viernes, 7 de agosto de 2020

In post-August 5 Kashmir, officers at the ground have more freedom and space to implement their vision

In post-August 5 Kashmir, officers at the ground have more freedom and space to implement their vision

jammu and kashmir miltants, jammu and kashmir militant encounter, j&k milatnts killed in 2020, j&k militancy, j&k militants, jammu kashmir violence, Article 370, Kashmir since 1 year, Express opinion

There is a reduction in terrorist recruits after August 5, 2019. That is a success story

AUGUST 7, 2020 10:00:26 AM
Looking at terrorism in Kashmir from the perspective of victims of terror like the family of Tariq Mohand isn’t enough. This narrative does not take into account those who ruin their careers after being taken in by stories that romanticise the death of young boys.

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