LOS MARGINADOS: un sentimiento que cunde entre la población mundial que va quedando despreciada por el poder político y la avaricia y la angurria de los grupos de poder cuyo único interés es sacrificar al prójimo.
miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2019
These Have Been the Best Few Weeks of Trump’s Presidency
These Have Been the Best Few Weeks of Trump’s Presidency
House Democrats will vote to impeach President Donald J. Trump tonight. “Yet these past few weeks have arguably been the best of Trump’s presidency — not despite impeachment, but in no small part because of it,” Marc Thiessen writes in The Washington Post.
The accomplishments are many: USMCA is set to replace NAFTA, China has agreed to a major Phase 1 trade deal with America, and our booming economy is lifting wages and slashing income inequality. Even some Democrats are figuring that out: One of them, Rep. Jeff Van Drew (N-DJ), just announced he is switching to the Republican Party.
“Ford Motor Co. is adding 3,000 jobs at two factories in the Detroit area and investing $1.45 billion to build new pickup trucks, SUVs, and electric and autonomous vehicles . . . Hiring will begin next year for the jobs that will pay on average about $61,000 a year,” Tom Krisher and David Eggert report for The Associated Press.
Once again, Democrats’ partisan politics have backfired: “President Trump’s job approval rating has ticked up 6 percentage points since the Democrats' impeachment inquiry began, according to a new survey.” A majority of Americans also oppose impeachment and removing President Trump from office, Owen Daugherty reports in The Hill.
The top judge on the federal court overseeing U.S. surveillance activities just issued a stunning and unprecedented rebuke of the James Comey–led FBI. Judge Rosemary Collyer scolded the FBI for providing false and misleading information in applications to wiretap a former Trump campaign adviser, Chuck Ross reports for The Daily Caller.
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weblog.maimonides.edu/farmacia/archives/0216_Admin_FarmEcon.pdf - //
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