viernes, 7 de agosto de 2020

Hannity hammers Biden after 'weird, strange, embarrassing public breakdown': 'What's going on here?' | Fox News

Hannity hammers Biden after 'weird, strange, embarrassing public breakdown': 'What's going on here?' | Fox News

Fox News First

Good morning and welcome to Fox News First. Here's what you need to know as you start your day ...

Sean Hannity hammers Biden after Democrat's latest race-related gaffe 
Sean Hannity blasted Joe Biden during the monologue of Thursday night's edition of "Hannity," saying the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee has become an "unmitigated disaster" after his latest gaffe, in which Biden tried to compare the nation's African-American and Latino communities.
"He looks extremely weak, even from his basement bunker," Hannity said of Biden, "with the lightest possible schedule of any presidential candidate in history. He is struggling -- and struggling big-time."
During an interview with the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ), Biden rebuked CBS correspondent Errol Barnett for asking him if he had taken a cognitive test, saying it was akin to Biden asking Barnett if he was using cocaine.

Biden later sparked outage when NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro asked whether Biden would "re-engage" with Cuba as president, a move that would be almost certain to rile Cuban-American voters in Florida.
In his response, Biden referred to Latino voters as "an incredibly diverse community," leaving some listeners with the impression that he meant African-Americans were less so -- thus prompting Biden to issue a clarification later. CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON OUR TOP STORY.

Other related developments:
- Fred Fleitz: If Biden skips debates with Trump here's how our enemies will read it
- Joe Biden’s thinking muddled by ‘racist concepts,’ Ohio Republican claims
- Ben Shapiro warns Biden 'falling apart' after bizarre interview, would be 'ripped up and down' if Republican
- NY Times reporter notes Biden staff 'anxiety' over gaffes, claims Dems 'thrilled' ex-VP off campaign trail

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