viernes, 18 de octubre de 2019

Schiff Pushed Volker to Say Ukraine Felt Pressure from Trump

West Wing Reads

Schiff Pushed Volker to Say Ukraine Felt Pressure from Trump

“In a secret interview, Rep. Adam Schiff, leader of the House Democratic effort to impeach President Trump, pressed former United States special representative to Ukraine Kurt Volker to testify that Ukrainian officials felt pressured to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter as a result of Trump withholding U.S. military aid to Ukraine,” Byron York writes in the Washington Examiner.

The former Ambassador, however, flat-out denied Schiff’s version of events. “When Volker repeatedly declined to agree to Schiff's characterization of events, Schiff said, ‘Ambassador, you're making this much more complicated than it has to be.’”

It’s becoming clear why Schiff is trying to hide his proceedings behind closed doors.

Click here to read more.
“Ivanka Trump’s goal to boost women entrepreneurs in the developing world with an international $2.6 billion fund is taking root,” Paul Bedard writes in the Washington Examiner. “Two years after kicking off the Women’s Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative through the World Bank, [Ms.] Trump on Friday plans to herald its successes.”
“The clear benefits of the USMCA have fueled a growing chorus of support for the agreement — from farmers and ranchers to manufacturers, small business leaders to our largest employers, voters of all political persuasions, and, yes, Democrats and Republicans alike,” former Reps. Rick Boucher (D-VA) and Tom Davis (R-VA) write in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. “We see a nation competing confidently around the globe.”
“President Donald Trump campaigned on a very specific foreign policy. ‘America First’ has its roots in the less-interventionist policies of our Founding Fathers,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) writes in USA Today. “Then-candidate Trump said often that the Iraq War was a mistake, and that we were in too many places for too long. Fast-forward to 2019, and the president is now moving forward to stop the ‘endless wars.’ I stand with him.”

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