lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2024

Far-right gains in east Germany could deal blow to economy Nadine Mena Michollek © 2024 Deutsche Welle +++

Far-right gains in east Germany could deal blow to economy Nadine Mena Michollek 3 hours ago3 hours ago After elections in Thuringia and Saxony, the far-right AfD party has again massively gained in a poll in eastern Germany. Now the second-strongest force in Brandenburg, their success causes concerns among businesses. © 2024 Deutsche Welle German state election: Far-right AfD comes close second Matthew Moore 6 hours ago6 hours ago Germany's Social Democrats finished just ahead of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in the Brandenburg state election. Social Democrat state premier Dietmar Woidke said the AfD's gains were alarming. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Germany: Brandenburg election brings relief for ruling SPD Sabine Kinkartz 7 hours ago7 hours ago Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Social Democrats managed to fight off the far-right AfD in the regional vote. However, questions about the future of Germany's ruling coalition remain. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

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