viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

El mundo levanta fronteras otra vez | Internacional | EL PAÍS

El mundo levanta fronteras otra vez | Internacional | EL PAÍS

A woman wearing a facemask uses hand sanitizer on arrival at Los Angeles International Airport on March 12, 2020, one day before a US flight travel ban hits 26 European countries amid ongoing precautions over the Coronavirus. - US President Donald Trump announced a shock 30-day ban on travel from mainland Europe over the coronavirus pandemic that has sparked unprecedented lockdowns, widespread panic and another financial market meltdown Thursday.The announcement came as China, where the outbreak that first emerged in December, showed a dramatic drop in new cases and claimed "the peak" of the epidemic had passed. (Photo by Frederic J. BROWN / AFP)
Una pasajera, en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles. AFP

62 países limitan la entrada de viajeros de España 

Rusia condena con hasta 5 años de cárcel el incumplimiento de las normas de restricción  

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