viernes, 7 de agosto de 2020

Shashi Tharoor writes: The memorial museum remains the highlight of any visit to Hiroshima

Shashi Tharoor writes: The memorial museum remains the highlight of any visit to Hiroshima

Hiroshima bombings, hiroshima nagasaki us atom bomb, japan atom bomb, hiroshima nuclear attack, us truman, world war ii, second world war Japan, Shashi Tharoor writes, express opinion

Life has triumphed over death in Hiroshima, but memories and stories remain

AUGUST 7, 2020 10:12:58 AM
Shashi Tharoor writes: When the museum commemorates its 65th anniversary this year, 75 years to the day after the A-bomb fell, it will help the world to keep its own memories intact — so that humankind can, through these searing reminders, ensure it never suffers or witnesses the horror of nuclear bombing again.

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