miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2024

Income Gap: "The Great Reversal" Facing the World’s Most Vulnerable Countries | World Bank Expert Answers This page in:English Español العربية 中文

https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/video/2024/07/19/income-gap-great-reversal-most-vulnerable-countries-international-development-association-ida-expert-answers?_gl=1*1jk098x*_gcl_au*MjA3Njg0MDQ0NC4xNzIwMjY5MjYy A historic reversal is underway in the 75 most vulnerable economies eligible for grants and zero to low-interest loans from the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA). Half of IDA countries are experiencing a widening income gap with the wealthiest economies for the first time in this century. To help us learn how this ‘great reversal’ can be halted, World Bank Group Senior Economist, Collette Wheeler joins Expert Answers.

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