sábado, 24 de agosto de 2024

PRESS RELEASEAugust 19, 2024 IDB, World Bank, and CAF Unite to Generate Knowledge and Support Security Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean

https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2024/08/19/idb-world-bank-and-caf-unite-generate-knowledge-support-security-policies-latin-america-and-the-caribbean?_gl=1*fkvjgf*_gcl_au*MjA3Njg0MDQ0NC4xNzIwMjY5MjYy Guayaquil, August 19, 2024. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the World Bank, and CAF—development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean—have agreed to collaborate and cooperate more closely to generate knowledge and support public policies related to transnational organized crime in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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