domingo, 30 de junio de 2024

Unos 115.000 habitantes de Gaza habrían cruzado a Egipto desde el inicio de la escalada con Israel hace 5 horas (actualizado: hace 5 horas)

TEL AVIV (Sputnik) — Unos 115.000 habitantes de Gaza habrían cruzado a Egipto desde el 7 de octubre, a pesar de las repetidas declaraciones de El Cairo de que no aceptaría refugiados palestinos, informa el 'Washington Post'. El diario indica que la mayoría huye de los bombardeos como turistas, pagando miles de dólares para salvar sus vidas.

La verdad de Farage, la hipocresía de Sunak, el autócrata Scholz y Seúl más provocador con Moscú hace 3 horas (actualizado: hace 2 horas)

Occidente provocó el conflicto ucraniano al ampliar hacia el este a la Unión Europea y la OTAN. Lo afirmó el líder del partido británico Reform UK, Nigel Farage, en una entrevista con la BBC, algo que rechazó Rishi Sunak. Mientras, Olaf Scholz admite que muchos alemanes no aprueban su apoyo a Kiev, pero afirmó que aun así seguirá por ese camino.

Aviso: "Políticos occidentales no podrán pasársela en búnkeres si se llega a un conflicto nuclear" hace 5 horas (actualizado: hace 4 horas)

Rusia hará todo lo posible por su defensa. Lo afirmó el viceministro de Asuntos Exteriores ruso, Serguéi Riabkov, y avisó que en caso de llegarse al extremo de un conflicto nuclear, los políticos occidentales no podrán simplemente pasársela sentados en búnkeres. Asimismo, advirtió que con sus acciones, Occidente se acerca a un punto de no retorno.

Muertes violentas por armas pequeñas y ligeras : El jefe de la ONU da en el blanco Por Thalif Deen Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

NACIONES UNIDAS – Quizás dos de los mayores equívocos en la jerga militar sean las armas pequeñas y ligeras, que son las principales armas de muerte y destrucción en las guerras civiles y conflictos militares en curso, mayormente en Asia, Medio Oriente y África. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Las carencias educativas cuestan diez billones de dólares al año Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

PARÍS – La desescolarización y las carencias educativas tienen un costo anual de 10 billones (millones de millones) de dólares para la economía mundial, indicó un estudio de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (Unesco). Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Baterías alimentadas por bacterias obtienen energía del suelo Por Conor Purcell Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

DUBLIN – Una empresa derivada de una universidad del Reino Unido ha desarrollado una batería alimentada por bacterias que recolecta energía de microorganismos del suelo para recargarse. En Brasil ya se ha implementado un prototipo. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Experta de la ONU pide el fin de la guerra contra las drogas Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

GINEBRA – La relatora especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre el derecho a la salud, Tlaleng Mofokeng, planteó nuevamente este lunes 24 el fin de la “guerra contra las drogas”, y apoyó “la despenalización total del consumo” de esas sustancias. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Ley LGBTI de Georgia anticipa una represión violenta, alertan grupos de DDHH Por Ed Holt Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

BRATISLAVA – «Si esta legislación se aprueba, las personas LGBTI+ simplemente no van a poder vivir aquí». La advertencia de Tamar Jakeli, activista de ese colectivo y y directora de Tbilisi Pride, en Tiflis, la capital de Georgia, es dura, pero certera, coinciden otros miembros de la comunidad. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Inundaciones fuerzan millones de desplazamientos anuales Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

LONDRES – Las inusuales lluvias del año pasado causaron ocho millones de desplazamientos de personas solo en los 10 países más afectados, y muchas familias debieron mudarse varias veces, mostró un estudio divulgado por la coalición de lucha contra la pobreza Oxfam. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Cuando los funcionarios EEUU le muestren quiénes son, créales Por Norman Solomon Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Cuando los funcionarios EEUU le muestren quiénes son, créales Este es un artículo de opinión de Norman Solomon, director nacional de RootsAction y director ejecutivo del Instituto para la Exactitud Pública. Por Norman Solomon SAN FRANCISCO, Estados Unidos – «Cuando alguien te muestra quién es», dijo la escritora y poeta estadounidense de renombre Maya Angelou, «créele la primera vez». Eso debería aplicarse a las élites de la política exterior que le muestran quiénes son, una y otra vez. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Cinco maneras en que América Latina está abordando su problema de residuos Por Juan Chiummiento Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

A pesar de lograr una cobertura de recolección de 85 % en áreas urbanas, relativamente alto para los estándares globales, la región enfrenta una brecha en su manejo de residuos. Alrededor de 45 % acaban en vertederos inadecuados que contaminan el suelo, el agua y el aire. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Sondeo confirma apoyo mundial a una acción climática más enérgica Por Tanka Dhakal Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

KATMANDÚ – El estudio de la opinión pública mundial sobre el cambio climático revela que 80 por ciento, o cuatro de cada cinco personas, de todo el mundo quieren que sus gobiernos adopten medidas más enérgicas para hacer frente a la crisis climática. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Suben la demanda y la producción de cocaína en el mundo Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

VIENA – La demanda y la producción sin precedentes de cocaína y la aparición de potentes opioides sintéticos están agravando el problema de las drogas en todo el mundo, indicó la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (Onudd) en su informe presentado este miércoles 26. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Argentina reinicia la minería de cobre en medio de tensiones ambientales Por Fernando Heredia Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

BUENOS AIRES – La cordillera de los Andes es una de las regiones con mayor concentración de depósitos minerales del mundo, abarcando el sur de Perú, el norte de Chile, y noroeste y centro-oeste de Argentina. Ello incluye el cobre, un mineral de cada vez mayor demanda por la transición energética. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Financiar la sanidad, no las primas de los seguros Por Jomo Kwame Sundaram Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Financiar la sanidad, no las primas de los seguros Este es un artículo de opinión de Jomo Kwame Sundaram, profesor de economía y antiguo secretario general adjunto de la ONU para el Desarrollo Económico. Por Jomo Kwame Sundaram KUALA LUMPUR – Los estudios comparativos sobre las opciones de financiación de la sanidad muestran que la sanidad financiada con ingresos es la más rentable, eficiente y equitativa, mientras que todos los seguros sanitarios imponen costes adicionales evitables. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Las drogas constatan batalla civilizatoria que domina política en Brasil Por Mario Osava Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

RÍO DE JANEIRO – La despenalización del consumo de marihuana desató un conflicto entre los poderes Legislativo y Judicial en Brasil, reflejando la batalla de civilización que domina la política desde que la extrema derecha ganó fuerza para imponer sus pautas, o al menos intentarlo. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Aumentan los litigios climáticos en el mundo Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Aumentan los litigios climáticos en el mundo LONDRES – Cada vez son más las demandas en los tribunales contra gobiernos y empresas a causa del cambio climático, según mostró un estudio del Instituto Grantham de Investigación sobre Cambio Climático y Medio Ambiente de la Escuela de Economía y Ciencias Políticas en esta capital. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

El mundo sale “reprobado” en el examen de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

NACIONES UNIDAS – Cuando solo quedan seis años para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), el progreso global es “alarmantemente insuficiente”, con apenas 17 por ciento de las metas actualmente en camino, indicó un nuevo informe de las Naciones Unidas publicado este viernes 28. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

sábado, 29 de junio de 2024

Full, rigorous Party governance stressed By CAO DESHENG | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2024-06-29 07:43 Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has underlined the need to improve the systems for exercising full and rigorous governance over the Party ahead of the 103rd anniversary of the Party's founding, which falls on July 1.

China ready to advance comprehensive strategic partnership with Peru to new heights: Xi Updated: June 28, 2024 21:36 Xinhua BEIJING, June 28 -- Chinese President Xi Jinping said Friday that China stands ready to work with Peru to advance the comprehensive strategic partnership to new heights, voicing active support for the success of this year's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting to be hosted by Peru. China-Peru free-trade talks reach 'substantial conclusion' By MO JINGXI | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2024-06-29 07:41 China and Peru announced on Friday "the substantial conclusion of negotiations" on the upgrading of a free-trade agreement, six years after the negotiations were launched in 2018.

Expressway branch line to strengthen development By ZHENG CAIXIONG in Guangzhou | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2024-06-29 09:29 The Wanqingsha branch line of Nansha-Zhongshan Expressway in Guangdong province has been fully connected and traffic is slated to start before the end of the year, linking Guangzhou's Nansha district to the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link, an official from the Nansha district government said.

Peaceful coexistence is vital for world By MA LI | China Daily | Updated: 2024-06-29 08:36 On Friday, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a significant speech at the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. In his address, he underscored the pivotal role of these principles in guiding the coexistence of nations with diverse social systems, enhancing collaboration among developing countries, and advancing the international order.

Xi: Key outlook a 'common asset' of global community Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence hailed for their 'everlasting relevance' By XU WEI and MO JINGXI | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2024-06-29 07:42 President Xi Jinping underlined the "robust resilience and everlasting relevance" of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence on Friday, saying that the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind is the most effective move to sustain, promote and upgrade the principles.

Uganda Should Improve Public Spending on Health for a More Productive Population

KAMPALA, June 27, 2024 — Economic activity in Uganda has remained resilient despite multiple successive shocks, with real gross domestic product (GDP) accelerating from 5.3% in FY22/23 to an estimated 6% in FY23/24, a new World Bank report notes. The expansion was driven by oil-related construction activity and the growth of the mining and quarrying sector, which benefited from sustained increases in gold prices and an improved domestic environment for artisanal mining.

Uganda Economic Update: Improving Public Spending on Health to Build Human Capital

The Ugandan economy remains resilient and is growing amid intensifying climate shocks and a challenging global environment. The outlook is positive, buoyed by diversified exports and investments in developing oil export infrastructure ahead of the start of oil production in 2025, according to the new World Bank Uganda Economic Update: Improving Public Spending on Health to Build Human Capital. The report notes that real gross domestic product (GDP) growth accelerated from 5.3% in FY22/23 to an estimated 6% in FY23/24. The low inflation and recovery of real income and employment bolstered consumption, while private investment remained resilient despite tight domestic and global financial conditions. As a result, exports and manufacturing orders increased between August 2023 and May 2024. Per capita income reached about $980 in FY22/23, and continued growth will push Uganda closer to the lower-middle-income country threshold.

The World Bank In China Since China began to open up and reform its economy in 1978, GDP growth has averaged over 9 percent a year, and more than 800 million people have lifted themselves out of poverty. There have also been significant improvements in access to health, education, and other services over the same period.

World Bank Loan Supports Energy Transition and Reform in China’s Heating Sector in Shaanxi Province This page in:English 中文

WASHINGTON, June 28, 2024 — The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved a US$300 million (€276.5 million) loan to support heat supply from renewable energy and low-carbon energy sources and promote a pricing reform pilot program in the heating sector in China’s Shaanxi province.

New World Bank Program Supports Sustainable Fodder Production, Lower Methane Emissions for China’s Livestock Industry This page in:English 中文 WASHINGTON, June 27, 2024— The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved a US$200 million (€186.5 million) loan to improve productivity, lower emissions of methane and other greenhouse gases (GHG) and enhance climate resilience in the livestock sector in China's Gansu province.

Armenia to Provide Accessible Healthcare Across the Country with World Bank Support This page in:English Հայերեն

Washington, June 28, 2024 — The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved a loan in the amount of $110 million equivalent (EUR 102 million) to support the Enabling Universal Health Coverage Program for Armenia. The operation aims to improve the quality of primary health care, ensure accessible health care services across the country and increase the efficiency of the government’s spending on healthcare. The operation supports the implementation of the Five Year Action (2021-2026) Plan of the Government of Armenia and is a subset of the national Healthcare System Development Strategy.

PRESS RELEASEJUNE 28, 2024 World Bank Approves Additional $1.5 Billion in Financing to Support India’s Low-Carbon Transition This page in:English हिन्दी

WASHINGTON, June 28, 2024 — The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved $1.5 billion in financing for a second operation to help India accelerate the development of low-carbon energy. The operation will seek to promote the development of a vibrant market for green hydrogen, continue to scale up renewable energy, and stimulate finance for low-carbon energy investments.

World Bank helps Bangladesh Develop Bay Terminal

Washington, June 28, 2024— The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved $650 million to help Bangladesh invest in infrastructure critical for developing the Bay Terminal deep seaport, which will significantly improve Bangladesh's global trade competitiveness and reduce import and export costs by increasing port operational efficiency and mobilizing private investment.

World Bank Approves Support to Help Ensure Safer, Resilient Schools and Strengthen Recovery in the Philippines

WASHINGTON, June 28, 2024—The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors today approved funding support for two government projects designed to help ensure safe and resilient schools as well strengthen economic recovery in the Philippines.

PRESS RELEASEJUNE 26, 2024 Remittances Slowed in 2023, Expected to Grow Faster in 2024 This page in:English Español Français العربية Русский 中文 WASHINGTON, June 26, 2024—After a period of strong growth during 2021-2022, officially recorded remittance flows to low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) moderated in 2023, reaching an estimated $656 billion, according to the World Bank’s latest Migration and Development Brief, released today.

Raising the World Bank Group’s ambition on gender equality ANNA BJERDEMAKHTAR DIOPANSHULA KANTHIROSHI MATANOAXEL VAN TROTSENBURGWENCAI ZHANG JUNE 24, 2024 This page in: English Français Español العربية 中文 Gender equality is an urgent imperative. Crises, conflict, and global trends, including climate change, natural resource scarcity, and technological transitions, are exacerbating inequalities. In many societies, reversals and backlash against gender equality as well as sluggish economic growth and government fiscal and debt burdens are compounding the challenges. Progress on Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality is worryingly off-track and by some estimates it will take 134 years for women and men to reach parity in income and legal rights.

New WBG Academy: Building a cadre of development leaders and practitioners AXEL VAN TROTSENBURG JUNE 20, 2024 This page in: English Français Español العربية 中文 Like any milestone birthday, the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Bretton Woods institutions, which include the World Bank and its sister organization the International Monetary Fund (IMF), offers an opportunity to reflect on how much the world has changed since these two institutions were created in 1944—and how much the institutions have evolved to meet those changes.

The energy transition is only as strong as its most critical link GUANGZHE CHEN JUNE 18, 2024 This page in: English Français Español العربي Envision a large-scale wind farm producing clean electricity at full tilt. At the same time, a growing city with consumers and industries is eager to power their computers and machinery. Sounds ideal. But what if this power cannot be readily transmitted from the wind turbines to all who need it? Households, businesses, and entire economies will suffer.

viernes, 28 de junio de 2024

Hearing on Pentagon disinformation helps public health By PRIME SARMIENTO in Hong Kong | China Daily Global | Updated: 2024-06-28 09:31 An inquiry of the Philippine Senate into a secret US military propaganda operation in the Philippines that aimed to discredit China's vaccines at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic can clear disinformation and help future decisions on public health, analysts said.

China calls for Gaza cease-fire to resolve Red Sea crisis By MINLU ZHANG at the United Nations | | Updated: 2024-06-28 08:12 China's ambassador to the United Nations on Thursday urged a lasting cease-fire in Gaza, emphasizing that the Red Sea crisis is a spillover of the Gaza conflict. He reiterated the need to address the Gaza violence to stabilize the region and ensure maritime safety.

Global economic leaders bullish on Chinese economy By Yang Yang | | Updated: 2024-06-28 06:40 China has great long-term economic opportunities and its economy will have a bright future with investment opportunities in many different sectors, said CEO of US-based Krane Funds Advisors Jonathan Krane, who is very bullish on the Chinese economy and stock market.

Basis for stability By Zhang Yun | | Updated: 2024-06-28 16:43 Experience shows that upholding the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is the best way to resolve the security challenges in the Asia-Pacific region

Meeting set to unveil package of key reforms Third plenary session of 20th CPC Central Committee to open on July 15 in Beijing By CAO DESHENG | China Daily | Updated: 2024-06-28 01:28 The Communist Party of China will convene the third plenary session of its 20th Central Committee from July 15 to 18 in Beijing, a highly anticipated meeting that will unveil wide-ranging reforms.

Ukraine updates: Trump claims he could end war if reelected © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Ukraine updates: Trump claims he could end war if reelected Published 4 hours agoPublished 4 hours agolast updated 1 hour agolast updated 1 hour ago During the first presidential debate, Donald Trump said he could "settle" the conflict by January if he wins a second term. EU chief von der Leyen calls for €500 billion to shore up the bloc's defenses. DW has more. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Can China's IT sector become independent? © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Can China's IT sector become independent? China wants to finally break free from its dependence on the US IT sector. That is why, among other things, its governmental authorities are no longer supposed to use foreign hardware. But can the country really achieve this goal, and at what cost? © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Political row breaks out in Germany over Ukrainian refugees © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Political row breaks out in Germany over Ukrainian refugees Franziska Wüst 06/27/2024June 27, 2024 A row has broken out in Germany over whether unemployed Ukrainian refugees should be allowed to stay. Some in the conservative opposition want them sent back to Ukraine. But many Ukrainians say they want to work in Germany but are stymied by bureaucracy. © 2024 Deutsche Wellev

Ahead of UK election, parties target migrants to win votes © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Ahead of UK election, parties target migrants to win votes Birgit Maass in London 4 hours ago4 hours ago British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his Tories hope to win votes with the slogan "Stop the boats." Even the opposition Labor Party wants to restrict immigration. Migrants in the United Kingdom are shocked by the rhetoric. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Biden is destroying girls’ sports and we are going to stop him Girls' sports fall victim to Biden's bizarre changes in Title IX rules that aid transgender compettitors By Patrick Morrisey , Adaleia Cross Fox News Published June 28, 2024 9:00am EDT

Biden is destroying girls’ sports and we are going to stop him Girls' sports fall victim to Biden's bizarre changes in Title IX rules that aid transgender compettitors By Patrick Morrisey , Adaleia Cross Fox News Published June 28, 2024 9:00am EDT

Joe Biden's debate gamble backfires It will be hard for the president to recover from his performance and the risky gamble the campaign took with an early debate Mark Penn By Mark Penn Fox News Published June 28, 2024 5:00am EDT

Joe Biden's debate gamble backfires It will be hard for the president to recover from his performance and the risky gamble the campaign took with an early debate Mark Penn By Mark Penn Fox News Published June 28, 2024 5:00am EDT

jueves, 27 de junio de 2024

Hamás se mantiene firme ante la presión global para que acepte un acuerdo de rehenes

Hamás se mantiene firme ante la presión global para que acepte un acuerdo de rehenes Hamás reiteró su llamado a un alto el fuego total, mientras que el ministro de Defensa, Yoav Gallant, se reunió con funcionarios estadounidenses, incluido su homólogo Lloyd Austin, para discutir las fases de la guerra. Por Tová Lazaroff

Estas mujeres son la primera tripulación de un tanque de las FDI que previene el tráfico de drogas a lo largo de la frontera egipcia

Estas mujeres son la primera tripulación de un tanque de las FDI que previene el tráfico de drogas a lo largo de la frontera egipcia Conozca a las 10 mujeres haciendo historia – la primera tripulación femenina operando un tanque de Israel a lo largo de la frontera con Egipto, para prevenir el contrabando de drogas. Por Anna Ahronheim

Canadá pide a sus ciudadanos que abandonen Líbano por temor a una guerra entre Israel y Hezbollah

Canadá pide a sus ciudadanos que abandonen Líbano por temor a una guerra entre Israel y Hezbollah El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores alemán, en Beirut tras su visita a Israel, advierte de que un «error de cálculo» podría desencadenar una guerra total y pide moderación a ambas partes.

El enorme arsenal que Hezbolá almacena en el aeropuerto de Beirut

El enorme arsenal que Hezbolá almacena en el aeropuerto de Beirut Un diario británico reveló una parte del armamento del grupo libanés. Trabajadores del aeropuerto temen que un bombardeo israelí se transforme en un desastre de proporciones mayores a las de 2020, con la explosión del puerto: «Cuando eso suceda, el Líbano estará acabado».

Israel tests a long-range missile able to reach Tehran, Russian warblog claims Russian pro-Kremlin Telegram channel Rybar reports the missile tested is able to reach a distance of up to 1,800 kilometers (1,118 miles) and was reportedly seen falling into the sea east of Malta Saar Haas|10:04

Israel tests a long-range missile able to reach Tehran, Russian warblog claims Russian pro-Kremlin Telegram channel Rybar reports the missile tested is able to reach a distance of up to 1,800 kilometers (1,118 miles) and was reportedly seen falling into the sea east of Malta Saar Haas|10:04

Hamas abducts IDF dog, Al Jazeera posts photos of it attacking old woman IDF says the alleged attack occurs when terrorists had the dog and the camera attached to it. terrorists later kill the canine and rig his body with explosives to detonate on soldiers if they attempt to retrieve it Einav Halabi, Yoav Zitun|07:38

Hamas abducts IDF dog, Al Jazeera posts photos of it attacking old woman IDF says the alleged attack occurs when terrorists had the dog and the camera attached to it. terrorists later kill the canine and rig his body with explosives to detonate on soldiers if they attempt to retrieve it Einav Halabi, Yoav Zitun|07:38

IDF launches offensive on Shijaiyah, residents urged to evacuate Local emergency teams say unable to reach dead and wounded, Al Jazeera says at least 5 killed in an airstrike as residents describe troops entering the crowded quarter Gilad Meiri|08:10

IDF launches offensive on Shijaiyah, residents urged to evacuate Local emergency teams say unable to reach dead and wounded, Al Jazeera says at least 5 killed in an airstrike as residents describe troops entering the crowded quarter Gilad Meiri|08:10

Hospitals in north stock up on blood, prepare to move patients underground As war with Hezbollah looms, hospitals prepare for every possibility, including long power outages and being cut off from access to roads; Many doctors and other staff could be called to the front lines Adir Yanko|08:48

Hospitals in north stock up on blood, prepare to move patients underground As war with Hezbollah looms, hospitals prepare for every possibility, including long power outages and being cut off from access to roads; Many doctors and other staff could be called to the front lines Adir Yanko|08:48

Israel should combat the spread of fake news with AI - opinion In the aftermath of the Gaza war, Israel faces a pivotal realization: while prepared for traditional cyber threats, the battle against fake news remains largely uncharted. By ISAAC BEN-ISRAEL JUNE 27, 2024 05:12

Israel should combat the spread of fake news with AI - opinion In the aftermath of the Gaza war, Israel faces a pivotal realization: while prepared for traditional cyber threats, the battle against fake news remains largely uncharted. By ISAAC BEN-ISRAEL JUNE 27, 2024 05:12

Hundreds of residents from Israel's North plead not be be evacuated from Jerusalem hotel "This coming Sunday, we are all supposed to leave the Yehuda Hotel, and we have nowhere to go," Nassimi explained. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF JUNE 27, 2024 06:23 Updated: JUNE 27, 2024 14:09

Hundreds of residents from Israel's North plead not be be evacuated from Jerusalem hotel "This coming Sunday, we are all supposed to leave the Yehuda Hotel, and we have nowhere to go," Nassimi explained. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF JUNE 27, 2024 06:23 Updated: JUNE 27, 2024 14:09

Are Gazan citizens who hold hostages a legitimate military target? Discourse on "involved" and "uninvolved" civilians in Gaza is alive in Israel. What makes civilians a legitimate target in war? The question requires clear definitions and practical implications. By DR. IDO ROSENZWEIG JUNE 27, 2024 11:23 Updated: JUNE 27, 2024 16:41

Are Gazan citizens who hold hostages a legitimate military target? Discourse on "involved" and "uninvolved" civilians in Gaza is alive in Israel. What makes civilians a legitimate target in war? The question requires clear definitions and practical implications. By DR. IDO ROSENZWEIG JUNE 27, 2024 11:23 Updated: JUNE 27, 2024 16:41

From antisemitism to Israel, the Jewish topics to watch for in the Biden-Trump debate A key theme of Biden’s campaign in recent weeks is the threat that Biden says Trump poses to democracy. By RON KAMPEAS/JTA JUNE 27, 2024 14:02

From antisemitism to Israel, the Jewish topics to watch for in the Biden-Trump debate A key theme of Biden’s campaign in recent weeks is the threat that Biden says Trump poses to democracy. By RON KAMPEAS/JTA JUNE 27, 2024 14:02

Vandalism campaign smashes, ransacks Israel-connected businesses in UK Elbit had logged 170 Palestine Action attacks against 37 companies since from July 2020 until November 2023. By MICHAEL STARR JUNE 27, 2024 13:56 Updated: JUNE 27, 2024 15:24

Vandalism campaign smashes, ransacks Israel-connected businesses in UK Elbit had logged 170 Palestine Action attacks against 37 companies since from July 2020 until November 2023. By MICHAEL STARR JUNE 27, 2024 13:56 Updated: JUNE 27, 2024 15:24

'Internal conflicts explode': Arab world celebrates Supreme Court’s haredi draft decision "This will escalate tensions between the leadership of the military and the judges on one hand, and the leadership of the right-wing government on the other," said one commenter. By OHAD MERLIN JUNE 26, 2024 20:27 Updated: JUNE 26, 2024 21:08

'Internal conflicts explode': Arab world celebrates Supreme Court’s haredi draft decision "This will escalate tensions between the leadership of the military and the judges on one hand, and the leadership of the right-wing government on the other," said one commenter. By OHAD MERLIN JUNE 26, 2024 20:27 Updated: JUNE 26, 2024 21:08

Harvard antisemitism task force finds ‘dire’ situation for Israelis on campus, urges swift action Harvard’s handling of Jewish student concerns came under intense criticism from Jewish circles after Oct. 7. By ANDREW LAPIN/JTA JUNE 27, 2024 14:18

Harvard antisemitism task force finds ‘dire’ situation for Israelis on campus, urges swift action Harvard’s handling of Jewish student concerns came under intense criticism from Jewish circles after Oct. 7. By ANDREW LAPIN/JTA JUNE 27, 2024 14:18

Was Oct. 7 caused by division in Israel society? 72% of public thinks so - study The index indicated that the government was the most divisive factor, while the Supreme Court was the least divisive. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF JUNE 27, 2024 05:11

Was Oct. 7 caused by division in Israel society? 72% of public thinks so - study The index indicated that the government was the most divisive factor, while the Supreme Court was the least divisive. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF JUNE 27, 2024 05:11

'What's happening in the Knesset is shameful': Mother of hostage Liri Albag pleas for deal Mother of Liri Albag, kidnapped by Hamas for over 8 months, shares family's pain & criticizes government's recent conduct in heartfelt message. By 103FM JUNE 27, 2024 13:31 Updated: JUNE 27, 2024 15:34

'What's happening in the Knesset is shameful': Mother of hostage Liri Albag pleas for deal Mother of Liri Albag, kidnapped by Hamas for over 8 months, shares family's pain & criticizes government's recent conduct in heartfelt message. By 103FM JUNE 27, 2024 13:31 Updated: JUNE 27, 2024 15:34

Julian Assange secures freedom following plea deal with US, sentenced to time served As a condition of his plea, Julian Assange must destroy classified information provided to WikiLeaks Landon Mion By Landon Mion Fox News Published June 26, 2024 1:03am EDT | Updated June 26, 2024 2:14am EDT

Julian Assange secures freedom following plea deal with US, sentenced to time served As a condition of his plea, Julian Assange must destroy classified information provided to WikiLeaks Landon Mion By Landon Mion Fox News Published June 26, 2024 1:03am EDT | Updated June 26, 2024 2:14am EDT

Hacia una mayor inclusión financiera para el desarrollo: Informe económico sobre Centroamérica, México, Panamá y República Dominicana It is estimated that the region of Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic (CAPARD) will experience growth in 2024 that is below the historical average, with more stringent financial conditions. In this context, financial inclusion plays a crucial role in moderating consumption fluctuations and fostering investment. This report analyzes the prevailing conditions of credit and financial inclusion in CAPARD and, based on the analysis of the determinants of financial inclusion, proposes policies to accelerate its deepening. The focus is on National Financial Inclusion Strategies, financial education, interest rates and the competitive environment, and digital financial inclusion. Finally, the report describes the participation of the IDB Group in promoting financial inclusion in the region through a selection of its operations. Se estima que la región de Centroamérica, Panamá y República Dominicana (CAPARD) tendrá en 2024 un crecimiento menor al promedio histórico y sus condiciones financieras serán más astringentes. En este contexto, la inclusión financiera ejerce un papel crucial en la moderación de las fluctuaciones del consumo y en el fomento de la inversión. En este informe, se analiza la situación del crédito y la inclusión financiera en CAPARD y, sobre la base del análisis de los determinantes de la inclusión financiera, se proponen políticas para acelerar su profundización, con énfasis en las Estrategias Nacionales de Inclusión Financiera, la educación financiera, las tasas de interés y el ambiente competitivo, y la inclusión financiera digital. Finalmente, se describe la participación del Grupo BID para promover la inclusión financiera en la región a través de una selección de sus operaciones.

martes, 25 de junio de 2024

Putin señala que su propuesta de paz realmente puede solucionar la crisis ucraniana hace 7 horas (actualizado: hace 7 horas) ++++

Putin señala que su propuesta de paz realmente puede solucionar la crisis ucraniana hace 7 horas (actualizado: hace 7 horas) MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — El presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, confía en que sus propuestas allanan el camino para la paz en Ucrania, según el mismo expresó en un mensaje de salutación a la audiencia del foro internacional Lecturas Primakov. Lavrov declara que la OSCE sirve a los intereses de Occidente hace 4 horas (actualizado: hace 4 horas) MINSK (Sputnik) — La Organización para la Seguridad y la Cooperación en Europa (OSCE) pasó a servir a los intereses de Occidente, lo que requiere medidas más eficaces para contrarrestarlo, indicó el ministro de Exteriores ruso, Serguéi Lavrov, tras una reunión con el presidente bielorruso, Alexandr Lukashenko. Rusia considera ilegales las sanciones de la UE hace 3 horas MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — Rusia considera que las sanciones impuestas en su contra por la Unión Europea (UE) son ilegales y se opone de manera decidida a ellas, declaró el portavoz del Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov. Rusia anuncia medidas de respuesta a las restricciones de la UE contra los medios rusos hace 2 horas (actualizado: hace 2 horas) MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — Rusia restringió en su territorio el acceso a varios medios de comunicación de Estados miembros de la Unión Europea (UE) como medida de represalia, informó el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ruso.

"Assange demostró que es posible poner en jaque a los más poderosos desde la verdad" hace 10 horas (actualizado: hace 7 horas) ++

"Assange demostró que es posible poner en jaque a los más poderosos desde la verdad" hace 10 horas (actualizado: hace 7 horas) La liberación de Julian Assange es histórica porque el trabajo que hizo hace años en la plataforma WikiLeaks —donde fue publicada información clasificada de EEUU— fue un "punto de quiebre" en la historia contemporánea del periodismo, dicen en entrevista periodistas y analistas consultados por Sputnik. Así comenzó a reaccionar el mundo a la liberación de Assange de una prisión británica hace 12 horas (actualizado: hace 2 horas) Los líderes latinoamericanos fueron los primeros en reaccionar a la liberación del activista y periodista Julian Assange de una prisión británica tras vivir años de persecución de parte de Estados Unidos por revelar información clasificada de Washington. Assange ya llevaba cinco años preso en una cárcel a las afueras de Londres.


RUSIA DA LA BIENVENIDA A TURQUÍA POR INTERÉS DE LOS BRICS 25 de junio de 2024 La Voz Del Árabe El portavoz del Kremlin, Dmitry Peskov, dijo hoy que Rusia da la bienvenida al interés de Turquía por unirse al bloque BRICS.


MILES DE PERSONAS SE MANIFIESTAN CONTRA GOBIERNO ISRAELÍ 25 de junio de 2024 La Voz Del Árabe – La organización de protesta antigubernamental Hofshi Israel calcula que más de 150.000 personas asistieron a la concentración, que calificó de la mayor desde que comenzó la guerra de Gaza.–


EL MUNDO NO PUEDE PERMITIR QUE EL LÍBANO SE CONVIERTA EN OTRA GAZA 25 de junio de 2024 La Voz Del Árabe –El Secretario General reitera también su llamamiento a un alto el fuego en Gaza que garantice la entrega de ayuda humanitaria, ante la “anarquía total” en el enclave y la ausencia de una autoridad en la mayor parte del territorio. Por su parte, los trabajadores humanitarios advierten que las pausas en los combates anunciadas por Israel “no se reflejan sobre el terreno”.

US journalist Evan Gershkovich faces Russian spy charges © 2024 Deutsche Welle

US journalist Evan Gershkovich faces Russian spy charges Thomas Latschan 7 hours ago7 hours ago Evan Gershkovich, a US reporter, is accused of being a CIA spy and has been detained in a Moscow jail for over a year. He could face up to 20 years in prison — unless he's saved by a last-minute prisoner swap. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Germany's center right gets tough on Ukrainian refugees © 2024 Deutsche Welle ++

Germany's center right gets tough on Ukrainian refugees Ben Knight 06/24/2024June 24, 2024 Germany's center-right parties are pushing for stricter measures for refugees from Ukraine, including reduced benefits and job requirements. Critics have argued these policies could hurt the job market. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Ukraine, EU begin accession negotiations Lucia Schulten in Brussels 6 hours ago6 hours ago Ukraine has come a long way in meeting the EU's standards for joining the bloc. As Kyiv and European officials begin negotiating the terms, DW's Lucia Schulten looks at why a membership may still be years off. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

WEF in China: Global economy in a slump © 2024 Deutsche Welle

WEF in China: Global economy in a slump Manuela Kasper-Claridge in Dalian, China 6 hours ago6 hours ago China has been the driver of the global economy for years, but now it's hitting roadblocks. It's just one of the many topics at this year's World Economic Forum meeting in China. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Assange to plead guilty, return to Australia, after US deal © 2024 Deutsche Welle +++

LAW AND JUSTICEUNITED STATES OF AMERICA Assange to plead guilty, return to Australia, after US deal 14 hours ago14 hours ago Wikileaks founder Julian Assange agrees to plead guilty to espionage under a deal with the United States. He is on his way to Australia after 62 months in a UK jail. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Stella Assange: Dropping WikiLeaks case 'right thing' to do Birgit Maass in London 05/20/2024May 20, 2024 The High Court in London has ruled that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has the right to appeal against his extradition to the United States. His wife Stella told DW that dropping the case was the "right thing" to do. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Julian Assange: Saint or sinner? Matthias von Hein 01/02/2021January 2, 2021 The court of public opinion remains undecided on Julian Assange. But the fate of the WikiLeaks founder is currently in the hands of a London judge who will decide whether to extradite him to the US. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Middle East updates: Israel's ultra-Orthodox can be drafted Published 5 hours ago last updated 10 minutes ago DW has more. © 2024 Deutsche Welle +++

Middle East updates: Israel's ultra-Orthodox can be drafted Published 5 hours agoPublished 5 hours agolast updated 10 minutes agolast updated 10 minutes ago Israel's Supreme Court has ruled that ultra-Orthodox men can no longer be exempt from military service. Meanwhile, Germany's foreign minister is holding talks in Ramallah, Jerusalem and Beirut. DW has more. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Palestinian home demolitions spike in east Jerusalem Aya Ibrahim in east Jerusalem 3 hours ago3 hours ago East Jerusalem is home to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. Following the October 7 attacks by Hamas, Israeli authorities have stepped up the demolition of Palestinian homes, leading to a rise in tensions. DW's Aya Ibrahim reports. © 2024 Deutsche Welle Netanyahu: Intense phase of Gaza war winding down Aaron Tilton 22 hours ago22 hours ago Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said the "intense phase" of his country's military operations against the Islamist-militant Hamas group in Gaza is "about to end." He added, however, that the fighting won't stop until the group behind the October 7 terror attacks no longer controls Gaza.v © 2024 Deutsche Welle

China-Peru ties rooted in common aspirations China Daily | Updated: 2024-06-25 06:43 ++++ Editor's note: Peruvian President Dina Boluarte Zegarra will kick off a five-day state visit to China on Tuesday, her first visit to the country since taking office in 2022. On the day of her arrival, China Daily is publishing her signed article, in which the president speaks highly of the Peru-China relationship and expresses her wish to strengthen cooperation in various fields to create a brighter future for the two countries. Action plan issued for Sino-Polish cooperation By WANG QINGYUN | China Daily | Updated: 2024-06-25 01:09 China has decided to implement a 15-day visa-free policy for Polish citizens, President Xi Jinping said when meeting with visiting Polish President Andrzej Duda in Beijing on Monday, as both nations issued an action plan to boost cooperation in trade and other fields. A look at China's economic data in May | Updated: 2024-06-25 06:40 China's economy is showing fresh signs of modest recovery as its economic data in May showed positive signals. Milan and Shanghai: Sisters in style | Updated: 2024-06-25 11:50 The "Expo bridge", drawing Shanghai and Milan closer, now spans nearly a decade. Throughout this period, the two cities have developed more frequent exchanges, notably within the fashion and design industries, encompassing a wide range of sectors, such as clothing, footwear, furniture, ornaments, and more.

China intensifies disaster control efforts as torrential rain leads more floods Xinhua | Updated: 2024-06-25 09:05 BEIJING -- China's flood control efforts have entered a critical phase, with 33 rivers nationwide exceeding warning levels by Monday, according to the Ministry of Water Resources.

China's top court releases judicial explanation on anti-monopoly litigation Xinhua | Updated: 2024-06-25 09:06 BEIJING -- The Supreme People's Court on Monday issued an updated judicial explanation on anti-monopoly civil litigation to maintain fair competition and order in the market and uphold judicial justice and efficiency.

China launches month-long anti-fraud awareness campaign Xinhua | Updated: 2024-06-25 09:06 BEIJING -- China on Monday initiated a month-long nationwide campaign aimed at raising public awareness and combating telecommunication and cyber fraud.

Hostage families mad after PM says will agree to partial release of hostages in temporary cease-fire It is not the first time that the prime minister has said he would not approve a permanent cease-fire, but the families and the war cabinet were still caught off guard when Netanyahu floated a partial hostage retrieval deal during his first Israeli television interview since Oct. 7 'who do we leave behind? Who is worth more?' Sheila Fried, Nir Cohen, Yael Ciechanover, Itamar Eichner|08:39

Hostage families mad after PM says will agree to partial release of hostages in temporary cease-fire It is not the first time that the prime minister has said he would not approve a permanent cease-fire, but the families and the war cabinet were still caught off guard when Netanyahu floated a partial hostage retrieval deal during his first Israeli television interview since Oct. 7 'who do we leave behind? Who is worth more?' Sheila Fried, Nir Cohen, Yael Ciechanover, Itamar Eichner|08:39

Is the Russian navy monitoring an Israeli submarine? Reports suggest two separate Russian vessels have been spotted near the German city of Kiel, where Israel's INS Dragon sub is conducting tests to determine the full extent of its capabilities ynet correspondents|10:04 According to a report on NavalNews, there are signs that Russian intelligence ships might be keeping tabs on Israel's new and advanced submarine. The report suggests that the ships, Sibirjakov and Vasily Tatishchev, could be gathering intelligence on the INS Dragon during its "sea trials" phase.

WATCH: 'Significant' Hamas operative Muhammad Salah eliminated in Israeli strike Muhammad Salah was an operative in Hamas's Weapons Manufacturing Headquarters and oversaw projects and development for the organization. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF JUNE 24, 2024 09:46 Updated: JUNE 24, 2024 12:55

WATCH: 'Significant' Hamas operative Muhammad Salah eliminated in Israeli strike Muhammad Salah was an operative in Hamas's Weapons Manufacturing Headquarters and oversaw projects and development for the organization. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF JUNE 24, 2024 09:46 Updated: JUNE 24, 2024 12:55

Gallant, Hochstein meet on Hezbollah after US military chief rejects IDF action Their talks come as part of a series of explicit and anonymous leaks by US officials trying to pressure Israel against launching a war on Hezbollah. By YONAH JEREMY BOB JUNE 24, 2024 16:15 Updated: JUNE 24, 2024 16:42

Gallant, Hochstein meet on Hezbollah after US military chief rejects IDF action Their talks come as part of a series of explicit and anonymous leaks by US officials trying to pressure Israel against launching a war on Hezbollah. By YONAH JEREMY BOB JUNE 24, 2024 16:15 Updated: JUNE 24, 2024 16:42

Ukraine updates: Russia summons US envoy over Crimea strike © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Ukraine updates: Russia summons US envoy over Crimea strike Published 3 hours agoPublished 3 hours agolast updated 1 hour agolast updated 1 hour ago Moscow has said the US bears equal responsibility for a strike on Crimea that killed at least four, including two children. Meanwhile, the EU has adopted a new package of sanctions targeting Russia. DW has more. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Middle East updates: Baerbock says planning Lebanon visit © 2024 Deutsche Welle

Middle East updates: Baerbock says planning Lebanon visit Published 4 hours agoPublished 4 hours agolast updated 4 hours agolast updated 4 hours ago Germany's foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock, has called intensified fighting on the Israeli-Lebanese border "more than concerning," and said she would stop off in Lebanon on her Middle East trip. DW has more. © 2024 Deutsche Welle

MSNBC host scolds co-host for saying 'illegal immigrant' on program: We say 'undocumented' 'That’s sweet, they're illegal aliens,' Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts said as one host requested 'undocumented' be used By Jeffrey Clark Fox News Published June 24, 2024 9:19am EDT

MSNBC host scolds co-host for saying 'illegal immigrant' on program: We say 'undocumented' 'That’s sweet, they're illegal aliens,' Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts said as one host requested 'undocumented' be used By Jeffrey Clark Fox News Published June 24, 2024 9:19am EDT

domingo, 23 de junio de 2024

Fundación catarí acusa a Israel de destruir escuelas de Gaza restauradas hace años hace 11 horas (actualizado: hace 10 horas)

DOHA (Sputnik) — Más de 100 instituciones educativas restauradas por Catar después de las hostilidades de 2014 en la Franja de Gaza fueron nuevamente destruidas por los bombardeos israelíes, declaró a Sputnik Hani Shehada, director del programa de educación juvenil Al Fakhoora, de la fundación catarí Education Above All.

Consumidores en EEUU se aprietan el cinturón en el lugar más inesperado: la tienda de comestibles hace 1 hora

El aumento de la inflación alimentaria provoca una realidad inesperada: los estadounidenses compran menos productos alimenticios en la tienda, revela el medio 'Financial Times'. En opinión del expresidente estadounidense Donald Trump, la tasa de inflación bajo el mandato de Joe Biden está matando a Estados Unidos.

Ataque ucraniano con misiles a una playa en Crimea deja muertos y un centenar de heridos | Videos hace 5 horas (actualizado: hace 48 min)

Cinco civiles murieron, entre ellos dos menores de edad de 2 y 9 años, y otros 124 resultaros heridos por un ataque ucraniano sobre una playa de la ciudad rusa de Sebastopol en Crimea. Fuerzas ucranianas atacaron la ciudad con misiles estadounidenses Atacms que llevaban municiones de racimo, indicó la Defensa rusa.

La Defensa rusa responsabiliza a EEUU por el mortífero ataque a Sebastopol hace 30 min (actualizado: hace 3 min)

Estados Unidos es igual de responsable que las autoridades de Ucrania por el ataque contra Sebastopol, afirma el Ministerio de Defensa ruso. El golpe contra una playa de la ciudad rusa con misiles estadounidenses Atacms se ha saldado con numerosos muertos y heridos, entre ellos menores de edad.

ESTRECHO DE GIBRALTAR 21 de junio de 2024 La Voz Del Árabe

ESTRECHO DE GIBRALTAR 21 de junio de 2024 La Voz Del Árabe – En su punto más estrecho, Europa y África están separadas por 14,4 km de océano.​ Tiene una profundidad de 300 a 900 metros. El estrecho de Gibraltar o simplemente el Estrecho, es el lugar por donde se produce la unión natural de dos masas de agua: el mar Mediterráneo y el océano Atlántico y la separación entre dos continentes: Europa y África. Incluso geológicamente, el estrecho representa la fisura de las dos placas tectónicas: la euroasiática y la africana. Es una de las vías de navegación más importantes del mundo, al dar acceso al océano Atlántico y el mar Mediterráneo, que a su vez comunica con Medio Oriente y Asia por el canal de Suez. En navegación marítima se abrevia como STROG, del inglés: Strait Of Gibraltar. En la Edad Antigua también se menciona como las Columnas de Hércules.

Argentina, México y Perú bajo lupa de derechos humanos de la ONU Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

GINEBRA – El alto comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, Volker Türk, sumó reclamos a los Estados de Argentina, Perú y México, en la presentación que hizo este martes 18 sobre el panorama de asedio a los derechos humanos en varias regiones del mundo. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

El clima, la etnia y la negligencia alimentan la violencia en estados centrales de Nigeria Por Promise Eze Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

KADUNA, Nigeria – Lami Kwasu, un agricultor de la aldea de Kafanchan, en el estado de Kaduna, en el centro norte de Nigeria, estaba en su casa una tarde de octubre de 2020 cuando el sonido de disparos esporádicos llenó el aire. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

La inversión extranjera sigue débil en el mundo Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

GINEBRA – La inversión extranjera directa (IED) mundial en 2023 fue de 1,3 billones (millones de millones) de dólares, dos por ciento menos que el año anterior, debido a las tensiones geopolíticas y comerciales globales, indicó un análisis de la Unctad (ONU Comercio y Desarrollo) divulgado este jueves 20. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

En Nueva Caledonia es hora de hablar de descolonización Este es un artículo de opinión de Andrew Firmin, redactor jefe de CIVICUS, la alianza internacional de la sociedad civil. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

En Nueva Caledonia es hora de hablar de descolonización Este es un artículo de opinión de Andrew Firmin, redactor jefe de CIVICUS, la alianza internacional de la sociedad civil. Por Andrew Firmin LONDRES – La violencia que sacudió Nueva Caledonia en mayo ha remitido. El presidente francés, Emmanuel Macron, acaba de anunciar la suspensión de los cambios en el derecho al voto en la nación insular del Pacífico, anexionada por su país en 1853. Su intento de introducir estos cambios desató semanas de violencia. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Las carencias educativas cuestan diez billones de dólares al año Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

PARÍS – La desescolarización y las carencias educativas tienen un costo anual de 10 billones (millones de millones) de dólares para la economía mundial, indicó un estudio de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (Unesco). Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Una maniobra para superar el veto de EEUU sobre Palestina Por Thalif Deen Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

NACIONES UNIDAS – Estados Unidos, que sigue utilizando su poder de veto para impedir que Palestina sea miembro de la ONU, podría verse superado por una nueva campaña de algunos Estados miembros, que planean establecer relaciones políticas y diplomáticas plenas con Palestina fuera de los confines de las Naciones Unidas. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Más acción por el clima exige 80 % de la población del mundo Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

NACIONES UNIDAS – La mayor encuesta de opinión pública sobre el cambio climático revela que 80 por ciento de las personas en todo el mundo quieren que sus gobiernos tomen medidas más enérgicas frente a la crisis climática, informó este jueves 20 el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (Pnud). Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Israel ha violado las leyes de la guerra en Gaza, acusa la ONU Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

GINEBRA – Una investigación de las Naciones Unidas sobre los bombardeos del ejército israelí en la Franja Gaza estableció que “se han violado sistemáticamente” las leyes de la guerra en lo que respecta al uso de bombas de enorme potencia y a la supuesta falta de distinción entre combatientes y civiles. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

La contaminación del aire mata ocho millones de personas cada año Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

La contaminación del aire mata ocho millones de personas cada año NACIONES UNIDAS – La contaminación del aire se ha convertido en grave riesgo de muerte prematura en el mundo y anualmente cobra más de ocho millones de vidas, entre ellas las de 700 000 niños menores de cinco años, indicó un estudio divulgado este miércoles 19 por Unicef. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Restablecer la confianza: Enfrentarse a la corrupción y defender la integridad Este es un artículo de opinión de Francine Pickup, directora adjunta de la Dirección de Políticas y Apoyo a los Programas del PNUD. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Restablecer la confianza: Enfrentarse a la corrupción y defender la integridad Este es un artículo de opinión de Francine Pickup, directora adjunta de la Dirección de Políticas y Apoyo a los Programas del PNUD. Por Francine Pickup NACIONES UNIDAS – Cincuenta y ocho por ciento de los encuestados en todo el mundo cree que su sistema político ha sido capturado por una élite corrupta, obsoleta e irreformable. La corrupción prospera en entornos caracterizados por una gobernanza débil, donde la transparencia, la rendición de cuentas y la toma de decisiones públicas se ven comprometidas por conflictos de intereses e interferencias políticas. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Persiste la contaminación química en alimentos, aire y aguas Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

NAIROBI – Los contaminantes orgánicos persistentes (COP), sustancias químicas peligrosas para la salud, persisten al cabo de décadas en la leche humana, el aire, el agua, los alimentos, suelos y ecosistemas, advirtió un informe presentado este lunes 17 por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (Pnuma). Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

Defender el territorio para defender la vida en la Panamazonia Por Mariela Jara Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

RURRENABAQUE, Bolivia – Defender los territorios de la Amazonía de la deforestación, la minería y otras actividades extractivas, y de las violencias contra las mujeres, con un claro llamado a la unidad de las luchas de los pueblos, fue uno de los consensos del XI Foro Social Panamazónico (Fospa) realizado en la ciudad boliviana de Rurrrenabaque, entre el 12 y 15 de junio. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

El acaparamiento de tierras asfixia a los pobres rurales en todo el mundo Este es un artículo de opinión de Jomo Kwame Sundaram, profesor de economía y antiguo secretario general adjunto de la ONU para el Desarrollo Económico. El acaparamiento de tierras asfixia a los pobres rurales en todo el mundo Este es un artículo de opinión de Jomo Kwame Sundaram, profesor de economía y antiguo secretario general adjunto de la ONU para el Desarrollo Económico. Por Jomo Kwame Sundaram Un informe del Panel Internacional Expertos en Sistemas Alimentarios Sostenibles (IPES-Food), publicado en mayo, pone de relieve el acaparamiento de tierras (incluso con fines aparentemente ecológicos), los medios financieros utilizados y algunas implicaciones significativas. Copyright © 2024 IPS-Inter Press Service.

sábado, 22 de junio de 2024

Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System

The global agrifood system has been largely overlooked in the fight against climate change. Yet, greenhouse gas emissions from the agrifood system are so big that they alone could cause the world to miss the goal of keeping global average temperatures from rising above 1.5 centigrade compared to preindustrial levels. Greenhouse gas emissions from agrifood must be cut to net zero by 2050 to achieve this goal. Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System offers the first comprehensive global strategic framework to mitigate the agrifood system’s contributions to climate change, detailing affordable and readily available measures that can cut nearly a third of the world’s planet heating emissions while ensuring global food security. These actions, which are urgently needed, offer three additional benefits: improving food supply reliability, strengthening the global food system’s resilience to climate change, and safeguarding vulnerable populations. This practical guide outlines global actions and specific steps that countries at all income levels can take starting now, focusing on six key areas: investments, incentives, information, innovation, institutions, and inclusion. Calling for collaboration among governments, businesses, citizens, and international organizations, it maps a pathway to making agrifood a significant contributor to addressing climate change and healing the planet.

Women, Business and the Law Women, Business and the Law 2024 is the tenth in a series of annual studies measuring the enabling environment for women’s economic opportunity in 190 economies. This year, the study presents two sets of data: Women, Business and the Law 1.0 and an expanded version, Women, Business and the Law 2.0. Women, Business and the Law 1.0 updates its index of eight indicators. Women, Business and the Law 2.0 introduces a new framework for measuring the implementation gap. It analyzes laws—de jure— and examines the existence of frameworks supporting implementation of the law and gauges experts’ opinions on the outcome of the law for women—de facto. Women, Business and the Law 2.0 introduces two new indicators – Safety and Childcare – and revises its ongoing indicators.

World Development Report 2023: Migrants, Refugees, and Societies

“The priestly leaders of the Parsis were brought before the local ruler, Jadhav Rana, who presented them with a vessel full of milk to signify that the surrounding lands could not possibly accommodate any more people. The Parsi head priest responded by slipping some sugar into the milk to signify how the strangers would enrich the local community without displacing them. They would dissolve into life like sugar dissolves in the milk, sweetening the society but not unsettling it. The ruler responded to the eloquent image and granted the exiles land and permission to practice their religion unhindered if they would respect local customs, and learn the local language, Gujarati.”—Parsi Legend

The Great Reversal: Prospects, Risks, and Policies in International Development Association Countries

The 75 economies eligible for low-interest loans and grants from the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) had made notable progress against some important development objectives over the first two decades of this century. Despite this, on the eve of the COVID-19 pandemic, significant development gaps persisted, income convergence with advanced economies was slowing, and some vulnerabilities were rising.

Launch of Academy to Transform the Knowledge Agenda at the World Bank Group This page in:English 中文

WASHINGTON, June 20, 2024—A new World Bank Group (WBG) platform – the WBG Academy – aims to equip future leaders with development expertise that can help them realize their countries’ full potential. A key component of the Bank Group’s efforts to transform its approach to knowledge, the Academy will deliver programs that enhance engagement among government, development practitioners, Bank Group staff, and other stakeholders to share knowledge, learn from experience, and identify actions needed to solve difficult development challenges.

Pakistan: World Bank Approves $535 Million for Crisis-Resilient Social Protection and Climate-Smart Growth in the Livestock and Aquaculture Sectors

WASHINGTON, June 20, 2024—The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved $535 million in financing for Pakistan to support two projects. The additional financing for the Crisis Resilient Social Protection (CRISP) Program aims to strengthen the country's social protection system and build shock resilience among poor and vulnerable households, while the Sindh Livestock and Aquaculture Sectors Transformation (LIVAQUA) Project will promote climate-smart and competitive small and medium producers in the livestock and aquaculture sectors in Sindh.

Bangladesh Receives $900 million World Bank Financing to Increase Economic and Urban Resilience for Sustainable Growth

WASHINGTON DC, June 21, 2024 — The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved two projects totaling $900 million to help Bangladesh strengthen fiscal and financial sector policies and improve urban infrastructure and management to ensure sustainable and climate-resilient growth.

International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group Announce the First Country Benefitting from the Enhanced Cooperation Framework for Scaled-Up Climate Action

WASHINGTON, June 21, 2024 – The World Bank Group (WBG) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) are pleased to announce that the Enhanced Cooperation Framework for Climate Action is now operational. Madagascar will be the first country benefitting from the Framework in the context of the Resilience and Sustainability Facility (RSF) arrangement approved today by the IMF Executive Board, and the WBG active engagement on climate change in the country.

Uzbekistan Receives $7.5 Million in Carbon Credits for Enabling Half a Million Tons of Emissions Reduction This page in:English Русский

Tashkent, June 21, 2024—Uzbekistan has become the first country in the world receiving a payment from the World Bank for reducing carbon emissions through a policy crediting program. This pioneering project – the Innovative Carbon Resource Application for Energy Transition (iCRAFT) – was crafted to support Uzbekistan in implementing energy efficiency measures, phasing out energy subsidies, and transitioning to cleaner energy sources.

New World Bank Program Boosts Sustainable Transport Infrastructure for Vital Viet Nam Waterways This page in:English Tiếng Việt WASHINGTON, June 21, 2024—The World Bank Board of Directors today approved a US$107 million credit to improve the capacity, efficiency, and safety of inland waterways in southern Viet Nam while cutting greenhouse gas emissions in the country's transport sector.

PRESS RELEASEJUNE 17, 2024 Bolivia Promotes Climate Resilient Roads with World Bank Support This page in:English Español WASHINGTON D.C., June 17, 2024 – The World Bank Board of Directors approved a new project in the Plurinational State of Bolivia to strengthen climate risk management in the road sector and improve the climate resilience and safety of bridges and sections of highways in the country.

PRESS RELEASEJUNE 18, 2024 Strong Electric Utilities Critical to Clean Energy for All This page in:English Español Français العربية

WASHINGTON, June 18, 2024 —The majority of electric utilities in developing countries are ill-equipped to meet growing demand for power and add more renewable energy into the grid, hindering global energy transition goals to provide clean, reliable, and affordable electricity to all, says the World Bank in a new report issued today.

Growth Stabilizing But at a Weak Pace This page in:English Español Русский 中文 Português العربية

Despite an improvement in near-term prospects, the global outlook remains subdued by historical standards. In 2024-25, growth is set to underperform its 2010s average in nearly 60 percent of economies, comprising over 80 percent of the global population. Downside risks predominate, including geopolitical tensions, trade fragmentation, higher-for-longer interest rates, and climate-related disasters. Global cooperation is needed to safeguard trade, support green and digital transitions, deliver debt relief, and improve food security. In EMDEs, public investment can boost productivity and catalyze private investment, promoting long-run growth. Comprehensive fiscal reforms are essential to address ongoing fiscal challenges in small states, including those arising from heightened exposure to external shocks.

For the Poorest Countries, Climate Action is Development in Action This page in:English Español Français العربية 中文

No country is immune to the impacts of climate change, but the world’s poorest countries will bear the greatest burden. Over the last decade, they have been hit by nearly eight times as many natural disasters, compared with three decades ago, resulting in a three-fold increase in economic damage.

The energy transition is only as strong as its most critical link GUANGZHE CHEN JUNE 18, 2024 This page in: English Français Español العربية

Envision a large-scale wind farm producing clean electricity at full tilt. At the same time, a growing city with consumers and industries is eager to power their computers and machinery. Sounds ideal. But what if this power cannot be readily transmitted from the wind turbines to all who need it? Households, businesses, and entire economies will suffer.

viernes, 21 de junio de 2024

UK's Jewish Labour Movement head talks Keir Starmer to 'Post'

UK's Jewish Labour Movement head talks Keir Starmer to 'Post' “Since the very first day of Keir’s leadership, he promised to tackle antisemitism,” said Jewish Labour Movement national chair Mike Katz. By MICHAEL STARR JUNE 21, 2024 12:53 Updated: JUNE 21, 2024 12:54

IDF destroys launch site placed in humanitarian zone, escalates operations in Rafah

IDF destroys launch site placed in humanitarian zone, escalates operations in Rafah The Israeli Air Force struck the launch site that was placed inside a shelter located in the humanitarian zone. Additionally, IDF troops escalate operations in Rafah. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF, REUTERS JUNE 21, 2024 09:26 Updated: JUNE 21, 2024 13:15

What’s next in Gaza after Rafah? - analysis

What’s next in Gaza after Rafah? - analysis If the IDF chooses to reenter northern Gaza, going into areas it has already operated in it will raise questions regarding Hamas’s ability to rebuild its networks quickly. By SETH J. FRANTZMAN JUNE 20, 2024 21:57 Updated: JUNE 21, 2024 01:34

Aggression by the Iran-backed Houthis continues unabated - analysis

Aggression by the Iran-backed Houthis continues unabated - analysis The Houthi attacks are continuing, and severe damage is being inflicted on global trade, with no end in sight. By JONATHAN SPYER JUNE 21, 2024 12:50 Updated: JUNE 21, 2024 13:23

Repaying a debt with blood: Israeli doctor saved Sinwar, nephew killed on Oct. 7

Repaying a debt with blood: Israeli doctor saved Sinwar, nephew killed on Oct. 7 Dr. Yuval Bitton saved Yahya Sinwar's life in 2004. Sinwar promised to repay the debt upon his release in 2011, only to plot the murder of Bitton's nephew and countless other Israelis 19 years later. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF JUNE 21, 2024 16:42 Updated: JUNE 21, 2024 16:50