martes, 27 de agosto de 2024

Haredi newspaper attacks Ben-Gvir's Temple Mount obsession in Arabic Arabic message states that Jews are forbidden to visit site holy to Jews and Arabs; Ben-Gvir's synagogue plan for Temple Mount sparks outrage, drawing fire from religious factions and international mediators; Many are also criticizing Netanyahu for being seemingly unable to contain Ben-Gvir's outbursts Ynet|05:12

Haredi newspaper attacks Ben-Gvir's Temple Mount obsession in Arabic Arabic message states that Jews are forbidden to visit site holy to Jews and Arabs; Ben-Gvir's synagogue plan for Temple Mount sparks outrage, drawing fire from religious factions and international mediators; Many are also criticizing Netanyahu for being seemingly unable to contain Ben-Gvir's outbursts Ynet|05:12

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