sábado, 22 de junio de 2024

Pakistan: World Bank Approves $535 Million for Crisis-Resilient Social Protection and Climate-Smart Growth in the Livestock and Aquaculture Sectors

WASHINGTON, June 20, 2024—The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved $535 million in financing for Pakistan to support two projects. The additional financing for the Crisis Resilient Social Protection (CRISP) Program aims to strengthen the country's social protection system and build shock resilience among poor and vulnerable households, while the Sindh Livestock and Aquaculture Sectors Transformation (LIVAQUA) Project will promote climate-smart and competitive small and medium producers in the livestock and aquaculture sectors in Sindh. https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2024/06/20/pakistan-world-bank-approves-535-million-for-crisis-resilient-social-protection-and-climate-smart-growth-in-the-livestoc

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