jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

You’re part of something bigger

Dear "el dispreciau",
Today, a year after the ground-breaking moment when 12 faith leaders first came together in the Vatican to sign a Joint Declaration Against Modern Slavery,1 faith and spiritual leaders in India and Australia are meeting to take forward the commitment to end modern slavery once and for all.
Can you imagine what it would be like to live in a world where everyone is free, irrespective of religion, colour, gender or race?WATCH and SHARE this video using #EndSlavery to show your support for a world without slavery.

A world without slavery is possible. Every single voice that joins the fight to end slavery intensifies the momentum for building a world where everyone is free.
Together we have already achieved so much. Over the last few months alone, over 48,000 Walk Free supporters joined Argentinian organisation ELA and forced the government to produce a National Action Plan to tackle trafficking for sexual exploitation. Sparked by our campaign with Challenging Heights in Ghana, police have issued directives to ensure all checkpoints screen vehicles for potential victims of human trafficking. And following actions by our Scottish activists and partners, the ScottishParliament voted through the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act, ensuring thousands of at-risk children will receive greater protection from the dangers of trafficking.

We haven’t just made things more difficult for traffickers. Thanks to the dedication of over 164,000 Walk Free activists, theSustainable Development Goals now includes calling for efforts to end modern slavery in Goal 8 ensuring tackling slavery is now on the international agendaBelgium ratified International Labour Organization Convention 189 to protect domestic workers, one of the groups most vulnerable to slavery; and the US Government passed the Survivors of Human Trafficking Empowerment Actwhich means there is now an institutionalised structure that ensures the views of trafficking survivors are incorporated into policies and anti-trafficking initiatives
Together we have the power to fight modern slavery. WATCH and SHARE this video using #EndSlavery to spread the word that we can be the generation that ends slavery.
Thank you for being an important part of this incredible movement against slavery.
In solidarity,
Joanna, Kamini, Amy, Jess and the rest of the Walk Free team
P.S. Once you’ve watched and shared this video, we’d love you to join our Twitter conversation today and tell us why you want to #EndSlavery.

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