martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

The Massive Trump Coronavirus Supply Effort that the Media Loves to Hate

West Wing Reads

The Massive Trump Coronavirus Supply Effort that the Media Loves to Hate

“There is a new cardinal rule in journalism—never write anything favorable about the Trump administration’s coronavirus response, even about its successes,” Rich Lowry writes for National Review.

“It’s why the story of how the administration handled the potential ventilator crisis has gone almost entirely untold, and why its effort to secure supplies of personal protective equipment, or PPE, has been gotten largely skeptical or hostile coverage.”

After all, “this was not your average bureaucratic response,” Lowry says.

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“China is our number one strategic competitor. When it comes to supply chains, our economy hasn’t behaved like it. Now more than ever, we owe it to all the Americans who have died from the CCP-turbocharged coronavirus, to change that,” Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) writes for Fox News
“Democrats and their puppets in the media—once fierce critics of US law enforcement and spying agencies—have suddenly become their biggest champions, at least when the issue is these agencies’ targeting of Team Trump.” There’s mounting evidence of what look like “serious, politically motivated abuses by the FBI and Justice Department. And liberals are cheering the abuse,” the New York Post editorial board writes.
“If [House Democrats] really were interested in improving the country, they would be working as quickly as possible to target relief to only those most in need while finding ways to safely reopen as much of the economy as possible—not advocating for costly, nonsensical, politically motivated reforms,” Justin Haskins writes in The Hill.

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