viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2017

Paradise Papers: Doctor couple in Appleby records | The Indian Express

Paradise Papers: Doctor couple in Appleby records | The Indian Express

Paradise Papers: Doctor couple in Appleby records

Doctor couple Narinder Pal and Mala Arora are listed as shareholders of WorldCare Limited (Bermuda), a company set up in June 1996.

Written by Jay Mazoomdaar | New Delhi | Updated: November 10, 2017 6:27 am
paradise papers, cognizant, paradise papers india, faridabad doctor couple, bermuda, appleby, tax havens, tax evasion, black money, indians in paradise paper, paradise paper leaks, icij investigation, indian express investigation, ivf centre, narinder pal, mala arora, panama papers, indian express
Pal and Arora are listed as shareholders of WorldCare Limited (Bermuda), a company set up in June 1996.

Faridabad-based doctor couple Narinder Pal and Mala Arora have been running an IVF centre in Sector 14 since the mid-1990s. Dr Arora is an gynaecologist while Dr Pal is an anthologist, a specialist in treatment for the male reproductive system. Pal and Arora are listed as shareholders of WorldCare Limited (Bermuda), a company set up in June 1996

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