viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

With China, India must recognise power imbalance, liberate itself from prolonged illusions, false hopes

With China, India must recognise power imbalance, liberate itself from prolonged illusions, false hopes

With China, India must recognise power imbalance, liberate itself from prolonged illusions, false hopes

Delhi’s overestimation of its leverage with Beijing in the triangular relationship with Washington has unfortunately meant India often chose to voluntarily limit its partnership with the US and its allies.

President Xi Jinping will arrive in Chennai on Friday.

That India’s relationship with China is passing through a difficult moment is not hard to see, even amidst the usual hype that surrounds meetings between leaders of the two countries. The rhetoric about India and China changing the world has always masked the persistent structural problems that hobbled their ties. If managing the relationship with China has become the biggest test for Indian foreign policy, the second informal summit between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Xi Jinping is a good occasion to reflect on the trends in Delhi’s diplomacy towards Beijing.

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