sábado, 1 de junio de 2024

IDB Announces Support Package for Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul in Response to Flood Disaster May 09, 2024

BRASILIA – Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) President Ilan Goldfajn affirmed his solidarity with the people of the State of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil amid the ongoing flood disaster and announced a series of support measures. The package includes emergency measures with humanitarian aid and lines of credit for rebuilding infrastructure in a resilient and sustainable manner. https://www.iadb.org/en/news/idb-announces-support-package-brazils-rio-grande-do-sul-response-flood-disaster?utm_campaign=PANTHEON_STRIPPED&utm_medium=PANTHEON_STRIPPED&utm_source=PANTHEON_STRIPPED&utm_term=PANTHEON_STRIPPED

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