viernes, 19 de junio de 2020

The rot in the Rajya Sabha elections started becoming evident in the late nineties

The rot in the Rajya Sabha elections started becoming evident in the late nineties

rajya sabha elections, rajya sabha elections BJP, rajya sabha elections congress, rajya sabha elections politics, Chaksu Roy opinion, election commission, Indian express

Probity in RS polls can be ensured by internal change in parties, not stricter law

JUNE 19, 2020 10:53:08 AM
Politics is competitive, and it’s easy to comply with the letter of the law rather than its spirit. And a stricter law will make no difference. Political parties and MLAs will find ways around them, like resigning from the legislatures en masse. A lasting solution to probity in Rajya Sabha elections can only come from within political parties

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