jueves, 11 de junio de 2020

Virginia crowd dismantles Confederate monument to cheers; falling statue injures protester | Fox News

Virginia crowd dismantles Confederate monument to cheers; falling statue injures protester | Fox News

Fox News First

Virginia crowd dismantles Confederate monument to cheers; falling statue injures protester
A crowd of protesters smashed, cut up, doused in paint, burned and sprayed graffiti over a Confederate monument outside a courthouse in Portsmouth, Va., on Wednesday night -- and part of it tumbled down, reportedly seriously injuring one of the demonstrators.
Confederate statues and other monuments linked to controversial figures have drawn the ire of demonstrators protesting the death of George Floyd, as the protesters consider them to be symbols of racism.
“It’s a symbol that represents an ideology of white supremacy," Mark Whitaker, a former local lawmaker, told The Virginian-Pilot of Norfolk. “It really speaks to the consciousness of a city and of a people that would allow such an image of hate to continue to stand all these years.” Click here for more
Other related developments:
- Trump says his administration 'will not even consider' renaming military bases named for Confederates
Pelosi urges Congress to remove Confederate statues from US Capitol
Christopher Columbus statues torn down, drenched in paint, defaced in cities across country

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