LOS MARGINADOS: un sentimiento que cunde entre la población mundial que va quedando despreciada por el poder político y la avaricia y la angurria de los grupos de poder cuyo único interés es sacrificar al prójimo.
martes, 7 de abril de 2020
President Trump Leads While Opponents Stay on Attack
President Trump Leads While Opponents Stay on Attack
“President Trump is doing everything in his power to ensure the health and safety of the American people during the coronavirus pandemic,” Deneen Borelli writes for Fox News.
In the past, moments of global crisis have united our country. Outside of Washington, that’s happening again: Strong majorities of Americans approve of the President’s Coronavirus response and are confident in the Federal Government’s ability to handle it. Regrettably, partisan Democrats in Congress and the media can’t help but play politics.
“Having practiced medicine for nearly 30 years, I have seen how foreign dependence, specifically on imports from China, harms the medical supply chain and our readiness for an outbreak firsthand . . . The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated problems that were already festering,” Rep. Roger Marshall (R-KS) writes in Fox News.
President Trump pledged to reinvigorate U.S. auto manufacturing by rewriting costly, unrealistic fuel economy and vehicle emissions standards. The new SAFE Vehicles Rule upholds that promise, raising fuel economy standards by a reasonable 1.5 percent per year to promote safe, clean, and affordable cars, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler write in the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
When President Trump announced a restriction on travel from Europe last month, European Union officials “erupted in outrage.” A few days later, those same officials would propose their own bans. “In the coronavirus crisis, everyone realizes the importance of borders, even the people who not long ago were ideologically hostile toward them,” Rich Lowry writes in National Review.
ver historia personal en: www.cerasale.com.ar [dado de baja por la Cancillería Argentina por temas políticos, propio de la censura que rige en nuestro medio]//
www.revistamedicos.com.ar //
www.quorumtuc.com.ar //
www.sectorsalud.com.ar //
www.maimonides.edu //
weblog.maimonides.edu/farmacia/archives/UM_Informe_Autoevaluacion_FyB.pdf - //
weblog.maimonides.edu/farmacia/archives/0216_Admin_FarmEcon.pdf - //
www.documentalistas.org.ar //
www.cpcesfe2.org.ar //
www.nogracias.eu //
www.estenssorome.com.ar //
www.cuautitlan.unam.mx/descargas/licenciaturas/bqd/plandestudio_bqd_ //
www.latamjpharm.org/trabajos/25/2/LAJOP_25_2_6_1_M4M6Z9746D.pdf //
www.nogracias.eu/v_juventud/informacion/informacionver.asp?cod= //
www.colfarse.com.ar //
www.proz.com/kudoz/english_to_spanish/art_literary/523942-key_factors.html - 65k - // www.llave.connmed.com.ar/portalnoticias_vernoticia.php?codigonoticia=17715 // www.frusculleda.com.ar/homepage/espanol/activities_teaching.htm // http://www.on24.com.ar/nota.aspx?idNot=36331 ||
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