martes, 24 de septiembre de 2019

First in pollution control: how Surat industries will trade particulate matter | Explained News, The Indian Express

First in pollution control: how Surat industries will trade particulate matter | Explained News, The Indian Express

Written by Avinash Nair |Surat |Updated: September 24, 2019 11:12:15 am

First in pollution control: how Surat industries will trade particulate matter

ETS is a market in which the traded commodity is particulate matter emissions.

Launched in Surat, the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is a regulatory tool that is aimed at reducing the pollution load in an area and at the same time minimising the cost of compliance for the industry.

Last week, the Gujarat government launched what is being described as the world’s first market for trading in particulate matter emissions. While trading mechanisms for pollution control do exist in many parts of the world, none of them is for particulate matter emissions. For example, the CDM (carbon development mechanism) under the Kyoto Protocol allows trade in ‘carbon credits’; the European Union’s Emission Trading System is for greenhouse gas emission; and India has a scheme run by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency that enables trading in energy units.

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