viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Ex-Trump attorney Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress in Russia probe | Fox News

Ex-Trump attorney Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress in Russia probe | Fox News

Fox News First

THE LEAD STORY - RUSSIA COLLUSION, COHEN'S GUILTY PLEA AND ITS WORTH: Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal attorney, pleaded guilty Thursday to lying to Congress about a Trump real estate project in Russia in the latest development in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation ... Cohen entered the plea in a surprise, 30-minute federal court appearance in New York City on Thursday. He pleaded guilty to making false statements to the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2017 about a plan to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Thursday marked the first time Mueller’s team charged Cohen as part of its investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates during the 2016 presidential election. However, Gregg Jarrett, FOX News' legal analyst, says the plea deal only helps Cohen's case for leniency when he is sentenced and does not prove wrongdoing on the part of President Trump
In an op-ed on, Jarrett writes, " Insofar as proving some amorphous crime of Trump-Russian 'collusion' to win the 2016 presidential election, Mueller is getting something about as valuable as a crumpled dollar..."

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