miércoles, 3 de julio de 2024

Will the rise of France's far right sour ties with Germany? © 2024 Deutsche Welle +++

Will the rise of France's far right sour ties with Germany?+ Christoph Hasselbach 11 hours ago11 hours ago After the first round of elections in France, German leaders are worried that the rise of far-right National Rally party may severely damage Franco-German relations. https://www.dw.com/en/will-the-rise-of-frances-far-right-sour-ties-with-germany/a-69538690 © 2024 Deutsche Welle France: Candidates exit runoff in tactic to stop far-right++ 23 hours ago23 hours ago Scores of candidates opposed to France's far-right National Rally party bowed out of a second round of voting. The tactic aims to unite the NR's oppenents and their voters. https://www.dw.com/en/french-election-candidates-exit-runoff-in-bid-to-stop-far-right/a-69538691 © 2024 Deutsche Welle French voters uneasy ahead of runoff election+++ Sonia Phalnikar in Paris 07/02/2024July 2, 2024 France is reeling after Marine Le Pen's National Rally won the first round of the parliamentary elections. Many are deeply concerned about the far-right party's potential impact on the country and the government. DW's Sonia Phalnikar reports from Paris. https://www.dw.com/en/french-voters-uneasy-ahead-of-runoff-election/video-69539945 © 2024 Deutsche Welle

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