jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019

Just blame it on millennials: They are investing in experiences, not consumption and commodities | The Indian Express

Just blame it on millennials: They are investing in experiences, not consumption and commodities | The Indian Express

Just blame it on millennials: They are investing in experiences, not consumption and commodities

Indian millennials had been handed a political bonanza: Two terms of Modi, a leader they adore at home and in Houston; a muscular post-Article 370 India, which seems to have left a mark on relatively few millennial consciences; and demonetisation, a bad idea then, worse idea now, but popular nevertheless with the demographic.

Economic slowdown, Indian economy, Millenials in indian economy, Millenials and economic slowdown, unemployment in india, jobs in india, private investment, consumption levels in India

Speaking of disposable income, millennials don’t seem to have much of it. While those social media companies give you stuff for free as long as you leave them your data, companies that make real things insist on being paid.  (C R Sasikumar)

“The automobile and components industry has been affected by BS6 and the mindsets of millennials, who now prefer to have Ola and Uber rather than committing to buying an automobile” — Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman explaining why the Indian economy is in so much trouble.
“Today, I have the honour to introduce you to my family” — Prime Minister Narendra Modi to US President Trump in Houston, referring to the US Indian diaspora, disproportionately comprised of millennials

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