor. But like many revolutions done in the name of the poor, it hurt them by extracting the highest price from them.

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