lunes, 17 de agosto de 2020

Mark Levin dubs Kamala Harris the 'most extremist radical politician ever to run for high office' in the USA | Fox News

Mark Levin dubs Kamala Harris the 'most extremist radical politician ever to run for high office' in the USA | Fox News

Fox News First

Mark Levin says Sen. Kamala Harris is the 'most extreme' candidate for high office in US history
Presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris is far from the moderate the mainstream media seeks to portray her as, "Life, Liberty & Levin" host Mark Levin warned Sunday.
Reflecting on Harris' record during the opening of his show, Levin asked viewers "to think as I go through this list that I made today, each and every one of these items, how radical it is and how wrenching it would be to our society."
"She is farther left than 97% of the Democrats in the United States Senate. She is left of avowed Marxist Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders. She's not moderate. She's not a pragmatist like The New York Times," he said. CLICK FOR MORE HERE
Other related developments:
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